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Troy Daily Times August 3, 1860 |
A colored man named James Fay WILSON, aged 19, was walking on the track of the Troy & Greenbush road yesterday afternoon, and was run over by one of the local trains and killed. He was deaf, and of course, did not hear the cars approach. The engineer made every effort to stop the train, but was unsuccessful. WILSON was killed at once.
Wm H. VAN VLEECK, a country tin peddler, killed a mad dog on North Third street, yesterday, and threw the carcass in the gutter. The rabid animal was tearing along the sidewalk at an exceedingly dangerous rate.
- Last evening a boy named Thomas DOWNS, 10 years of age, fell in the new building of Chas. W. THOMPSON, on Washington street, and sustained severe injuries.
- Mr. S. SEGUE, of West Troy, the other morning left his watch and chain behind him at house; in a short time a person called, and said he had been sent by Mr. S. for it. The servant girl, however, had sense enough not to let him take it, and so Mr. SEGUE was saved from robbery. The fellow was a thief, and had not been sent.
- The committee of the Fire Department Trustees on the subject of erecting a monument to the late Joseph C. TAYLOR, have invited designs from the different marble-cutters and will award the plans on the 10th of August.
- The following persons have been elected officers of the Zouaves: Captain--G.V. BOUTELLE, First Lieutenant--Charles H. HITCHCOCK, Second Lieutenant--Jas. E. CURRAN, First Sergeant--I.M. WICKWIRE, Second Sergeant--F.N. BATTERSHALL, Third Sergeant--C.S. SMITH, Fourth Sergeant--C.F. HARDICK, First Corporal--Jos. M. HERON, Second Corporal--P.J. QUEST, Third Corporal--F.A. MOORE, Fourth Corporal--G.W. WARR. A meeting will be held at St. Nicholas Hall this evening at 7 o'clock, when the company will be inspected by Major STURGESS of the 10th Brigade. It will be necessary for every member to present himself at this time; otherwise it will be impossible to secure an organization.
- The parade of the Regiment yesterday attracted quite a number of citizens to Camp Wool, where the drill was had. The companies did not turn out very strong, but nevertheless looked well, and will eventually, under Col. CARR's instructions, reach a standard in drill, credible to them and honorable to their commanding officer.
A bold and successful burglary was perpetrated during Wednesday night, on the residence of Mr. Joseph LANSING, between Albany and West Troy. The house is situated on a road that leads Westward from nearly opposite Widow
DAYTON's tavern, on the Albany road. The lock of the front door was opened by means of nippers. Once in, the thieves became privileged characters, as it were, and ransacked everything in the house. The inmates were fast asleep. Even the watch dog, that acted as sentinel to the grounds, was not disturbed. The thieves carried off all the silverware that was in the house, amounting to probably $300 worth; also, all the jewelry, silk dresses, laces, &c., belonging to the female members of the family. The burglars succeeded in making good their escape with the booty.
- Two more base ball clubs have just been formed in West Troy -- the Eureka, with the following officers: President--Rodney E. PIKE, Vice President--John SHERWOOD, Secretary--F.C. SEBRING, Treasurer--Wm. KIRKER; and the Trojan, the officers of which are: President--Patrick MCCORMICK, Vice President--James GETHINS, Secretary--John FITZGERALD, Treasurer--Edward FITZGERALD, Directors--John GIBBONS, Hiram HUTCHINSON, (?).
At a congregational meeting of the White Church in Salem, Washington county, on Monday last, at which Rev. Mr. DURYEA of Troy, preached a sermon, Rev. E.C. HOOKER was elected Pastor of the Church.
Thursday afternoon, Justice STEWART, of West Troy, issued an attachment against the yawl-boat of the schooner 'Copia'. The attachment was put into the hands of officer BROWN, who immediately went to Albany and found the
schooner lying at the pier at the foot of State street bridge. The officer on making known his business to the captain, was given to understand that he must not take the yawl; if he did, it would be at his peril. The officer paid no attention to this, but jumped into the boat and proceeded to untie it, whereupon the captain ordered the mate to "go down and throw the son of a -----overboard." The mate undertook to obey orders, but no sooner had he struck in the boat than he found the muzzle of a pistol in unpleasant range with his head and told that if he undertook the job for which he came, he would lose his thinking apparatus. The captain enraged at thus being foiled, sprang into the boat himself and pitched into the officer, who,
being unwilling to spill human blood if it could be got along without, put up his pistol and called upon the bystanders for assistance, which was soon rendered, and the officer left the vessel with the yawl and had it towed to West Troy by the steamer 'Carter.' Upon arriving there, officer BROWN procured a warrant for the captain, G.P. BURROWS. The warrant was made returnable before Justice COLE, of Albany. BURROWS was arrested yesterday morning on the dock near the steam ferry in West Troy, and taken to Albany, where he soon manifested a desire to settle matters, which he did by paying costs and satisfying the officer--the whole amounting to $17. The origin of all this difficulty consisted in the fact that while the schooner was lying in the River at Albany, the captain hailed the steamer 'Carter' then passing down, and directed him on his return to take the schooner in tow to Troy. The captain, it seems, then took the cars for that place, and the mate; who probably knew nothing of his captain's directions to the 'Carter', employed the propeller 'Griffith' to take the schooner in tow. While that tug was doing so, the 'Carter' returned, and coming alongside informed the mate of the orders received from the captain and at the same time "hitched on." The consequence was that both steamers towed the schooner to Troy and both claimed pay. The 'Griffith received their demand; not so with the 'Carter'. Hence the attachment.
On the 2d, inst., by the Rev. G.C. BALDWIN, D.D., Mr. Charles E. BILLO and Miss Catherine JENKS, both of West Troy.
The friends of Lincoln and Hamlin in the First Ward, in favor of forming a Wide Awake Club, are requested to meet Friday night, August 3d, at 8 o'clock, at the Wigwam, to elect officers and transact other business--A full attendance is requested. By order.
An adjourned meeting of the Second Ward Wide Awake Club will be held this (Friday) evening at 8' oclock. Let there be a full attendance. Geo. EVANS, President N.H. BENSON, Secretary.
The Tenth Ward Wide Awakes will hold an adjourned meeting at their Wigwam, on Saturday evening, August 4th. A full attendance is requested. By order.
Wide Awake Uniforms furnished at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms by R. BALLOU, Jr., Agent for the sale of Mantles, Caps and Torches, Twedle Hall, Albany, by whom all the Uniforms in Albany were furnished. Samples may be seen at Chas. BROWNELL's office, in Court House.
- John C. HEENAN, the Benecia Boy, is in Boston.
- A blind man from Wisconsin was one of the visitors on board the Great Eastern last week.--There is no evidence that the poor fellow was charmed with what he saw.
- A boy twelve years old was arrested in Albany yesterday, in a beastly state of intoxication!
- Another boy, aged fourteen, was found insensible from the effects of rum in a car on the Northern road.
- Another Great Eastern grievance has come to light. The excursionists were fed on maggotty ham, and the stewards,--not willing to impose too much upon their stomachs,--only gave to each one a piece the size of a silver dollar.
- John DAKE, while bathing in the East River at the foot of Eleventh street, New York, on Wednesday evening, was followed by a shark, but succeeded in escaping with the loss of a great toe. Sharks are decidedly uncomfortable
visitors to metropolitan bathing grounds.
- The State Teachers' Association closed its session at Syracuse yesterday, after the choice of officers for the ensuing year, and a pleasant social gathering in the evening. E.A. SHELDON, of Oswego, was chosen President. The next annual meeting will be held at Watertown.
- Daniel WARNER has received a temporary appointment as Mail Agent for New York, in place of Samuel NORTH, who was removed some time since on account of his Douglasism.
- Postmaster SAYLES, of Somerset, has hoisted a DOUGLAS and JOHNSON flag over his Postoffice, with the motto--"Man is capable of self-government." It remains to be seen what the National Government will say to the apothegm.
- Gustavus CHENEY, of Boston, hung himself on Wednesday, foolishly thinking that was the best way to avenge his wife's infidelity.
- Mr. HARVEY, who drank brandy sweetened with corrosive sublimate, at Danbury, Ct., last week, died Monday morning. The second victim of one careless mistake.
- The dead body of a man about 50 years old with his clothing all on, was found in a pond back of Greenbush yesterday. There is a bad contused wound on the head, and the general appearance seems to indicate that the man was
- A man named Harmon LOOMIS was found hanging to a tree in the woods on the farm of Mr. Pearl LEWIS, in the town of Wyndham, Greene county, on Saturday night last. Mr. LOOMIS was last seen on Friday, July 12th, on which it is supposed the deed was accomplished, and that he had been hanging there ever since. The flesh had been eaten from one of his feet, probably by some animal, and the head was nearly severed from the body. He had taken two cravats and tying them together, hung himself so that his hands and knees touched the ground.