New York Revolutionary War
Pension Lists 1792-1795

Two fires in 1800, one in the War Department, the other in the Treasury Department, destroyed the earliest Revolutionary War pension application records. Nevertheless, certain pension records pre-dating 1800 survive in the form of Congressional reports. Represented here are the pension claims of New York Revolutionary War soldiers extracted from Congressional reports between 1792 and 1795. Please note that I do not have any information about these soldiers. Researchers desiring additional information should write to the National Archives for a copy of the soldier's entire pension record. For instructions for obtaining military records from the National Archives, click here.

Balsle, John. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Captain Hous's Militia; Residence: Connajoharrie; Remarks: Wounded in 13 different places at Fort Hous on May 20, 1781; militia.

Belknap, Jonas. Rank: Sergeant; Regt. or Co.: Colo: J. Brooks; Residence: Cherry Valley, Otsego; Remarks: Wounded in the left side by Indians at Cobuskill on May 30, 1778; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Bishop, Charles. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: General Herkimer; Residence: Montgomery Co.; Remarks: Wounded in the left arm by buckshot at Oriskie in Aug. 1777; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Blauvelt, Abraham. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Lieut. Colo: Cooper's Militia; Residence: Orange Co.; Remarks: Wounded several times at Orangetown in Oct. 1778; no rolls in War Dept.

Bouce, Henry. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Willett; Residence: Watervliet, Albany; Remarks: Wounded in the side by Indians at Tourlock in June 1781; soldier mustered in York line.

Bradt, Henry. Rank: Lieutenant; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Coxe; Residence: Cherry Valley, Otsego; Remarks: Received two wounds in the battle of Herkimer on Aug. 7, 1777; physician reports no disability due to wounds; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Brooks, Thomas. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Van Cortland; Residence: West Chester Co.; Remarks: Wounded in his right knee by a musket ball at Behmus' Heights on Sept. 7, 1777; enlisted Jan. 2, 1777 for the war; on the rolls in 1782.

Brown, Obadiah. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Notton's Rangers; Residence: Cambridge; Remarks: Wounded in his left arm at Harlem Heights on Sept. 6, 1776; militia.

Camp, Amos; Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Hale's NH Regt.; Residence: Columbia Co.; Wounded at Behmus' Heights on Sept. 1, 1777; enlisted Apr. 14, 1777; chacharged May 1, 1780.

Campbell, Duncan. Rank: Lieutenant; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Livingston; Residence: New York; Remarks: Wounded in right leg at Behmus' Heights in Oct. or Nov. 1777; sick in Albany from Jul. 20, 1777 to Feb. 1, 1779.

Carman, Henry. Rank: Ensign; Regt. or Co.: Colo: S. Drake's Militia; Residence: Yorktown, W. Chester Co.; Remarks: Injured in a gun accident on Nov. 3, 1780 at Crumpond, now Yorktown; full pension.

Chanpenois, William. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Thomas' Militia; Residence: West Chester; Remarks: Wounded by a ball in the head received from an ambush at King Street in 1781; no rolls in War Dept.; 3/4 pension.

Chapell, Russel. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: 1st CT; Residence: Schenectady; Remarks: Injured moving a cannon at King's Ferry over the North River in 1782; enlisted Feb. 10, 1781; on the rolls Jan. 1783; 1/2 pension.

Charlesworth, John. Rank: Master Sergeant; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Van Cordtlandt; Residence: Connajorharrie; Remarks: Disabled by disease contracted in service in 1780; no militia rolls in War Dept.; disability not proven to have arisen from known wounds.

Cole, James. Rank: Sailor; Regt. or Co.: Sloop Mechias; Residence: Westfield, Liberty; Remarks: Wounded in leg in action with a British tender in June 1775; no militia rolls in War Dept.; evidence incomplete.

Cook, Rudolph. Rank: Captain; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Klock; Residence: - ; Remarks: Lost eye in service at Stone Arabia Fort in July 1780; no militia rolls in War Dept.; evidence incomplete.

Courtney, Francis. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: 1st NY; Residence: Montgomery, Ulster; Remarks: Lost his eyesight at Quebec on Jan. 7, 1776; enlisted Dec. 2, 1776; evidence incomplete; no examination papers by surgeons; no evidence of discharge.

Cox, Phineas. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: - ; Residence: Minisink; Remarks: Injured when stretching a chain across the North River at Fort Montgomery in Oct. 1776; not on rolls; evidence incomplete; no examination papers or surgeons; no evidence of discharge.

Crawford, Henry. Rank: Dragoon; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Sheldon; Residence: Washington Co.; Remarks: Wounded by a musket ball in the thigh at Mile square in Nov. 1777; enlited May 7, 1777; discharged Nov. 15, 1780.

Creamer, John. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: S. Clyde; Residence: Connajorharrie; Remarks: Wounded in left hip at Fort Clyde in July 1782; no militia rolls in War Dept.; evidence incomplete.

Davis, Isaac. Rank: Sergeant; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Fisher; Residence: Conewaga; Remarks: Disabled in service; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Davis, Nathan. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Gansevoort; Residence: New Galloway, Saratoga; Remarks: Injured at Fort Stanwix in 1778; enlisted Jan. 1, 1777; returned sick and omitted Sept. 1778.

Dieffendorph, Jacob. Rank: Lieutenant; Regt. or Co.: Capt. Henry Dieffendorph; Residence: Connajoharrie; Remarks: Wounded in the left foot from an accidental musket discharge in 1775; militia.

Dole, James. Rank: Lieutenant; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Sheldon; Residence: Lansingburg; Remarks: Wounded in hip by a gunshot at Kingstreet, NY on Aug. 17, 1780; enlisted May 7, 1777; promoted to lieutenant; received commutation which was not returned.

Edegh, Jacob. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Bellenger; Residence: Schuyler; Remarks: Wounded in the back by a tomahawk by Indians at Thompson's place in Sept. 1779; no rolls in War Dept.

Everett, Jeremiah. Rank: Mariner; Regt. or Co.: Frigate Confederacy; Residence: Hudson; Remarks: Injured when his right leg was fractured by the carriage wheel of a cannon on the River Delaware near Chester in 1779; served from Feb. 22 to Aug. 20, 1779 when he was discharged; 1/2 pension.

Felter, Peter. Rank: - ; Regt. or Co.: - ; Residence: - ; Remarks: Wounded when acting as a guide for the army at the storming of Stony Point under General Wayne.

Flannegan, Daniel. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Dubios; Residence: Warwick; Remarks: Wounded in knee when quelling a riot in winter quarters at Newburgh on Dec. 12, 1777; enlisted Aug. 28, 1777; discharged Aug. 28, 1780; physicians do not designate disability.

Foster, Hachaliah. Rank: Sergeant; Regt. or Co.: Shapherd's Mass. Regt.; Residence: Saratoga; Remarks: Wounded by a musket ball in his right hand in Rhode Island on Aug. 29, 1778; enlisted Mar. 1, 1777.

Fox, William P. Rank: - ; Regt. or Co.: - ; Residence: - ; Remarks: Broke his left thigh in an accident with a sleigh while employed carrying flour to Fort Schuyler.

Frizzle, Elisha. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: M. Jackson; Residence: Salem; Remarks: Wounded in shoulder at Behmus' Heights on Oct. 7, 1777; enlisted May 1, 1777; invalid Feb. 1, 1779; discharged Jan. 1, 1780.

Garnet, John. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Artillery; Residence: Goshen; Remarks: Wounded in hand at Fort Montgomery on Oct. 6, 1777; continued to end of war.

Gilbert, Allen. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Sheldon; Residence: Otsego Co.; Remarks: Wounded at Poundridge on Jul. 2, 1779; enlisted Apr. 1, 1778; continued to the end.

Gladhill, Ely. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: 2d NJ; Residence: New York; Remarks: Wounded through the left leg at Quebec on Dec. 31, 1775; no rolls in War Dept. for 1775.

Hager, Joseph. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Vrooman; Residence: Schoharie; Remarks: Wounded by a musket ball in action against Indians at the head of the Delaware on Nov. 10, 1781; no rolls in War Dept.

Hawgerdon, John. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Vrooman; Residence: Otsego Co.; Remarks: Wounded by a musket ball in the left hip near Delaware on June 10, 1780; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Helmer, John G. Rank: Private, Corporal; Regt. or Co.: - ; Residence: Palatine; Remarks: Injured while in service; enlisted Oct. 25, 1776; continued to end of war; no disability.

Hill, Thomas. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Livingston; Residence: Rensselaerville; Remarks: Wounded by a musket ball at Behmus' Heights on Sept. 19, 1777; enlisted Jan. 1, 177, continued to Jan. 1782.

Hills, Frederick. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: 1st NY; Residence: Herkimer; Remarks: Disease contracted in service; enlisted Mar. 29, 1777; disability not proven.

Hogaboom, Peter. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Harker; Residence: Mohawk town; Remarks: Injured in a fall while on a scout in June 1780; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Holdridge, John. Rank: Sergeant; Regt. or Co.: 3d Massachusetts; Residence: Hillsdale; Remarks: Injured in a fall at Kingsbury in July 1777; promoted to ensign; received commutation.

Hull, Samuel. Rank: Corporal; Regt. or Co.: Colo: J. Clinton; Residence: Poughkeepsie; Remarks: Wounded by a musket ball at St. Pierre in Canada in 1776; no rolls in War Dept.; no disability.

Janes, Elijah. Rank: Lieutenant; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Sheldon; Residence: Lansingburg; Remarks: Wounded by a horseman's sword on the right wrist on Nov. 20, 1780; commissioned Nov. 16, 1779; received commutation which was not returned.

Johnson, Robert. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: - ; Residence: New Windsor; Remarks: Wounded at the capture of Fort Montgomery on Oct. 6, 1777; no rolls in War Dept.

Johnson, Shepherd. Rank: Private; Regt.. or Co.: Colo: McDougal; Residence: Orange Co.; Remarks: Wounded in the arm by a musket ball in May 1777 in Bergen Co., NJ; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Kellogg, Stephen. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: 3d CT; Residence: Whitestown; Remarks: Wounded in his left leg by an accident near West Point in 1781; enlisted Apr. 22, 1777 for the war; discharged Jan. 5, 1783.

Lewis, Henry. Rank: Ensign; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Vischer; Residence: Mohawk town; Remarks: Wounded in the shoulder in action with the Indians at Oriskie on Aug. 6, 1777; no rolls in War Dept.

Little, John. Rank: Captain; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Fisher; Residence: Johnstown; Remarks: Wounded in shoulder in an action against enemy under Major Ross at Johnstown; no disability proven.

Malone, John. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Willett; Residence: Connajorharrie; Remarks: Feet frozen in Feb. 1783; evidence incomplete; appears on regiment rolls for 1783.

Martin, William. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: - ; Residence: Newburgh; Remarks: Wounded in the neck in an engagement with the enemy near Kingsbridge in June 1781; no disability proven.

Mayer, Hanhendrick. Rank: Lieutenant; Regt. or Co.: Capt. Henry Dieffendorph's Militia; Residence: Connajoharrie; Remarks: Disabled by illness when on guard duty at Stone Arabia in 1776; militia.

McDonald, Donald. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Batteaumen; Residence: Albany; Remarks: Wounded by a kick from a horse while in the service; no rolls of Batteaumen in War Dept.

McKinstrey, John. Rank: Captain; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Patterson; Residence: Livingston; Remarks: Wounded in his left leg and thigh by musket balls, and after being taken prisoner by the Indians, received additional wounds in Canada; militia; 1/3 pension.

Miller, John. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Hawthorn; Residence: Warwick; Remarks: Received several wounds in action with the Indians at Minisink in July 1779; no rolls in War Dept.

Miller, Samuel. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Genl. McDougall; Residence: Mount Pleasant, West Chester; Remarks: Injured when building a bridge over Croton River while under General McDougall in Apr. 1779; no militia rolls in War Dept.; full pension.

Miner, Amos. Rank: Orderly Sergeant; Regt. or Co.: Colo: C. Burralls; Residence: Canaan; Remarks: Wounded in left arm by accidental musket discharge at Mount Independence in Nov. 1776; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Monty, Francis. Rank: Lieutenant; Regt. or Co.: Colo: J. Livingston; Residence: Lake Champlain; Remarks: Wounded in thigh by musket ball in Rhode Island in 1778; commissioned Nov. 25, 1775; deranged Jan. 1, 1781; received commutation which was not returned.

Mour, George. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Vischer; Residence: Mohawk town; Remarks: Wounded in both shoulders in an action with the Indians at Oriskie on Aug. 7, 1777; entitled to full pension.

Nellis, Henry W. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: J. Klock; Residence: Palatine; Remarks: Wounded in the breast by accident while acting as a fugleman in exercising in 1776; disability not proven.

Nestle, Gotlieb. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Vischer; Residence: Palatine; Remarks: Wounded in eye in a wagon accident in 1777; disability not proven.

Nicolls, Simon. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Nicholson; Residence: Palatine; Remarks: Wounded in a wagon accident on a march in Jun. 1776; disability not proven.

Oblenis, Garret. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Capt. Johnson; Residence: Orange Co.; Remarks: Wounded by a shot from an enemy boat in Bergen County, NJ on Nov. 17, 1777; no rolls of this company; 1/2 pension.

Palmer, Jared. Rank: Sergeant; Regt. or Co.: 4th CT Capt. Barker's Co.; Residence: Pawlings; Remarks: Wounded by a musket ball through the body at Yorktown on Oct. 14, 1781; enlisted Oct. 1780; on rolls in 1783.

Philips, James. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: J. Klock; Residence: Watervliet; Remarks: Wounded in the leg in a battle with the Indians under General Herkimer at Oriskie on Aug. 6, 1777; disability not proven.

Powell, Stephen. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Van Cortland; Residence: West Chester Co.; Remarks: Injured at Princeton, NJ in Apr. 1782; enlisted Jan. 1, 1777 fro the war; on the rolls in 1782.

Reynolds, William. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Volunteer; Residence: New Cornwall; Remarks: Wounded at Fort Montgomery and taken prisoner on Oct. 6, 1777; disability not proven.

Rogers, John. Rank: Private; Regt. of Co.: Colo: Meigs; Residence: Stephentown; Remarks: Wounded left leg by musket ball in Hackensack, NJ in Nov. 1779; enlisted Feb. 27, 1777 for the war; on rolls in 1781.

Schafer, Peter. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Kooman; Residence: Cobuskill; Remarks: Wounded in the thigh by a musket ball in an engagement with the British tories and Indians at Cobuskill on May 30, 1778; disability not proven.

Schell, Johannes. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Bellenger; Residence: Herkimer; Remarks: Wounded in left side in action with Indians at Oriskie; disability not proven.

Scott, William. Rank: Captain; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Cilley's NH Regt.; Residence: Greenfield, Saratoga Co.; Remarks: Wounded by a musket ball at Behmus' Heights on Sept. 9, 1777; wounded by a bayonet near North Castle in 1778; received commutation as a major; wounded Sept. 20, 1777 according to roll.

Scudder, William Smith. Rank: - ; Regt. or Co.: - ; Residence: West Chester Co.; Remarks: Disabled by frostbite of hands during a snowstorm when transferring ordnance to Long Island on orders of General Putnam on Mar. 3, 1778.

See, James. Rank: Sergeant; Regt. or Co.: Colo: James Harman; Residence: Mount Pleasant, West Chester; Remarks: Disabled when he had smallpox by a fall from bed in a delerium while a prisoner in a sugar house in NY; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Shaw, Samuel. Rank: Lieutenant; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Stephen J. Schuyler's Militia; Residence: Stephentown; Remarks: Injured when erecting a bridge near Fort Ann on Oct. 9, 1776; militia.

Sheldon, Joseph. Rank: - ; Regt. or Co.: - ; Residence: New Cornwall; Remarks: Wounded in the leg at the battle of Connecticut Farms, NJ; enlisted May 30, 1777 for the war.

Slater, James. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Brown's Mass. Regt.; Residence: Canaan; Remarks: Wounded in head and eye by a musket ball in an action with the Indians on the Mohawk in Oct. 1780; half pension.

Sloan, William. Rank: Sergeant; Regt. of Co.: Colo: Herrick; Residence: Westfield; Remarks: Wounded in five places in an ambush at Skinesborough in Oct.. 1777; disability not proven.

Snagg, Henry. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: General Knox's Artillery; Residence: Orange Co.; Remarks: Wounded in the left leg at the battle of Princeton, NJ in Oct. 1777; not found on rolls.

Stafford, Joab. Rank: Captain; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Simmons; Residence: Herkimer; Remarks: Wounded at Bennington in Aug. 1777; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Steel, James. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Dubois; Residence: Goshen; Remarks: Wounded at the taking of Fort Montgomery on Oct. 6, 1777; enlisted Dec. 2, 1776 for the war.

Stevens, John. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: T. Clinton; Residence: Ulster; Remarks: Lost the sight in one eye during the seige of Quebec in 1775; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Stewart, Findley. Rank: Private. Regt. or Co.: Batteaumen; Residence: Greenbush; Remarks: Wounded in the left shoulder at Fort Stanwix in Aug. 1777; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Utter, John. Rank: Matross; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Lamb's Artillery; Residence: West Chester Co.; Remarks: Injured at West Point in Dec. 1782; enlisted for the war; on the rolls in May 1783; 3/4 pension.

Van Antwerp, John. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Vischer; Residence: Mohawk town; Remarks: Wounded in his left heel in an action with the Indians at Oriskie on Aug. 7, 1777; no militia rolls in War Dept.

Van Eps, Evert. Rank: Sergeant; Regt. or Co.: Capt. Fonda's Militia; Residence: Mohawk; Remarks: Wounded in the left leg in an engagement with the British and Indians at Oriskie in 1777; militia.

Vaughan, John. Rank: Sergeant; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Brooks; Residence: Hudson, Columbia Co.; Remarks: Wounded by a ball through the body at Behmus' Heights in Oct. 1777; enlisted Apr. 24, 1777; joined invalids on Dec. 9, 1779.

Virgill, Asa. Rank: Corporal; Regt. or Co.: 4th MA; Residence: Hillsdale; Remarks: Wounded in the head by a musket ball in Aug. or Sept. 1778 at Newport Island; enlisted Feb. 1, 1777 for the war; on the rolls in 1780; 1/4 pension

Waggerman, Emanuel. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Gansevoort; Residence: Montgomery Co.: Remarks: Wounded through left hip by accidental gunshot in Jul. 1777, Mohawk River; enlisted Apr. 18, 1777; continued to the end.

Ward, Thomas. Rank: Corporal; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Harrison's 1st Regt. Artillery; Residence: Mamakating; Remarks: Wounded in his leg by a bayonet at Stony Point on July 16, 1779; enlisted Jul. 6, 1777.

Whileber, John. Rank: Private; Regt. or Co.: Colo: Morgan; Residence: Otsego; Remarks: Wounded in the right thigh by a musket ball at Behmus' Heights on Oct. 7, 1777; no on the rolls of NY or VA.

Wolleber, Peter. Rank: Sergeant; Regt. or Co.: Major Copeland's Militia; Residence: Palatine; Remarks: Wounded in the right thigh by a musket by Indians at Connajorharrie on Jul. 18, 1781; no militia rolls in War Dept.

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