Second Report of the Bureau of Archives
for the Province of Ontario
New Claim - Case of CAPTN. HENRY RUITER, late of New York
Claimt. says: In the Fall of '83 he was at St John. Is a native of
America. Lived in Pitts town when the troubles broke out. From the
first declared against the measures pursued by the Rebels. Was obliged
to leave Home & had been sculking in the woods till he could join Gen.
Burgoyne. Joined him in Aug., 1777. Carried in several men. Was first
under Col. Foster, then McKoy & afterwards under Major Rogers. Had a
Capt.'s Commission under Major Rogers, in the King's Rangers. Has now
half pay. Resides on Caldwells Manor, Lake Champlain.
Had 260 acres in Pits Town [Pittstown]. Produces deed from
Wm. SMITH to Claimt. of 303 acres in Pits Town in Consn. 272£
York. dated 30 June, 1774.
Had pd. some & given a Bond for the rest. He had sold about 40 acres.
After ye purchase he built a Saw Mill. Cleared about 50 acres. Built a
house & another small house.
Vals. it at near 700£.
The Estate has not been sold. It has been taken Possession of by
several persons. Has heard it was advertised for Sale. His name was
among the Persons indicted.
No. 2. Had a lot in the New City. Produces a Note by which Jacob
LANSING promises to give a Deed to Claimt. of a Lot in the Township of
Stonecody in Cons. 25£, dated 1768. Claimt. never had the Deed.
No. 3. Had a Lease in Hsick [Hoosick]. Lived there before he
went to Pits Town. It belonged to Danl. BRATT. Was to have had
a Lease for 40 years. Was to have been paid for the Improvements.
He had sold the Improvements.
When he joined Burgoyne he left 20 head of Cattle, 13 horses, 10 Sheep,
Farming utensils & furniture. He got some, but most was taken by the
Rebel Army, chiefly by one Capt. BENTLEY & Captn. WRIGHT,
2 days after ye Battle of Bennington.
Produces an order by which his family were banished from the State of
New York in 1780.
Knew Claimt. at Pits Town. Always considered him as a Loyalist.
He joined Genl. Burgoyne. He had a farm at Pits Town. Claimt. had
bought it several years. Bought it of Ch. Just. SMITH. He had built a
Saw Mill. 30 or 40 acres clear. He had built a Dwelling house and
lived there. Witness did not particularly know the Land.
Witness vals. such Lands at a Dollar or more. Clear land at 4 or 5
He had good stock and seemed to be in good circumstances.
Produces Albany Gazette with advertizmt. for sale of the Equity of
Redemption of Claimt.'s Estate in Pits Town.