Troy Daily Times July 21, 1860 |
- At Danville, VA., June 28th, by the Rev. Geo. W. DAME, Mr. J. Cushing DAME, of Danville, VA., to Miss Eugenia Carrington FELLOWS, formerly of Troy, NY.
- The Albany Express and Knickerbocker, and Mechanicville papers please copy. -- In Berlin, on Wednesday, 18th inst., by Rev. H.A. GUILD, Mr. Charles JUDEVINE to Miss Sarah JONES, all of that place.
- In this city on the 19th inst., of consumption Ellen M. THOMPSON, aged 17 years.
- In this city on the 19th inst., Julia DOWNING, wife of Miner FULLINGTON, aged 31 years. Funeral from Dr. BALDWIN's (Third street Baptist) Church at 3 o'clock tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon--Friends invited to attend.
Mr. SMITH, of West Troy, was yesterday putting up a tin gutter on the "brick row" in Utica street. When about halfway up, the ladder broke and let Mr. SMITH to the ground, giving him a rather severe shock--nothing serious, however.
A young man in the employ of Levinus LANSING, of West Troy, while loading or unloading wheat, fell from the wagon and injured his side.
Domine MILES and his scholars in the Bethel Sunday School at Albany, are to make a picnic excursion to Cohoes on Thursday next.
- Margaret GRAY, drunk; a fine appearing young girl, and works at a respectable house; her tears prevailed and she was let off with a lecture.
- Thomas KEIF, drunk; owing to the non-payment of a fine of $10 he went over for ten days.
- Jas. CONNOLLY, very drunk; generally sober and works hard to support his family; discharged.
- Honora O'CONNOR, a filthy looking creature, up for being drunk; is the mother of three bright and pretty children; sent to the Poorhouse.
- Margaret FARRELL was tried and convicted of petit larceny, in stealing goods from Canavan's store; sentenced to pay a fine of $10 or be committed to jail for twenty days--sent over.
- Sarah SPICER is a miserable specimen of humanity. She is continually drunk. She was up again this morning for her usual offense--drunken and disorderly conduct--and received a sentence of three months in the Penitentiary--a fit place for all such vagrants as her.
- Michael MORGAN was committed to jail for five days for drunken and disorderly conduct.