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Troy Daily Times August 4, 1860 |
Yesterday, we published the facts in relation to the finding of a dead body in the fish pond on FORBES' Manor ground. Coroner ALLEN held the inquest. On examining the body, a number of ugly bruises were found upon his head, besides other marks of violence about the body. The jury came to the conclusion the man was not drowned, but was killed before being thrown into the water. Some were of the opinion that he had been foully dealt with, while others supposed that he had been walking on the Railroad track while intoxicated and had been struck by a locomotive and thrown over the fence
into the pond, by the cow-catcher. A bottle of rum which was found on his person, seems to favor the last supposition. Some of the residents of Greenbush said he resembled a man known as "Sailor Jack," who belonged in Massachusetts, and who was last seen about the place on Monday night last. It was evident, however, from the appearance of the body that it had been in the water at least a fortnight, and therefore could not be that individual's remains. The Coroner's jury returned a verdict "that deceased came to his death by violence at the lands of some person or persons unknown."
It has been understood in certain circles for several days past, that Mr. E. Thompson GALE had surrendered himself to U.S. Commissioner HILTON, of Albany, to answer any charges that might be brought against him in consequence of any alleged complicity with the rescue of the fugitive NALLE. Mr. G. did so surrender himself on Tuesday last; and demanded an investigation at once. The commissioner refused to grant the request, when Mr. G. offered to waive the examination and give bail to appear and answer any indictment that might be found against him. This the Commissioner also refused absolutely; and set down the examination for Friday at 10 A.M., to the great inconvenience of Mr. G. Accordingly, Mr. G. and witnesses repaired to Albany yesterday, and the examination was proceeded with. On the part of Government, Marshall HOLMES, Charles H. CLEVELAND, and James MCKEON were called and testified. CLEVELAND was the only witness whose testimony tended to implicate Mr. G. in the least in the rescue; the other two witnesses for the Government simply affirming his presence in the crowd during some portions of the rescue. Mr. GALE presented Messrs. J.B. KELLOGG, E. DEFREEST, T. QUINN, G.T. BLAIR and other well-known citizens to testify in his behalf. Their evidence exhibited the fact that Mr. GALE's presence was perfectly legitimate, and that he personally sought to bring the alleged fugitive before Justice GOULD in conformity to the writ of habeus corpus. The evidence being so clear and satisfactory as to Mr. G's intentions, the assistant District Attorney, Mr. HOLBROOK, at once moved his discharge from arrest and Commissioner HILTON ordered his honorable acquittal. All who know the character of Mr. GALE are not surprised at the
result, and while we know he desired to see the law executed on the occasion which as created all his trouble, we also know that the means for securing NALLE's freedom, all legal measures having failed, would have been promptly
forthcoming from his own pocket, rather than that the man should have gone back to slavery. This, we hope, is the last of the series of prosecutions in respect to the rescue. So far, they have proven a farce, and it is likely they will do so to the end of the catalogue if they are continued. We have information, which we believe is based on reliable authority, that henceforth they are to cease. Our authority assures us that no more arrests will be made. All good citizens will be glad to learn that such is the fact, and if it should prove to be the case, no one will have more cause to rejoice at it than the Marshal himself.
Maj. Morton FAIRCHILD, a member of the New York Volunteers in the Mexican war, where he served with great distinction, died in New York yesterday. Maj. F. resided in Troy several years ago and was the second Orderly Sergeant the Troy Citizens' Corps had. He held the position several years, until he removed to New York, where, upon the breaking out of the Mexican war, he raised a company in the New York regiment, (Company I) commanded by Col. W.B. BURNETT, of which he was elected Captain. The company was over a hundred strong, of whom there are now only ten or twelve survivors. Captain FAIRCHILD was in every action, from the landing at Vera Cruz to the taking of the city of Mexico, and behaved with distinguished gallantry. He was wounded at Cherubusco, where his company, as did the whole regiment, sustained very severe losses. He was deemed by many worthy of the much coveted Jackson Medal, left by the hero of New Orleans for the bravest man from New York in the war succeeding his death. Since his return from Mexico
he has been almost constantly unwell, from a disease contracted during the war. He was a brevetted a Major by the State Legislature, for his gallantry, with the other officers of his regiment. He was born in the city of New York, and was in his fifty-fifth year when he died. A few years since, Maj. F, with about eighty of the New York regiment, visited Troy, and
was received with distinguished honors.--He had many friends here who will regret to learn of his death. His wife lies interred in one of our cemeteries, and it is possible his remains will be brought to Troy for burial.
A child of Henry HAM, aged four years, residing at North Greenbush, died on Thursday evening, from the effects of burns accidentally received from its clothes taking fire.
Yesterday afternoon, while Austin MATTERSON, Jr., an employee of the Boston Railroad, was standing in the depot at East Albany, conversing with an individual, his gold watch was abstracted from his pocket. As he had not been near any one, between the time of talking with the individual and the period he missed his "ticker", he is impressed with the idea that the individual nipped it. A short time after this, Mr. MATTERSON came across the person and insisted upon a search of his clothing. It was formally gone through with, but no watch found. Subsequently a search was made about the depot. On looking in a coal box, to which the person above referred to was seen to go, the watch was found snugly stowed away upon a projecting beam. By this time, the supposed thief had made his escape.
Last evening, about 12 o'clock, a fire broke out in the carpenter shop of Lewis FELLOWS, situated in the alley between Madison and Monroe, and Fourth and Fifth streets, South Troy, which before it was subdued destroyed six wooden buildings, including three tenement houses. Water was almost impossible to obtain; and it was not until the "Abra Read" arrived and threw a stream through six hundred feet of hose on the fire, and furnished water to the hand engines, that the fire was extinguished. A very destructive conflagration would otherwise have occurred. From the carpenter shop, which, with its contents was wholly destroyed, the flames crossed the alley and burned everything on both sides up to Madison street, with the exception of a wooden house on the Northwest corner of the alley and Madison. A tenement house, owned by Wm. BUSWELL, and occupied by two poor families who barely escaped with their lives, and whose little household furniture was destroyed,--was damaged to the amount of about $350. Insured. Jesse J. AYERS owned two the burnt buildings, and loses about $1,000. Fully insured. Mr. FELLOWS' loss on stock, tools, &c., is $500. No insurance. Timothy
RYAN, a carpenter, in the employ of Mr. F., lost a valuable cow, valued at $40, together with all his tools, which were in the shop at the time. Two other men in the employ of Mr. F., lost all their tools valued at $100 each. Three tenement houses, owned by Ami BREWSTER, (fully insured,) were destroyed, and the occupants saving little or nothing. Their names are
Patrick MADDEN, Patrick RIGNEY and Darby KELLY. Isaac WATERMAN loses about $125; and John VAN DYCK about $60--no insurance in either case.
- An adjourned meeting of the friends of LINCOLN and HAMLIN of the Eighty Ward, was held at the office of JONES & Co., corner of First and Adams streets, on Friday evening, August 3d. A large number of names were added to the Club. The meeting adjourned to Monday evening, August 6th, for the election of officers. A full attendance is solicited.
- At a meeting of the Fifth Ward Wide Awake Club, held last Thursday evening, the following were appointed delegates to act with the delegates from the several Wards to compose the general organization: William H. CARY, Z.P. BIRDSALL, L.F. DUNNELL, E.W. SHELDON and John W. ROGERS. The Club now numbers about seventy, and will in a short time reach one hundred.
- The following gentlemen have been elected officers of the Belleverett Club: Directors--John S. PERRY, D.W. STODDARD, Harvey SMITH, William KEMP, William C. BADEAU, David DEFREEST, C.W. PEOBLE, George BABCOCK, Wm. LEMON, Russell INGRAM. Captain--Richard BLOSS. First Lieutenant--Hiram W. ALLENDORPH.
Second Lieutenant--Lewis A. ROUSSEAU. Third Lieutenant--John T. MCCOUN, Jr. Orderly Sergeant--Chas. W. PEOBLE. Second Sergeant--William OLMSTEAD. Third Sergeant--D.J. CARY. Fourth Sergeant--L.T. PRUYN. First Corporal--William MARTIN. Second Corporal--Charles F. GREEN. Third Corporal--E.J. SPRONG. Fourth Corporal--William KEMP.
- At a meeting of the Republicans of the First Ward for organizing a Wide Awake Club, last evening, Mr. J.P. KANE was elected President, and J.H. QUACKENBUSH, Secretary, for the evening. The signatures of fifty-three members were obtained. A committee being appointed to nominate permanent officers, reported the following, who were unanimously elected: President--L.D. ASHLEY. First, Vice President--S.H. KENNEDY. Second Vice President--Charles S. FLACK. Secretary--John H. QUACKENBUSH. Treasurer--W.S. GREENWOOD. Executive Committee--C.G. STEVENS, J.P. KANE, S.F. GREGORY, Theodore WILBUR, Jacob BONN. Captain--W.E. KISSELBURGH. First Lieutenant--Thomas TILLEY. Orderly Sergeant--Jesse G. HUGHES. Second Sergeant--Peter J. VAN ZANDT. First Corporal--Chauncey GREAR. Second Corporal--George TAFF. Ensign--C. HILKE. Mr. L.D. ASHLEY then took the Chair. Messrs. STEVENS, KANE, and KISSELBURGH were appointed a committee to draft a Constitution. The Executive Committee will meet next Monday evening at the St. Charles Hotel. The meeting then adjourned to meet next Tuesday evening, August 7th, in the Wigwam, at 8 o'clock.
- At a meeting of the electors of the Sixth Ward favorable to the election of Lincoln and Hamlin, held at the Bush Inn on Friday evening, August 3d, Mr. William ILER was called to the Chair, and John DUNBAR was elected Secretary. A committee of seven, consisting of M.V. THOMPSON, Charles DAVIS, Angus CAMPBELL, James SIMMONS, Joseph BREWSTER, Samuel PRICE and Medore LAVINE, was appointed to nominate permanent officers. The following nominations were unanimously adopted: President--John F. WINSLOW. First Vice President--M.V. THOMPSON. Second Vice President--James THOMPSON. Secretary--John DUNBAR. Treasurer--Samuel W. FRENCH. Central Committee--William ILER, William L. W. GEOWEY, James YETTO, James F. SIMMONS and Thomas FOUNCE. Captain--Moses ALMONDS. First Lieutenant--Charles DAVIS. Second Lieutenant--John YETTO. Third Lieutenant--Henry WEATHERWAX.
Ensign--Francis HOPE. First Sergeant--John ALMONDS. Third Sergeant--Samuel PRICE. Fourth Sergeant--William PRICE. First Corporal--William GREGG. Second Corporal--Celestine YETTO. Third Corporal--Joseph ILER. Fourth
Corporal--Medore LAVINE.
- In North Greenbush, on the 3d, inst., Silva Washington, daughter of Henry and Mary HAM, aged 4 years, 5 months and 9 days. Funeral will take place on Sunday, August 5th, at 2 1/2 o'clock P.M. from the Methodist Church in Albia. The friends of the family are invited to attend.
- At Argyle, Washington county, August 2d, Martha, daughter of R.S. and Louise HAIGHT, aged 5 years. Funeral Sunday, at 8 o'clock P.M., from the residence of Wm. D. HAIGHT, No. 4 Fi(?)h street. Friends of the family are invited to attend.
Those burglars in West Troy night before last, it has been ascertained, commenced their night work by visiting the establishment of John MCMORAN, coffin-maker, on Broad street, and by breaking out a pane of glass succeeded in removing the fastening from above the window, gaining an entrance and procuring the bit and brace with which they done the boring; and which style of business if they do not leave it off, Mr. MCMORAN may soon have the pleasure of finishing a coffin for them.