![]() |
Civil War Soldiers of the 175th Infantry Regiment |
James Anglin |
Cornelius Armstrong |
John B. Babcock |
John T. Baker |
Joseph Bandow |
Richard Barton |
Joseph Baudon |
William Beal |
William Beatty |
William Bell |
John Besento |
John Brown |
Daniel Browne |
George C. Brydon |
William A. Buchanan |
Joseph Byder |
John Caldwell |
John Campbell |
Edward Carney |
Henry W. Carson |
Thomas Caulkins |
Thomas Clement |
Denis Colbert |
Benjamin Cole |
Ferdinand G. Colombier |
James Connolly |
William Cooper |
Christopher Carr |
John Costello |
John Cullen |
Owen Cullen |
Matthew Cully |
Isaac Daniels |
Martin Davidson |
Ross Dugan |
Peter Donnelly |
James Dougherty |
Charles A. Douglass |
Andrew Downey |
John Downey |
Edward Duke |
Harry Dumont |
Thomas Durkin |
Anaeleto Peo Emanuel |
John Esler |
Harry P. Fitch |
John Flannigan |
John Flood |
James J. Foley |
George Freel |
John Gallagher |
Franklin Glass |
Bernard Gough |
Samuel Groeninger |
Andrew Hackett |
James Hageman |
Louis Hageman |
James Harkin |
John Hart |
Thomas Hays |
John Heffernan |
Henry Henry |
James Hogan |
Joseph Hopper |
Abraham Hopson |
Isaac Horner |
James Horner |
Andrew J. Howland |
William P. Huxford |
Thomas Irwin |
Peter Jackson |
David B. Johnston |
John Jones |
Neal Kavanagh |
Robert F. Kelly |
John Kenedy |
Joseph Keyser |
Robert B. King |
Henry Kinney |
Morris Lancaster |
Patrick Lavalle |
John Lennon |
Francis Limberg |
Albert Linneman |
James Lockwood |
John Lyons |
William Mackey |
John Maloney |
Juillien Maroque |
George W. Marston |
Robert Mason |
Francis Masterson |
James Matthews |
Thomas McCauley |
John McCormick |
Thomas McGinley |
Brian McGowen |
Thomas McGrath |
John McGregor |
Henry McKenna |
James McKenna |
William McMullen |
Barney McQuade |
Edward Mehan |
William Miller |
Michael Mitchell |
Herbert Monaghan |
William Mooney |
John Moran |
Peter Moran |
Patrick Moriarty |
Patrick Morris |
Patrick Mullany |
Maurice Murphy |
David J. Myers |
Matthias Nell |
William Neven |
Matthew O'Connor |
Joseph O'Donnell |
Robert O'Donnell |
Keady O'Leary |
David O'Loughlin |
Thomas O'Loughlin |
Daniel O'Sullivan |
Moriarty O'Sullivan |
Peter Oxsentester |
James Patrick |
Addison Peck |
Andrew Peterson |
David Poyneer |
Nelson Pollard |
John Pollitt |
Anthony Pryseskie |
Michael Quinn |
William Ramsay |
Stewart Reid |
John J. Reiner |
Peter Robinson |
Robert Roddy |
Michael Rogers |
Robert Russell |
Patrick Savage |
Henry Siebert |
James Skellen |
Joseph Smith |
Theodore Smith |
Henry Stone |
Daniel Sullivan |
Timothy Sullivan |
Francis Taafe |
Jacob Talarnini |
John Thieme |
Thomas Thurman |
William Trevisick |
Christopher Trimbo |
James M. Van Den Bergh |
John Waterson |
Edward Watts |
George H. Wheaton |
Samuel Wilson |
Michael Winslow |
John Young |
William Young |
Company B
Joseph Alan |
Joseph A. Baker |
Charles O. Barber |
Lewis L. Beck |
William Bergen |
Dennis Biggins |
Stillwell Bloom |
William Boyd |
William Brown |
Charles Brummer |
Lawrence J. Bryan |
John E. Burke |
George W. Buxton |
Herman L. Camp |
Charles M. Carter |
William Clancy |
John Connell |
Anthony Daly |
Edmond Davis |
John Desmond |
William Dickson |
August Diemel |
Philip Dolan |
John Doran |
Henry Duettman |
James Eldridge |
Charles Emerson |
Patrick Fallen |
John Fee |
Madison K. Finley |
Philip Fitzpatrick |
William P. Fitzpatrick |
Thomas Flood |
John A. Francis |
Lewis S. Garmo |
Charles Frankl |
Michael Gaughan |
John Hagan |
Edward F. Halliday |
George Hammond |
William G. Harker |
Samuel C. Haven |
James Henry |
Isaac Hewthorn |
Laban Hill |
Joseph Hermance |
Alonzo Hitt |
Theodore Hoff |
Aaron B. Inness |
John B. Jessup |
George W. Johnson |
William Johnson |
Charles Kavanagh |
James G. Kemp |
Hugh Kiernan |
James S. King |
Alexander Kohl |
James Landers |
Jacob Lane |
Charles Lee |
John G. Leesse |
Edward Levins |
Michael Lowrey |
Edward Lynch |
Charles W. Lyon |
David E. Lyon |
Thomas Magenly |
Michael Mahan |
Owen Maher |
Edward Many |
Constantin Mayer |
Alexander McCarter |
Peter McDonald |
Henry McFadden |
John McHattan |
James McKeever |
John McLaughlin |
George Meunier |
Henry Meyer |
Henry Miller |
Joseph Mitten |
Alexander W. Montgomery |
Thomas Moore |
Matthew Morrison |
Augustin Montera |
Frederick Muller |
James Murphy |
Michael J. Murphy |
Peter O'Connor |
Patrick O'Grady |
Patrick O'Grady |
Nehemiah Oakley |
Frederick Ortwein |
Sylvester Parkins |
George A. Perrine |
George Petrie |
William H. Pickering |
Peter J. Quigley |
St George R. Raby |
William Radisan |
Owen Reynolds |
Philip Riley |
James Roach |
Joshua N. Roberts |
John Rodgers |
Thomas Ross |
John Rourke |
Henry Rowler |
Edmond T. Sands |
William E. Shannon |
John Shields |
George W. Sherwood |
John Smith |
Joseph Smith |
Sylvester Sniffen |
Charles Stegman |
William Stewart |
George V. Swackhamer |
Myles Sweeney |
John Syne |
Grosvenor Waters |
George P. Watt |
Alois Weber |
Patrick Welsh |
Robert Wiley |
John Wilkie |
James Williams |
Isaac C Woglon |