Troy Daily Times
July 23, 1860

The following newspaper extract was submitted by Colleen Boose.

- Yesterday seems to have been a regular "plug ugly" day. We hear of several fights in various parts of the city--all of them the result of intoxication--and it is to be regretted that more arrests were not made of the parties engaged in them. Near the Union Depot yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, John LUCEY, an old public offender, who has been in the penitentiary several times for drunken and disorderly conduct, beat a man named POUCHEY in a terrible manner,--knocked him down, and then jumped upon him, breaking his nose and severely injuring him otherwise. Two or three persons witnessed the affair, but they were afraid to interfere, and after beating POUCHEY as long as he desired, LUCEY ran away and has not been seen since.
- A desperate fight took place Saturday night about 12 o'clock, in Fifth street, below Ferry, in which nearly twenty-five persons participated. The origin of the fight is unknown, but is supposed to have been a dispute as to the superiority of the muscle of the two parties. Knives were used, and fists plied very smartly for some time. Our informant, who witnessed the fight, says there was "some of the prettiest hitting he ever saw!" One fellow knocked three men down,--one after the other. Several watchmen appeared, but were intimidated by the parties engaged in the fight, from arresting any of the belligerents. Officer KEENAN, however, undertook to arrest one of the party, a man named THOMAS, and while taking him off was slightly cut with a knife. The officer is deserving of much praise, for his conduct in quelling the disturbance.
- A terrific row attracted an immense crowd in William street alley, just North of Congress street, between 8 and 9 o'clock last evening. It seems that Daniel MCDONALD, John BEVINS and Matthew MERRIMAN, all living at the Nail Factory, were together, when a difficulty ensued. MCDONALD knocking MERRIMAN down and kicking him, when prostrate several times. MERRIMAN was picked up insensible, and it was supposed at the time dead, and taken into a house up the alley. He "came to" shortly, however, when it was found that his head was cut from the fall on the gutter stone, his front teeth loosened, his eye blacked, and his nose smashed. He was taken home in a carriage. MCDONALD and BEVINS were arrested by officer KIPP--the former was lodged in jail, and the latter let off; it appearing that he only interfered to stop the fight.
- There was still another fight yesterday. It took place in the evening in the ferry way. A party of Albanians who desired to take the stage to Albany, were unable to get on board because of the crowd, and at once attacked the men in the employ of Mr. HALSTEAD, and knocked two or three of them down. They followed the stage on the ferry-boat, and renewed the disturbance there. A party of West Troy officers were then obtained, who guarded the stage as far down as the Arsenal, when it was so far in advance of the rowdies that it was permitted to pass on without the assistance of the officers.

While walking down First street yesterday afternoon, we observed a crowd surrounding a house on First street, below Adams, and soon learned that a man named Thomas HICKS had struck his wife over the head with a club, injuring her very badly. The woman was sitting down upon the ground, and several neighbor women were very kindly assisting her, while her face, neck and clothing were covered with blood which streamed from two severe scalp wounds upon the head. Two little daughters of the parents were crying bitterly, and appeared to feel a very affectionate interest in their mother's welfare. HICKS is a large, powerful man, and does not appear to be the villain that he is. The neighbors informed us that he had drove his wife out of doors, and followed her down the railroad track,--she endeavoring to get away from him--when he struck her over the head with a large club. He is said to be a bad man in his family, and as often as three times a week drives his wife out of doors, and she has either to sleep at the neighbors or in the cellar of her house. The services of officer HOGAN were obtained, and HICKS was taken to jail.
- The wife of one O'NEIL, who lives in the vicinity of HICKS, fares little better than the poor woman whose case is noted above. About one week ago, O'NEIL beat her so badly that she had to go to the Hospital for treatment. We learn that after beating her very badly, O'NEIL turned her out of doors about 11 o'clock at night, and while wandering through the city she met a watchman, to whom she related her sufferings, and requested him to arrest her brutal husband. The officer--a beautiful specimen of some of our city officials--replied that as the beating was done in his own house, he had no right to arrest O'NEIL--in short, a man could beat his wife at home if he pleased and the law couldn't touch him! On Saturday night O'NEIL went to beat his wife again, but as she had a very distinct recollection of former treatment, she escaped from him, and obtaining the services of officer HURLBUT had O'N. arrested. Both of the women--Mrs. HICKS and Mrs. O'NEIL--are said to be hardworking women, while their husbands are miserable drunkards, spending the little they can earn in drunken frolics rather than doing anything for the support of their families. - This morning both HICKS and O'NEIL were let out upon an order, to be brought up on Friday morning next for trial. The wife of O'NEIL, who is described to us as a very pretty woman, with a bright young child, as already applied for her husband's discharge, but Justice PARMENTER is determined that if sufficient evidence can be produced in the case to warrant conviction, both of the men shall be severely dealt with. We hope they will be punished as they deserve to be.
- We hear of still another case of wife-beating on Saturday night, although we have not the particulars. It occurred in William street alley--one of the worst streets in the city, and a notorious place for fighting and quarreling. The number of cases of this character is greatly on the increase, and the administrators of the law should take prompt measures to punish every man to the full extent of the law who beats his wife. This, we regard, as the worst species of crime, and there should be no mercy shown to those miserable wretches who engage in it.
- These fights, with the chapter on wife beating, furnish a beautiful Sabbath record for our city.

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