Troy Daily Times
July 30, 1860

The following newspaper extract was submitted by Colleen Boose.

- From the following vigorous note, it will be seen that Mr. William ALSTON, who was announced as attempting suicide in Cohoes last week, is still alive and active. We publish the epistle verbatim:
- Cohoes, July the 29th 1860
To the Editor of the troy times--I would like to have the Editor find out the truth before publishing such a notorious lie in stating that I have Commited homeside [sic] by such and such Causes. There is not one word of truth in it and it would be well for the Editor to rectafy [sic] it in their next paper.
Yours respect.
William ALSTON

The funeral of Mr. Harrison SHERMAN was attended yesterday afternoon, from the Presbyterian church in Waterford. The Rev. J.E. CHESSHIRE officiated on the solemn occasion. The text chosen was exceedingly appropriate, from Matt. xxiv, 44 verse, "Be ye also ready," &c.--During the delivery of the sermon, there were several bursts of grief from the audience, and Mr. CHESSHIRE alluded in a pathetic and feeling manner of Mr. SHERMAN's untimely death, as well as to his character and high standing in the community. His remarks to Mrs. SHERMAN and the children were very affecting and touching. The whole religious service was long to be remembered. Notwithstanding the storm, large delegations of his Brother Masons attended from Troy, Lansingburgh and Cohoes, to the number of near two hundred, These, with the Waterford Lodge, made a procession of over two hundred and fifty Masons. The eloquent address of W.M. VAN HOEVENBURGH made a deep impression upon the vast assembly at the grave, on account of Mr. SHERMAN's position as one of the Trustees of the village, and the respect that all parties held him in. The firemen all turned out in a body, heading the procession to the grave. Never before have we witnessed so solemn a funeral. The whole village deeply sympathize for the afflicted families of the murdered and the murderer. May a like tragedy never be seen again in that usually quiet village, proverbial for its good order.

- The Coroner's jury have returned a verdict of willful murder against VANDERWERKEN, and he has been taken to Ballston jail, where he will remain till September for trial. VANDERWERKEN's manner seems to have entirely changed, and a perfect realization of his position in all its hideous and horrible forms to have overtaken him.
- A regular knock-down, drag-out, free-right-all-round, occurred in a saloon on Congress street, Saturday night. Some of the combatants received black eyes and abridged noses, while others were severely punched about the head.
- Miss HOGAN, residing on Third street, South Troy, fell from a flight of stairs, Saturday afternoon, breaking her arm, and receiving severe internal injuries.
- Rev. Rodney A. MILLER, of Worcester, Mass., one of Trustees of Harvard College, is in town. He is a native of Troy, and takes a deep interest in the "home of his childhood."
- Colonel CARR has ordered out the Twenty-fourth Regiment for half a day's parade on Thursday. The design is, in future, to have more frequent parades, and cut them shorter.
- It seems the present Administration mean even to prosecute men for having within them bowels of compassion. Mr. VAN BUSKIRK, of Lansingburgh, was at Troy when the fugitive slave was rescued from his captors, and as Mr. VAN B. stood in his carriage looking on, his sympathies were so enlisted for the poor, pitiable struggling negro that he said he would "give two hundred and fifty dollars to see the man rescued." For this VAN B. has been taken on a warrant issued by the U.S. Court, and held to bail for aiding in a rescue.

The body of John LOUDETT, a workman in the shop of Messrs. EATON and GILBERT on Green Island, was fished up in the Mohawk Basin on Saturday afternoon. The deceased disappeared from his home last Wednesday evening. It is supposed that he attempted to cross the Central Railroad bridge on that evening, and the night being dark, he made a mis-step and fell through into the Basin. He had been forman in the machine shop of EATON & GILBERT eight or nine years, and sustained the reputation of being a very worthy and upright man, and an excellent workman. He was about (?) years old, and leaves a wife and one child. He has not been in his right mind for over a year past, and last Sunday went to church with a wreath of flowers around his hat.

- On Saturday afternoon, a son of Dudley BLANCHARD was bitten by a dog in the leg, near SMART's paper mill. The wound is a bad one.
- J. Russell PARSONS, of Hoosick Falls, recently imported a valuable dog from England, which Mr. P. was compelled to kill on Friday last, because of his ferocious character. He had bitten and injured a mare, and Mr. P. wisely concluded that the best thing he could do was to kill the animal.

A company of ten young men, clerks in the employ of G.V.S. QUACKENBUSH, in his immense store on Albany street, leave town to-day for an excursion to the North in search of game and fish. They will be gone between two and three weeks. Every arrangement has been made for an excellent time.

The following Trojans are passengers on the Great Eastern excursion to Cape May: Daniel SOUTHWICK, E. CLEMINSHAW, C. WILLARD, S.M. VAIL, J.S. GURNSEY, G.H. ANDREWS, R.H. HYDE, W.H. YOUNG.

The Whig truthfully says: The Troy and Boston train, on Saturday afternoon, left the Depot swarming with passengers--many of them bound to Williams' College. The rush kept the ticket-agent, MOSLEY, right busy, and taxed the conducting powers of Messrs. WHITE and ENRIGHT. The road has been doing an unusually heavy business this Summer, and is managed by Superintendent BAKER with the regularity of a Jules Jurgensen chronometer.

The admirers of COOPER, who are continually increasing as his works are more generally read, all agree that "Wing and Wing" is one of his best and most interesting productions. Not to lightly wrought as the "Red Rover," it abounds in finely written passages, admirable descriptions of sea incidents and scenery, and good moral sentiment--while the plot upon which it is based is one of unbroken interest. This novel, published in uniform style with the other superb issues of Townsend & Co.';s standard editions, has been received by the agent, Wm. B. JONES for the distribution in Troy, West Troy, Lansingburgh, Waterford, Cohoes and vicinity.

Another fatal accident occurred on the Central Railroad on Saturday morning. The victim of this sad calamity was James STUART, a well-known contractor of Amsterdam. Mr. STUART was standing upon the track as the train due here at 9 A.M. came along at Amsterdam. Due notice was given, but for some reason Mr. STUART did not heed it promptly enough, and before he was aware of it, the train crushed him down and killed him instantly. A friend who was conversing with him narrowly escaped a similar fate.

A meeting to form a Wide Awake Club was held in this Ward on Saturday evening. George EVANS was called to the Chair, and George CHURCHILL was appointed temporary Treasurer of the Club. A committee was appointed to solicit names for the Club, consisting of Geo. H. GREGORY, Ezra DEFREEST, Wm. MCMANUS, Geo. T. BLAIR, Valentine HOHMAN.--Committee on permanent organization: Wm. MADDEN, A.W. WICKES, Alvah TRAVER, George EVANS and George CHURCHILL. The meeting adjourned to meet at the Wigwam this evening at 8 o'clock.

On Saturday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, a fire broke out in the basement of the store in the Tibbits Block, south-east corner of Federal and River streets, occupied by WALWORTH & LAISDELL, grocers. The fire companies of Federal street were, with others, promptly on hand, and the building escaped with but slight damage--say $50 or $100 in amount. The cellar and principal was occupied by WALWORTH & LAISDELL. Their stock was insured in the New York Market Co., and their loss, some $1000 or $1200, fully covered. The second story was occupied by DUSENBURY & ANTHONY, for the storage of green coffee, &c. They were insured for $5000--loss some $250 or $300. Charles O'NEAL occupied a portion of the third story for cigar making; his stock was removed although that story was not reached by the fire. The entire loss does not reach $1,500, most of which the Market Insurance Co., has to stand. The origin of the fire in unknown.

- Margaret LEMROE, assault and battery on Elizabeth HOWARD; case adjourned to 2d of August.
- Ellen ROBINSON, drunk; is a cook on a canal boat and wants to go on--lectured and discharged.
- Patrick DAY, drunk; fined $4 or five days--sent up.
- James KENNEDY, drunk; fined $10 or ten days in jail--committed.
- James FLAHERTY, drunk; never up before--lectured and discharged.
- Daniel FERRY, drunk--lectured and discharged.
- Charles HEPINSTALL, drunk; resides in Canada--discharged.
- James LAVEY, drunk--fined $5 or five days.

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