Last Will and Testament Jacob Ostrander Rensselaerwyck |
A copy of the last Will & Testament of Jacob Ostrander deceased. Recorded February the 6th 1789.
In the name of God Amen I Jacob Ostrander of the East Manor of Rensselaerwyck being of sound mind & memory & Judgement blessed be God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed for all men once to die do this thirteenth day of July in the twelfth year of the independence of the United States in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Eighty seven make & ordain appoint & publish this my last will & Testament in manner and form following that is to say principally and first of all I give and commend my soul into the hands of God who gave it hoping and trusting through the merits doth passion mediation and introcession of my Savior Jesus Christ to have full & free pardon and forgiven of all my sins and to inherit Everlasting life; and my body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors and beloved Wife hereafter named nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the might power of God and as touching such worldly estate where with it has pleased God to bless me in this life give imrimus.
I give unto my beloved son Petrus my large gun and my beloved son John my sword willing that they each one contended & demand no more of my real or personal Estate as heirs at law.
Item_ I give unto my son Petrus Ostrander the full improvement of the farm.
Item_ I give unto John Ostrander the improvement of the farm he dwells on.
Item_ I give unto my son Isaac Ostrander the Improvement of a farm to each of them their heirs and assigns forever.
Item_ I give unto my son Cornelius Massen Ostrander the choice of the horses either stallion, gelding or mare.
Item_ I give devise & bequeath unto my son Henry Ostrander after the decease of Beloved wife Jacamintje all the real Estate wheron I now dwell__ willing that during the natural life of my said wife Jacomintje she remaining my widow be master and mistress in & without as if in my place and steed during her natural life and then Henry give unto her during that time the one third of the whole income of the Estate and that Henry over and above keep and maintain a good milk cow and a calf yearly and every year which she is to take out of my herd or flock before any division of my personal Estate be made.
Item_ I give unto Henry all the farming utensils and two horses.
Item_ I give unto my oldest daughter Sarah the large Cupboard with the Cups or Bowls on or thereto belonging and the large table.
Item_ I give unto my daughter Leah my beds complete Curtains warming pan large looking glass; and for and to each of my children a Silver Table Spoon and one of them to have my silver Shoe Buckles in lieu of the spoon as they agree.
Item_ I give & bequeath unto all my children alike the rest and residue of my personal estate to Share alike, lastly I appoint my beloved Sons Petrus and John Executors of this my last will & Testament and John Ostrander to be overseer of this my last will & Testament.
In witness whereunto I have set and confirmed this my last will & Testament this fifteenth day of September 1787.
Published & declared by the Testors as his last Will & Testament before us__
Jacob Ostrander (L S)
James Ostrander, William C Van Deuse, Jno Ostrander.