Troy Daily Times July 13, 1860 |
Last night about eleven o'clock, as a couple of young gentlemen were passing down Broad street, West Troy, near the United States Arsenal, their ears were saluted by the musical tones of an infant apparently near at hand. Upon looking around, they discovered a willow basket setting on the steps of Mr. DOCKER's house. On taking a peep into said basket, they observed about two yards of new white cotton flannel, as it had been torn from the piece without hemming, and under this the bright, black eyes of a beautiful babe looked up imploringly. This was too much for the susceptible hearts of our two young friends, who declared it was a pity, and took the basket with them to their boarding-house, deciding upon taking better care of the child. It was dressed in a calico frock of the size of a child of some six or eight years old. The dress had the appearance of having been lately taken from the line. The waif had no other garment on, and was evidently dressed with a view of leaving no trace of recognition. It is a girl, and promises to be the pet of the boarding house. The child is evidently about one week old.
The enclosure around Camp Wool yesterday afternoon, was to a great degree filled up with carriages and vehicles of all descriptions, on the seats of which, and in the wagon boxes, stood from three to a dozen persons in each carriage. Mr. J.W. FULLER and party of six others were standing in a wagon, three on the top of the seat, and the others in the box of the vehicle, in order to see the drill. When the crowd began cheering, the horse suddenly started up, and the whole party were thrown violently out upon the ground, striking their heads, and two of them very narrowly escaping instant death. All were more or less injured by the fall. Had it not been for the nature of the ground and the fine growth of grass upon it, the accident would certainly have been attended with fatal results.
The alarm of fire about 7 o'clock last evening, was caused by a fire-cracker lodging on the roof of Gen. ALLEN's store, corner of Congress and Fourth streets, but a few pails of water put out the flames, and the firemen did not get to work.
A lad named George WARD, 13 years of age, was arrested by officer RYAN this morning on a charge of attempting to set fire to the barn of Joseph SHEHAN yesterday afternoon. He was committed to jail. The lad, whose parents reside near the barn of SHEHAN, on Second street, South Troy, just below the bridge, was caught by a person who takes care of the premises, in the act of lighting some chips which he had pressed into the opening of the boards. It is supposed that this was the second attempt made to fire the premises, as nearly a bunch of matches which had been ignited and become extinguished without doing any damage, was discovered on the floor of the barn the day previous, by Mr. S. The lad, on being apprehended, remarked that he was "only going to have a little fun." As there are several frame buildings in the vicinity and his parents reside near by, it is presumed that he was ignorant of the peril he was placing them in had he not been thus timely arrested in his serious sport.
POLICE COURT--Justice PARMENTER presiding:
The Court was occupied nearly all the morning with a disorderly case. Amos BLOOMINGDALE complained against Thos. BAKER, Thos. COLEMAN and David BAKER, who were charged by Mr. B. with insulting and striking him on the 4th of
July. Mr. BLOOMINGDALE and his witnesses testified very strongly against the prisoners, and from their testimony it was evident the boys were very bad and deserved punishment. But the defense introduced testimony so directly opposite to the evidence of the others--and proved so completely that BLOOMINGDALE began the assault,--that the Court acknowledged that for once "she did not know herself," and in order to decide it justly to both parties, fined both the complainant and the defendants $2, which they paid and departed satisfied. Some one in this case undoubtedly swore false. There was scarcely a single point in the testimony on which both sides agreed, and the case throughout was a very perplexing one. The parties all reside at the Nail Factory.
A most deliberate and diabolical attempt was made this morning to fire the Park Presbyterian church, Rev. Mr. ROBERTSON, pastor, which but for the timely discovery of the flames, would no doubt have been successful. No
less than three different attempts were made to set the church on fire, twice in one place and once in another. The basement of the church is occupied as a Sunday School room, and a portion for the storage of such odds and ends as necessarily accumulates. The heater is also located in the basement, and in its vicinity is a pile of kindling wood. The first attempt was made about 12 o'clock. DORING's Bank was out serenading with a party of young gentlemen, and were playing in front of one of the residences on Second street, when a servant girl arose for the purpose of enjoying the
music. Upon looking out of a window in the house,m she discovered a man by the basement window of the church, endeavoring to light some matches. She gave no alarm, as she supposed him to be the sexton of the church, but it is
now quite evident he was then endeavoring to set the building on fire. This morning, however, at 5 o'clock, smoke was discovered issuing from the basement of the church in the corner where the kindling wood is, and efforts were at once made to extinguish the flames. This was soon accomplished with pails of water, and an examination proved that but little damage had been done to the interior of the building. The fire had evidently been struggling for life a considerable while, but fortunately did not break out until people were astir for the morning, and a timely discovery made. The whole damage to the church will not exceed $50. The object of this outrageous and cowardly act cannot be designed. Whether the attempt was made to gratify any feeling against the church or to satiate the cravings of some demon, for applying the torch and creating a conflagration, cannot be determined. The congregation is one of the most respectable in Troy; the pastor, Mr. ROBERTSON, is almost a stranger here, and one of the most courteous, kind-hearted gentlemen in the city. We can imagine no motive to injure either the congregation or the pastor, and if the design was simply to have a fire without any regard as to the place, we can only wonder at the stupidity of the incendiary in setting it where it would be so likely to be
discovered very quickly, and where at least the flames would be so soon subdued. There is very little to make a fire out of in the building; and in either aspect the cause of the attempt is a mystery as yet. We hope the guilty person may be apprehended and punished.
- A New Firm--Mr. J.M. HAYNES is succeeded in his grocery store on Franklin Square by Messrs. FAULKNER & HALTON, who have commenced business in a manner which evinces their determination to command success. They are both young gentlemen of strict business habits, undoubted integrity, and abundant ability for the successful management of trade. Starting under favorable auspices, they will be sure to achieve a good success, of which they will be well deserving--Purchasers will find in their extensive stock everything that can be looked for in such a store; and fair dealing may be relied upon.
- Soft Soap! Soft Soap! The subscriber, having commenced manufacturing Soap of the best quality, is now ready to deliver from a half barrel to any amount ordered. The Soap made at my factory shall be of the best quality and delivered promptly when ordered. J.G.H. FAKE, 557 River st.
The body of the boy Michael SULLIVAN, of Lansingburgh, drowned in a few days since, was found opposite this city yesterday. Coroner MADDEN held the inquest--verdict, "Accidental drowning."
- The Alert Base Ball Club of Troy, will play the Alert Base Ball Club of West Troy, punctually at 2 1/2 o'clock this afternoon.
- Dr. BEMAN has resigned the Directorship of the Polytechnic Institute, and Prof. Charles DROWN has been appointed in his place.
- J.A. GRISWOLD has been elected Trustee to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Hiram SLOCUM.
Pursuant to notice, the Republican committee of the Seventh Ward met at Patten's Hotel on Wednesday evening, and organized by appointing John W. ARMITAGE, Chairman, and A.G. JOHNSON, Secretary. On motion, the following
names were added to the committee: John RIERDON, A.C. SOMES, P. CURLEY, C.H. DENIO, A.C. SPICER, John DONNELLY, Joseph CORCORAN, George CAMPBELL, B.G. BARTOW, David CRAM, Arch. GRAHAM, Reuben PECKHAM, Charles MCCARTY, George S. KENYON, H. CONANT, M.C. HASKELL, J.C. WINSLOW, W.F. MOSELEY, A.J. HAGEN II, T. CASWELL, Wm. W. WIGHT, J.P. SAYLES, Franklin FIELD, A.G. SHILAND, Simon F. MANN, Perry BOGARDUS, John WALSH, P.G. MARSH, Jacob G. JOHNSON. On motion, A.G. JOHNSON, Reuben PECKHAM and Charles MCCARTY, were appointed a committee to confer with a committee from Tenth Ward about hiring a room, or erecting a wigwam for the use of both Wards. Adjourned to meet again at Patten's Hotel, Monday evening next at 8 o'clock. A.G. JOHNSON, Secretary.
The Democratic Central Committee of this city, J.D. WILLARD, chairman, has adopted resolutions endorsing DOUGLAS and approving his "squatter sovereiguty" doctrine.
The commissioned officers of the 24th Regiment are requested by Colonel CARR to meet this evening, at 8 o'clock, at the store of Gen. ALLEN, on Congress street, to transact business of importance.