Rensselaer County
Family Bibles

This page was last updated 23 Jan 2014

If you have family Bible information that pertains to a resident of Rensselaer County and would like to share the information with others, please email Debby Masterson. Your Bible information can be reproduced on the Rensselaer County GenWeb page, or, if you provide your URL, I can link to your website containing the information. If you do not have a website, I can include your email address.

Alderman Bailey Beeckman Benson Bogard
Bogart Brust Butterfield Chapman Dauchy
De Forest DeFreest Devereaux Douw Evans
Gifford Grevenradt Groesbeck Hall Hancox
Hanley Hansen Harrison Hartin House
Howe Hun Keach Kellogg Kinney
Lansing Lansingh Lape Lapham Lounsbury
Mambert Marsells O'Leary Oothout Ostrander
Phillips Pierce Pollock Quackenbush Quackenbush
Raybould Record Rector Roseboom Ryan
Shearman Snyder (1) Snyder (2) Stover Ten Broeck
Van den Bergh Vandercook Van Vechten Viall Weatherwax
Wendell Westfall Wilson

Send comments or suggestions to:
Debby Masterson

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