Troy Daily Times
August 6, 1860

The following newspaper extract was submitted by Colleen Boose.

On the 23d January, by the Rev. G.C. BALDWIN, D.D., Chas. L. PEACOCK to Julia WOODCICK, daughter of D.C. WOODCOCK, all of this city.

At Valley Falls, August 5th, William A. LAPE, son of Thomas and Martha A. LAPE, aged 8 months and 4 days.

The Citizens' Corps have received an invitation to attend the funeral of the late Major Morton FAIRCHILD today in New York, but in consequence of the coming encampment at Saratoga next week, the company were unable to go down. Under other circumstances the Corps would gladly have availed themselves of the sad privilege of paying their last respects to one who has been so intimately connected with the organization, and who has left behind him a memory fragrant with heroic deeds and generous actions.

Dr. JEWETT, of Boston, one of the ablest advocates of prohibition doctrines, delivered a temperance lecture in Rev. Dr. BALDWIN's church last evening to a very large audience. Dr. JEWETT is a forcible and eloquent speaker; and has evidently devoted much attention to the various phases of the subject. Of course, his views are radical, as are those of all the apostles of temperance doctrines. In early life, Dr. JEWETT was a resident of this city, and was employed at the Nail Factory.

We understand that several saloon keepers in West Troy are in a bad fix with regard to their licenses. It appears that instead of going for their licenses, they entrusted their business to a man named BUNN or BUDD, each giving him their thirty dollars. They now say that they are without their papers and cannot get them. One of the duped was in Albany before Justice COLE, on Saturday, endeavoring to procure a warrant for the arrest of this agent, but he was referred to the Justice of West Troy for redress.

A lady named Mary CALDWELL came up on the Hudson River road, in the sleeping car, on Friday night. Three very respectable dressed females occupied berths opposite her. When she awoke on Saturday morning, she discovered that her purse, containing $23, had been stolen. She notified the conductor. He instituted a search and the purse was found under the tier of berths, but the money had disappeared. No arrests were made.

- Sarah BEEBE, a most respected young lady of New York, made three attempts to pass a worthless $5 bill on the Bank of Burlington, N.J., in stores on Greenwich st., NY., Saturday--thinking that the tradesmen who pronounced it bad were mistaken. The result is, that to her infinite mortification, she was arrested, and finds her name in the papers, It will not do to be too self-willed.
- A young lady in Mobile lately called upon her lawyer, and authorized him to institute proceedings, for breach of promise of marriage, against a gentleman who was to have tied the knot matrimonial with her on the evening previous, but had failed, from some cause or other, to come to time. The lawyer having occasion to step out of his office a moment, met the defendant, and informed him of the prospective hot water that was in store for him. The young gentleman declared that his omission of duty was entirely unintentional, and in no respect "wilful, malicious," &c., as the legal declaration charged. The lawyer thought that the affair might be compromised (strange advice for a lawyer)--the lady was still in his office, and he suggested an interview. The recreant lover willingly assented, and in a few moments the lady had expressed her willingness to accept him, instead of the $10,000 prospective damages to her affections. A new license and a willing justice completed the treaty of peace.

George WILLIAMS and William BLAIR committed an unprovoked assault on Mrs. ALGER, in Lansingburgh, on Monday last, and were arrested for the offense. On being brought before Justice RANSOM of that village, this morning, they plead guilty and received a sentence of a fine of $12 or sixty-five days imprisonment each. Not liking the idea of being kept in durance vile [sic] that length of time, they 'forked over' the 'shiners.'

- Ann ROCKWELL has been arrested by officer. C.R. SQUIRE on a charge of petit larceny, in stealing one white sack, a pair of black mitts and a lace collars, the whole valued at $4.75. She is in jail.
- The same officer arrested Francis LOOP for assault and battery on his wife Almira, and the case will be tried on the morning of the 17th inst.
- Alexander MCLANE was also arrested and committed to jail by the same officer on Saturday for drunkenness, and has been suffering from an attack of the 'delirium tremens' since.

- Margaret MULCAHEY was sent to the Poorhouse for drunkenness.
- Elizabeth STOKES and Catherine KENNEDY, disorderly conduct; two small girls; lectured and discharged.
- Peter RICE was sent over for thirty days--in default of a fine of $15--for drunken and disorderly conduct.
- Thos. HALEY, refusing to support his wife; in jail.
- William STAPLETON, drunken and disorderly conduct; fined $10 or ten days--sent over.
- Elizabeth BLONDIN complained of Matilda GEER for assault and battery, but not being able to prove it, the defendant was discharged.
- Thomas REYNOLDS, drunkenness; took the pledge for one year and was let off.
- Thomas HEENAN (no relation to the "Be-ne-kee Boy") was up for assault and battery on James HICKEY, and complainant failing to appear, he was discharged.
- Four boys named Martin KENDRICK, Peter MCCARTY, Patrick FITZGERALD and Michael CONWAY, were in Court for throwing stones at Jesse J. MILLS. It appeared that these boys were in the habit of throwing missiles at passers-by. Justice PARMENTER lectured them severely, and then discharged them on their promise to behave better in the future; and told them if they did so again, they would get a taste of the House of Refuge.

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