New York Civil War Soldiers Buried
at Culpeper National Cemetery
in Culpeper, Virginia

Please note that I do not have additional information about these soldiers. Researchers desiring additional information should contact the cemetery at this address:

Culpeper National Cemetery
305 U. S. Avenue
Culpeper, VA 22701

Bodies buried here are mostly those of the soldiers who died in hospital during the encampment of the Army of the Potomac at Brandy Station in the winter of 1863-1864, and of those who fell in the various skirmishes at the Rappahannock and Rapidan rivers in 1863 and 1864; about 350 were brought from the battlefield of Cedar Mountain.

NameRankRegt.Co.Date of deathGraveRowSec.Blk.Original place of interment
Annis, GeorgePrivate60th NYDAug. 2, 186236311A1John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House,
Rappahannock Co., VA
Appleman, Henry B.Private124th NYFFeb. 24, 186428912A1Samuel Rixey's farm near Culpeper, VA
Armstrong, S.Private1st NYC---39512 A1J. B. Bibb's farm near Trevilian Station, VA
Bennett, Elisha D.Private1st NY Art.KJuly 28, 186238711A1John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Benson, H. S. Private49th NYKDec. 29, 18632568A1A. D. Woods' farm near Brandy Station
Berlew, Isaac T.Private14th NYEOct. 7, 1863683A1Samuel Fultz's farm near Culpeper
Bonner, E. L.Sergeant1st NYE---39612A1J. B. Bibbs' farm near Trevilian Station, VA
Brayton, JobPrivate60th NYEJuly 26, 186236611A1John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Bromaghim, AlexanderPrivate60th NY---July 23, 186236511A1John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Buzhard, JohnPrivate78th NY---Aug. 4, 186241612A1John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Calahan, C. A.Private__ NYEJan. 13, 18641585A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Carr, William---63d NYAApril 11, 18641204A1James O. Harris's land near Brandy Station
Chaffee, C. P.Private60th NYIJuly 28, 186237211A1John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Cison, J. A.Private76th NYEJune 6, 186441512A1C. W. Beale's farm near Gordonsville, VA
Coney, W. M.Private10th NY---Oct. 3, 186337611A1Brown's farm near Woodville, VA
Connell, JohnCorporal10th NYFJune 11, 186440612A1Charles Trevilian's farm near Trevilian Station
Cook, G. M.Private28th NYB---1485A1Lewis P. Nelson's farm near Culpeper, VA
Covert, NathanielPrivate147th NYKJan. 17, 18641374A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Cram, JosephPrivate9th NYDApril 10, 18641415A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Crapo, Eliakim---76th NYGAug. 12, 18621946A1Edward Digger's farm near Culpeper, VA
Crawford, GeorgePrivate152d NYCJan. 20, 18642317A1B. Hansbrough's farm near Stevensburg, VA
Culver, George W.Private76th NYGAug. 12, 18621946A1J. H. Rixey's farm in Culpeper, VA
Cummins, George W.Private122d NYFJan. 13, 18642447A1Lewis P. Nelson's farm near Brandy Station
Davis, L. C.Private1st NYIJan. 4, 186441012A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Dayton, NealPrivate9th NYI---39412A1J. B Bibb's farm near Trevilian Station
Dorsey, Jas.Private14th NYIJan. 25, 18641334A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Felton, L.Private83d NYEOct. 7, 18631936A1J. Fife's farm near Brandy Station
Greer, Jas. W.Private147th NYFJan. 20, 18641344A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Haley, MartinPrivate73d NYB---2488A1A. D. Woods' farm near Brandy Station
Haley, PatrickPrivate76th NYIJan. 23, 18641254A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Handley, Jas.Private60th NYEAug. 4, 186236811A1John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Hardenodorff, C. W.Private152d NYKJan. 4, 18642287A1B. Hansbrough's farm near Stevensburg, VA
Harner, JohnPrivate60th NYDAug. 2, 1862 36911A1John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Harrington, L. C.Corporal60th NYKJuly 30, 186238911A1John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Hayes, Chas. B.Private106th NYDJan. 21, 186471A1John H. Fox's land near Brandy Station
Hayse, P.Private90th NYI Jan. 8, 1864 160 5A 1 Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Hence, JohnPrivate152d NYEDec. 22, 1863226 7A 1 B. Hansbrough's farm near Stevensburgh, VA
Hilbold, AlfredPrivate52d NYBDec 16, 1863 2137A 1 Mrs. Betty Pease's farm near Stevensburg, VA
Hinman, Jos.Private76th NYFDec. 28, 1863121 4A 1 Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Hogan, GeorgePrivate62d NYHSept. 16, 1863 374 11A 1 W. Brown's farm near Woodville, VA
Hogan, Guylst Lieut.60th NYIAug. 4, 1862foot of flagstaff---John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Holmes, ThomasPrivate65th NYFApril 5, 1864 118 4A1Jas O. Harris' land near Brandy Station
Hone, G.Private65th NYDJuly 7, 1864341 10A 1 C. W. Beale's farm near Brandy Station
Hooker, _____Private39th NYEJan. 14, 1862208 6A 1 Wm. Stout's land near Stevensburg, VA
Hugg, _____,---144th NY------ 342 10A 1 C. W. Beale's farm near Gordonsville, VA
Hughes, R. J.Private99th NYEAug. 17, 1862408 12A 1 Thomas Sherman's farm near Culpeper, VA
Hurley, Jas.Private122d NYF--- 245 7A 1 Lewis P. Nelson's land near Brandy Station
Johnson, J. W.Private28th NYB---1615A1Lewis P. Nelson's land near Brandy Station
Keer, P. A.Corporal16th NY Cav.B---32910A1C. W. Beale's farm near Gordonsville, VA
Killan, ThomasPrivate93d NYINov. 21, 1863582A1M. Woods' farm near Brandy Station
Kirkland, WillardPrivate152d NYCJan. 12, 18642327A1B. Hansbrough's farm near Stevensburg, VA
Kline, LewisPrivate83d NYEOct. 5, 18631926A1W. J. Fife's farm near Brandy Station
Knettles, Wm. H.Private76th NY---Jan. 22, 1864783A1M. Woods' farm near Brandy Station
Laport, B.Private72d NYHMar. 5, 18641886A1J. Slaughter's farm near Brandy Station
Lawrence, H.Private105th NYH---11725A1Lewis P. Nelson's farm near Culpeper, VA
Lovejoy, Henry S.Private152d NYKDec. 31, 18632297A1B. Hansbrough's farm near Stevensburg, VA
McCarthy, P.Corporal71st NYFApril 26, 1864107A1Dr. J. P. Thorn's farm near Brandy Station
McCree, F.Private1st NYKJune 15, 186433710A1C. W. Beale's farm near Gordonsville, VA
McLellan, Hugh---9th NY Cav.CAug. 1, 186391A1John H. Fox's land 1 mile from Brandy Station
McNamara, JohnPrivate69th NYB---34710A1R. M. Coleman's farm near Stevensburg, VA
Martin, EdwardPrivate4th NY Art.CApril 9, 18642859A1James O. Harris' farm near Brandy Station
Martin, J.Private102d NYF---1495A1Lewis P. Nelson's farm near Culpeper, VA
Matteson, AllanPrivate121st NYEJan. 4, 18642708A1John Major's farm near Brandy Station
Merrihue, ValentinePrivate60th NYDJuly 27, 186237011A1John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Milden, C.Private83d NYADec. 15, 18633059A1W. Yeager's farm near Cedar Mountain
Miller, M. R.Private4th NYIMar. 8, 18641455A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Montgomery, T H.Private5th NYCJan. 28, 1864432A1Mrs. Jane Wise's land near Brandy Station
Mulverhill, TimothyPrivate76th NYEFeb. 9, 18641314A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Newling, J. T. Private83d NY---June 5, 1864763A1C. W. Beale's land near Gordonsville, VA
Ordner, JohnCaptain10th NYAJune 11, 1864foot of flagstaff---Charles Trevilian's farm near Trevilian Station
Parker, ElishaPrivate60th NYDAug. 2, 186236411A11John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Paxon, WilliamPrivate19th NYHNov. 7, 1863843A1Mrs. Nancy Stone's farm near Brandy Station
Peach, _____Captain106th NY------foot of flagstaff---E. Digger's farm near Culpeper, VA
Pearsons, K.Corporal10th NY ---June 11, 186440412A1A. Nutherlin's farm near Trevilian Station
Peechey, P.---52d NY---Mar. 18, 186434910A1R. M. Coleman's farm near Stevensburg, VA
Peifer, G.Private52d NYB___ __, 18632107A1Mrs. Betty Pease's farm near Stevensburg, VA
Perro, JuliusPrivate83d NYEDec. 15, 18633049A1T. Kelly's farm near Kelly's Ford, VA
Persons, Irvin M.Private152d NYKJan. 20, 18642307A1B. Hansbrough's farm near Stevensburg, VA
Pfister, CastorPrivate96th NYFJuly 18, 18651385A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Pier, HoracePrivate1st NY Art.KJuly 25, 186238811A1John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Plume, HenryPrivate5th NY Cav.L---853A1M. Johnson's farm near Brandy Station
Pogue, RobertPrivate146th NYA---33110A1C. W. Beale's farm near Gordonsville, VA
Potts, Norman---126th NYGJan. 12, 18642056A1William Stout's farm near Stevensburg, VA
Preston, D.Private__ NYEJuly 18, 18641575A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Reeves, WilliamPrivate5th NY Cav.MFeb. 12, 18642167A1E. McVeigh's farm near Stevensburg, VA
Ross, HughPrivate61st NYH---2357A1Wm. Stout's farm near Stevensburg, VA
Ryatt, E. L.Lieutenant60th NYFJuly 26, 1862foot of flagstaff---County Cemetery, Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
Sayrs, H. F.Private93d NYFAug. 29, 1864101A1John H. Fox's land 1 mile south of Brandy Station
Schonk, JohnPrivate10th NYAJune 11, 186440212A1A. Nutherlin's farm near Trevilian Station
Sharp, Daniel H.Private147th NYKJan. 2, 18641234A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Shukes, JohnPrivate10th NY Cav.AJune 11, 186440512A1Charles Trevilian's farm near Trevilian Station
Sillk, AlfredPrivate151st NYFFeb. 6, 18643099A1John Minor Botts' land near Brandy Station
Smith, _____Sergeant6th NY Cav.------36011A1Edward Digger's farm near Culpeper, VA
Smith, JamesPrivate64th NYINov. 20, 18633019A1James Boat's farm near Kelly's Ford, VA
Smith, S.Private146th NY------33910A1C. W. Beale's land near Gordonsville, VA
Smith, WilliamPrivate78th NYE---35110A1P. P. Nalle's farm near Raccoon Ford
Smithers, A.Private60th NYFJuly 29, 186238511A1County Cemetery, Washington Court House
Soder, CharlesPrivate95th NYDDec. 27, 18631274A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Thompson, WilliamPrivate16th NYHJan. 13, 18641595A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Timlin, John---145th NY---Sept. 25, 1863873A1James Barbor's farm near Brandy Station
Topher, W.Musician147th NY---Jan. 27, 18641324A1Culpeper Cemetery, VA
Travers, FrancisPrivate140th NYCDec. 20, 18632969A1John Stone's farm near Kelly's Ford
Treege, C.Private78th NYK---35310A1P P. Nalle's farm near Raccoon Ford, VA
Vandermark, B.Private102d NYGAug. 1, 186238411A1G. Miller's farm near Washington Court House
Vargaston, John G.Private120th NY---___ __, 186232410A1Jos. Tray's farm near Charles City
Waits, CharlesPrivate5th NYLFeb. __, 18642187A1E. McVeigh's farm near Stevensburg, VA
Washman, Oscar---____ NYK------3179A1John Rixey's farm near Culpeper, VA
Whipple, A.Private121st NYBJan. __, 18642698A1John Major's farm near Brandy Station
White, L. E.1st Lieut.60th NYHJuly 26, 1862foot of flagstaff---John Jelt's farm near Washington Court House, Rappahannock Co., VA
White, W.Private8th NY Cav.DJune 8, 186434010A1C. W. Beale's farm near Gordonsville, VA
Whitenock, W. C.Private44th NYHOct. 8, 1863184 6A1E. D. Hill's farm near Culpeper, VA

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