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Troy Daily Times July 17, 1860 |
A girl named Susan BAKER, inmate of a house of assignation in Cincinnati, committed suicide last Saturday, by cutting her throat with a razor.--Susan was the daughter of a well-to-do Coeymans farmer. She ran away from home to lead a life of dissipation with an Albany fisherman. In that city, she was arrested for theft, and at the police court attracted the attention of a man who paid her fine and brought her to this city, placing her in a house of evil repute on North Third street. There she became acquainted with a young man who was about moving to St. Louis, and who persuaded her to accompanyhim. But he tired of her, and abandoned her at Cincinnati. There again she entered into a course of public vice, pursued it for a few weeks, and then ended her miserable career by suicide. Susan was twenty years of age, and remarkably beautiful. Hers was indeed a sad, eventful story.
The friends of Mr. Gordon MILLIMAN, of Lansingburgh, who had his leg broken by being thrown from a wagon on North Second street, last week, fear that his injuries will result fatally. He is very much prostrated; the shattered bones do not knit together, and his advanced age is unfavorable to recovery. He sustained, also, bad hurts internally.
Quite a crowd was collected on Green street, above Federal, last evening by the rowdy exploits of a drunken member of the Sunday police force, who first engaged in a quarrel with a woman, and being remonstrated with, manifested an earnest desire to thrash "all creation." He was cared for.
Wm. KEMP has been tendered the position of paymaster in Col. CARR;s staff, but has not as yet accepted it.
The Board of Trustees of the Fire Department held their regular quarterly meeting last evening in the Surrogate's office,--H.S. CHURCH, President in the chair. The finance committee reported $256.25 to have been received during the quarter, and the donating committee reported the amount of expenditures for donations at $225. The special committee on the subject of buying a lot in the Cemetery for the interment of firemen, reported that the same was inexpedient, and so it was resolved not to buy the lot. Mr. Wm. MADDEN moved that a committee of three be appointed with power to erect a
suitable monument to the memory of the late Chief Engineer, Joseph C. TAYLOR, and that the sum of $500 be appropriated for that purpose. The resolution was adopted, and the President appointed Messrs. MADDEN, PEOBLE,
and RODDY such committee. The Board then adjourned.
- David MONE paid a fine of $3 for getting drunk.
- Thomas O'CONNOR, THOMAS, and John EAGAN, disorderly conduct; fined $5 or ten days each--sent over.
- Thomas DEVINE, drunkenness; fined $10 or ten days--sent over.
- Fanny ROCKWELL, vagrancy; promised to leave for Saratoga, and allowed to do so.
- Thomas WELCH, assault and battery; complainant failed to appear--discharged.
- Christopher DUGAN, Pat. FITZPATRICK, Pat. RUBY and others, assault and battery on John GRIFFIN; case settled.