Civil War Soldiers of the
169th Regiment New York
Company I

Adams, William W., Private
Adsit, Shadrack, Private
Allen, William, Private
Archan, Thomas, Private
Bean, Joseph, Private
Blondin, George, Private
Brady, Lawrence, Private
Brewster, Joseph, Private
Campbell, George, 3d Corp.
Carlin, John, Private
Collopy, Thomas, Private
Conners, Patrick, 2d Lieut.
Corron, Andrew, Private
Corron, Edward, Private
Decell, George, 4th Corp.
Delaney, John, Private
Dillon, Marshall, Private
Dixon, John, Private
Duchanne, Leonard, Private
Ensign, Allen, Private
Flarity, James, Private
Frank, Daniel, Private
Gardner, Thomas H.,. 2d Sergt.
Gregione, Levi, Private
Hall, Albert S., 7th Corp.
Harris, Nathaniel, Private
Harrison, Thomas, Private
Healy, James M., Private
Henderson, Charles, Private
Hope, Francis, 5th Corp.
Hopkins, Lewis, 2d Corp.
James, David, Private
Johnson, Andrew M., Wagoner
Kiernon, Thomas, Private
King, Charles, Private
Laduke, Lewis, Private
LaFountain, Lewis, Private
LaPennant, Leon, Private
Lavine, Adolphus, Private
Lindley, William, Private
Mallow, Lawrence, Private
Mann, Edward, Private
McGowan, John, Private
McNamara, Thomas, Private
McQueen, James, Private
Meagher, Mathias, Private
Merriam, William H., Private
Miller, Peter, Private
Mullholland, Terence, Private
Murname, Michael, Capt.
Murphy, Jeremiah, Private
Myres, Charles, Private
Neils, James, Private
Niles, John, Private
O'Brien, Thomas, 1st Corp.
Olmstead, Samuel, Drummer
Parrott, Andrew, Private
Peabody, Franklin, Fifer
Perrego, Joseph, Private
Plunkett, Thomas, Private
Ranisburh, Robert, 5th Sergt.
Reynolds, James, Private
Riley, Peter, Private
Root, Napoleon, 4th Sergt.
Roubeld, Jeremiah, Private
Ryan, Thomas, Private
Santos, Oliver, Private
Scriven, Daniel E., 1st Sergt.
Sevake, Anthony R., 3d Sergt.
Shattock, Samuel, Private
Shaughnessy, John, Private
Shortsleeves, Peter, Private
Shoveland, Edward B., Private
Smith, James, 6th Corp.
Smith, Joseph, Private
Smith, Patrick, Private
Smith, William, Private
Snyder, Spencer W., 1st Lieut.
Spinard, Andrew, 8th Corp.
Spinard, Prosper, Private
Tavis, John, Private
Tredo, David, Private
Trute, Michael, Private
Walters, Thomas, Private
Williams, Benjamin, Private

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Debby Masterson

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