Last Will and Testament Edward Ryan Town of Pittstown |
I, Edward RYAN of the Town of Pittstown, County of Rensselaer, State of New York, Blacksmith, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say):
First, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife LENA RYAN the use and [profits only?] of two feather beds with the bed clothes and furniture, [and] one equal half part of the dwelling house where I now reside with full power to control and draw from my personal estate as she the said Lena may think proper for her support so long as she the said Lena shall remain my widow and no longer, which bequest is in full satisfaction [of what] she the said Lena may hereafter claim in her right of dower to my personal estate.
I do also give and bequeath to my second son CORNELIUS RYAN the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars, which sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars is to be put into the hands of my son ANDREW RYAN in trust for the said Cornelius Ryan.
I also give and bequeath to my eldest daughter TINA [SEYNA?] BANKER the sum of five hundred dollars, but it is my will that the sum of sixty three dollars shall be deducted out of the above legacy which I have paid to Thomas RATTOON and Leurnis LANSING.
I give and bequeath to my second daughter CATHERINE STANTON the sum of five hundred dollars, but it is my will that the above legacy to my daughter Catherine Stanton shall be retained in the hands of my Executors hereinafter named until the money which Lodwich STANTON, husband to my daughter Catherine, is now owing me and hereafter is owing at the time of my death, is fully paid.
I give and bequeath to my son EDWARD RYAN the sum of five hundred dollars or to his heirs and [legatees?].
I give and bequeath to my son JAMES RYAN the sum of one hundred dollars or unto his heirs and [legatees?].
I give and bequeath to my son WILLIAM RYAN the sum of two hundred dollars which said several [?] or [?] of money I will and order shall be paid to the said [name?] within two years after my death, if not paid by me in money or other things advanced for that purpose. I further give and [?] to two of my sons, ANDREW RYAN and JOHN RYAN [?], all that my [?] or tenements situate lying and being in the Town of Pittstown whereon I now reside, together with all my other freehold estate whatsoever to hold to them the said Andrew Ryan and John Ryan, their heirs and [assigns?] forever, to be equally divided between them, the said Andrew and John, the above [?] is made and this [?] condition that they the said Andrew and John are to pay the above bequeathments to the abovenamed legatees respectively, if not by me paid or money advanced to them or either of them for that purpose.
And lastly, as to all the rest [residue?] and [remainder?] of my personal estate goods and chattels of which hence and [?] over I give and bequeath the same to my two sons Andrew and John abovenamed.
It is also my will that the abovenamed Andrew Ryan shall pay to his brother John Ryan the sum of one hundred dollars.
It is also my will that my son Cornelius shall live and reside with his brothers Andrew and John and as long as he the said Cornelius is able to perform labor that they the said Andrew and John shall bear the expense of maintaining him the said Cornelius both in victualling and clothing.
I hereby appoint the abovenamed Andrew Ryan and John Ryan executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In writing whereof I have hereto set my hand this the tenth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty two, signed sealed and published and declared by the abovenamed Edward Ryan to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses in the presence of the testator, [?].
[name illegible?]
Jonathan Brown
Joseph Brown
William Brown
State of New York Rensselaer County
Be it [?] that on the twenty third day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three personally before me Thomas [?] and [?] of the said County of Rensselaer, Jonathan Brown one of the subscribing witnesses to the will of Edward Ryan, late of the Town of Pittstown in the said County [deceased?], who being duly sworn [sayeth?] that he did see the said Edward Ryan seal and [sign?] the [above?] written instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of the said Edward Ryan bearing the date the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two and [?] heard him publish and [declare?] the same as and for his last will and testament, that at the time [?] he the said Edward Ryan was of sound and disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge and belief of the said Jonathan Brown and that he the said Jonathan Brown together with Joseph Brown and William L. Brown the other witnesses to the said will [?] subscribed their hand and [?] to the said will as witnesses thereto in the presence of the testator and of each other.