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Troy Daily Times July 6, 1860 |
- In this city, July 3d, by Rev. A. VIELE, Mr. Addis E. CANFIELD to Miss Louisa L. CARR all of Troy.
- In this city on the 4th Inst. by the Rev. Dr. TUCKER, Mr. Marcus R. SMITH to Miss Jane LAWRENCE.
- In this city, Friday Morning, July 6th; Emily J., wife of George W. CHAMBERLIN. Her funeral will take place from the Universalist Church on Sunday morning at 10 1/2 o'clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
- At Western Mills, Cattaraugus Co., NY., on the 3d inst., Mary BLAND, eldest daughter of Horace P. and Mary A. WEST, formerly of this city, in the 9th year of her age.
- A little boy, eight years of age, son of Mrs. Alice RILEY, residing in the lower part of First street, fell down a flight of stairs yesterday morning, and fractured his arm very badly.
- Ex-City Marshal HICKOCK was struck by a club and badly injured on Wednesday evening, while trying to arrest a man named FLAHERTY. FLAHERTY was arrested for the offence yesterday and held to bail before Judge ROBERTSON, in the sum of $2,000. PATRICK, KEATING and John FLAHERTY were his sureties. Mr. HICKOCK is lying in quite a critical state. It is said that Mr. H. has commenced a suit in the Supreme Court for damages, and the defendant will probably be arrested and held to bail on an order. He is a man of some property.
POLICE COURT -- Justice LANDON presiding:
- William KELLY, assault and battery; case adjourned to the 13th of July.
- Mary and John DONOVAN, assault and battery; adjourned to July 11.
- Thomas Hale GREGORY, an old man and a vagrant; sentenced to penitentiary thirty days.
- Nathan FIBLE, disorderly conduct; discharged.
- Patrick KEYES and Michael CORBITT, fighting in the public street; settled.
- Amos WILSON, drunk; sent down for two months.
- J. ROYAL fined $5 or six days for drunkenness.
- Officer MCMANUS yesterday, a man named William MASON on complaint of Jacob J. WOOD, "broker" on Ferry street, of passing a counterfeit $5 on the Ocean Bank of New York, upon him. MASON gave bail to appear.
- Mr. Henry SMITH, who has recently become associated as a partner with Mr. MILLIGAN in the North wing of the Fulton Market, has been the recipient of a very handsome tea sett, from his old friends and companions of the employ of the National Express Company. The gift was accompanied with a testimonial to the high character of Mr. SMITH and the estimation in which he was held by the donors -- Messrs. CHAPIN, MCCHESNEY, PLUM. SMITH, John W. CRISSEY,
S.M. CRISSEY, CONERY, HUNTER, THOMPSON, LATHROP, MORSE and TICKNOR. The present was a very handsome one, and creditable alike to those who gave and he who received it. Mr. SMITH is a very worth young man, who deserves, as he has received, the esteem of all who know him. We wish him success in his new field of effort.
SPECIAL NOTICES (Advertisements)
- Dr. E.C. HOWE, Office and Residence, No. 127 North Third street, Troy, N.Y.
- W.C. HOLMES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Imported Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, &c., &c., No. 240 River street, up stairs, two doors North of Troy House, Troy, N.Y.
- Alex S. GOLDSMITH, dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Combs, and Fancy Goods, No. 350 River street, Troy, N.Y. Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired.
- E.W. HYDORN & Co., Tailors, No. 91 Congress street, Troy, N.Y. Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, of superior styles.
- Thomas TILLY, Coppersmith and Plumber, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, Manufacturer of Locomotive Flues, Brewers Coppers, Tanners Heaters, Dyers' & Clothiers Kettles. Copper work for Steam Engines made to order in a
workmanlike manner, and warranted. No. 187 River st., Troy.
- Wm. H. YOUNG, Mount Ila Marble Works, Near the Junction of Seventh and Congress sts., Troy, N.Y. He has on hand a general assortment of Mantle Pieces, Monuments, Head Stones, Tablets, Tables and Stand Tops, Tileing, &c. Particular attention paid to Lettering and Carving.
- S.G. GLEASON, Formerly Henry H. BECKER, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, Patent Medicines, Perfumeries, &c. Also Proprietor and Manufacturer of Rich's Hair Wash and Barber's Stove Polish.
Physicians' Prescriptions carefully prepared. No. 314 River street, a few doors above the Museum, Troy, N.Y.
- BARDWELL & Co's Bazaar, Store No. 2 Troy House Building, Dealers in London and Paris Fancy Articles, German Fancy Goods, Games Toys, Shell, Buffalo and Horn Combs, Lubin's and Harrison's Perfumery, Toilet Articles of every
description, &c., &c., Wholesale and Retail.
- BATTERSHALL, GRAVES & VAN ALSTYNE, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Nos, 221 and 223 River st., Troy, N.Y., (opposite Troy House) Ludlow A. BATTERSHALL, late BATTERSHALL, MCDOUAL & Co.; Aaron H. GRAVES, late HUNTER, GRAVES & Co.; Wm. L. VAN ALSTYNE, late MARVIN & VAN ALSTYNE.
- Mrs. VARLEY, No. 12 Congress street, Milliner and Dress Maker, has just received a large addition to her stock of Millinery. Ladies' and Misses' Bonnets of every variety of straw, Misses' and Boys' Hats, Ribbons, Silks, Laces, Veils, Flowers, &c., to which she invites the examination of the ladies of Troy.
- Benj. BROWNE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Embroideries, Lace Goods, Hosiery, Ribbons, -- Trimmings, &c., 224 River Street, Troy, opposite Troy House. French Embroideries, Cambric Edgings and Insertings, Swiss do., Thread Edgings, Cotton do., French Flowers, Hats and Cap Ribbons, Linen Hdkfs, Black Lace Veils, Caps, Ruches, &c., &c.
- New Spring Millinery Goods, At Mrs. PALMER"S, No. 9 Fulton street, Troy, embracing every variety of new and fashionable Silk and Straw Bonnets, French Flowers and Ribbons, Dress Caps and Head Dresses, Children's Hats,
Gaps and Bloomers, Silk Ruches and Straw Trimmings, &c.--All goods sold at the lowest prices and the utmost satisfaction guarantied. Ladies are respectfully invited to an early inspection. Mourning Bonnets constantly on hand.
- Return to the Old Stand, Francis DAVIS, Agent; has returned to the old stand, No. 220 River street, and has re-stocked the store with an unusually full supply of Millinery Goods, including all the latest styles and fashions. Our whole attention is devoted to the business, and we shall promptly introduce all the novelties and changes as they appear. A large supply of Mourning Goods on hand and the newest styles made up to order on short notice. Our stock of Fancy Goods and Embroideries, is unsurpassable, and we invite the special attention of ladies to the exhibition. All Millinery work promptly done, and prices always reasonable. Remember the old stand, No. 220 River street. Francis DAVIS, Agent.
- A. CRAIG, Importer and Dealer in China, Glass, and Earthen Ware, No. 76 Congress st., has just received by ship 'Henry Clay', twenty Crates of Fine Earthen Ware comprising White, Granite, Fancy Toilet, Edged, Dipped and Painted Ware from the Edward Challinor & Co., Staffordshire Potters, England, which he is now offering at the Lowest Cash Prices.
- William FLEMING, Gas and Steam Fitter, No. 55 Congress Street, Opposite the Court House -- Hoping to receive from my friends and the public in general a fair share of their patronage, I have started in the above business and will endeavor to give all who call on me, Good Workmanship and Reasonable Prices. I shall keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Gas Fixtures, and all kinds of material usually kept by the trade.
- Troy House, Troy, N.Y., C.H. JONES, Proprietor -- Passengers conveyed to and from the Depot, free of charge.
- No. 1 Museum Building, Fine Clothing at Nos. 3 & 7 Fulton street, corner of River, Troy, N.Y. Joseph B. WILKINSON.
- Piano Forte Tuning. Geo. N. COLLIER, Piano Forte Tuner. Orders left at J.W. ANDREWS', cor. Third and Albany streets, Troy. Pianos Repaired and Tuned by the year.
- THURMAN & BENSON, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, 279 River street, Troy, N.Y. R.H. THURMAN - N.H. BENSON, JR.
- Chas. H. DAVIS, Wholesale and Retail Confectioner, No. 8 1/2 King street, opp. Manufacturers' Bank, Troy. Parties supplied with Ice Cream, Soda Water, Cake and Confectionery, at short notice.
- Geo. W. SHEPARD, Book Binder, and Blank Book Manufacturer, No. 211 River street, over the Budget Office. Blank Books of all kinds kept constantly on hand. All Blank Work paged without extra charge.
- Henry WARREN's, Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, 321 and 333 River street, Troy, N.Y. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Grindstones, Pumps, Farming Implements, Seeds, &c.
- E. HUNTINGTON, Cheap Cash Grocery and Provision Store.--The best brands of Flour for Family use. Butter, Cheese and all other goods in the line, at the lowest prices at 386 River street, first door North of the Railroad.
- J.L. OSTROM, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, Perfumery, Burning Fluid, Fishing Tackle, Patent Medicines, &c. Physicians. Prescriptions carefully put up. First door North of Manufacturers' Bank, on King and River sts., Troy. N.Y.
- The Union House. E.D. BEACH, Proprietor, opposite Union Railroad Depot, Albany street; Troy, N.Y. First Class House, First Class Fare, Prompt Attendance, Reasonable Charges--an elegant and commodious house for guests and strangers.
- Lots on the East and West side of 11th street will be leased by me on long terms, with covenants to convey when consideration shall have been paid. The consideration is fixed on this street, which has been graded at $200.
- To Rent -- The Rooms at present occupied by the Clerk of the Board of Education. Rent $100. Possession first of May. Apply at the Wardrobe, 212 River street, on the premises. These rooms are very desirable for offices--the location the best in the city. Anthony LAWTON.
- For Sale or to Let--The three story modern built brick house in the Eighth Ward, known as the KIMBALL House, nearly new and in good repair. There is 75 feet of ground frontage on the street; out-houses, cisterns, &c., on the premises. Now occupied by Miner FULLINGTON. Terms of sale easy. For terms, &c., application may be made to: Isaac MCCONIHE, Jr., 137 River st.
- To Collar Manufacturers, To Let--Two rooms, each 80 by 40 feet, in Johnson Block, corner Fulton and Union streets. Steam Power to drive any number of Sewing Machines will be furnished at reasonable rates. A rare opportunity is here offered of rooms with power, in a central location and free from the usual-hazard of steam power--the boiler being located at a distance of over 100 feet from this building. Apply to: W. & L.E. GURLEY.