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Troy Daily Times July 31, 1860 |
- At Owego, N.Y., on the 25th inst., by Rev. James RANKIN, James FORSYTH, of this city, and Miss Lilla A. PUMPELLY, daughter of the late Charles PUMPELLY, Esq., of Owego.
- In this city, on the 31st inst., by Rev. C.P. SHELDON, D. D., Mr. William A. HULL, of Co(?) Water, Mich., to Miss Martha J. WHEELER, of Troy.
In this city, Tuesday morning, July 31st, of consumption, Mr. Mary GILBERT, aged 57 years. Funeral Wednesday, at 5 o'clock P.M., from her late residence, 95 Congress street. Friends and relatives are invited to attend without further notice.
A "Little Giant Central Club" was organized at the Court House last evening. Capt. QUINN was chosen Chairman, and a committee appointed to report at an adjourned meeting the names of the executive officers, &c. The Fourth Warders have organized a Club, with J.M. BREWER, as Chairman, and Michael HOLMES, Marshal.
The Grand Excursion is to come off tomorrow morning. Arrangements have been made for two trains--one at 8:30 and the other at 9 o'clock. Capt. TUPPER is making extra exertion to accommodate all who may with to go, and it is well known that he succeeds in whatever he undertakes. In order to avoid deception, it is advisable that those who purchase tickets, should do so only at the places named for their sale, or of the Sunday School teachers. Spurious tickets are sold about the streets.
- A base ball club has been organized in the lower part of the city, under the command of William MARTIN, a member of the Victory Club, and is called the Niagara Base Ball Club. The members meet for practice every evening, and promises well.
- At the recent commencement of Dartmouth College, the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon Hon. John D. WILLARD, of this city. Judge W. was a class-mate of Rufus CHOATE.
- C. Barton HILL will take a benefit at the Theatre this evening.
- Last evening, John BOWMAN and his wife, who reside in Hill street, were standing on their stoop, a high one, twelve feet from the ground, when the boards gave way and precipitated them this distance. Mr. B. was injured about the head; and his wife received severe internal wounds.
- To Let--Store No. 5 Mansion House Building. Inquire of P.S. DORLON.
- To Let--House No. 222 Eighth street. Possession given the 1st of August. Inquire of Robert GREEN, 335 River street.
- To Let--Possession given immediately, the office formerly occupied by E. BELL as an insurance office. No. 251 River st. KELLOGG, PERCY & MERRITT.
- To Let--In Albany, an old established Dentistry, occupied the past thirteen years by the late Dr. Geo. DOUGLAS. For particulars, apply to or address Cornelius VEAZIE, Marble Pillar, corner of Broadway and State sts., Albany.
- Rooms for Gentlemen--To let, a parlor and bedroom with a large closet, water, gas, &c., over the Union Bank; will be furnished if desired. Apply to W.C. BOARDMAN, Office No. 37 Museum Buildings.
- To Let--A two story brick building in the alley between River and First streets, north of Congress st., and in the rear of store No. 172 River st. It has been used for the past fifteen years as a Candy Factory. Inquire of Jas. C. CLARK, 172 River st.
- Lewis HOPE was brought up for drunkenness; he "hoped" to get off, but he found that "hope" was "played out" by a fine of $5 or five days in jail. Sent over.
- James MCCONNELL, for drunken and disorderly conduct, received a sentence of five days in jail.
- Marvin DAVIS, an Indian, indulged in too much "fire-water," and went over for five days.
- Margaret HAZELTINE committed an assault and battery on Elizabeth OAKS, for which she was fined $2 or five days--paid her fine.
- Mary WELCH was up for the same, committed on Ellen CAHILL; convicted and sentence suspended during good behavior.