Ward F. Ferdinand, Chaplain 104th NY Infantry |
Ward F. Ferdinand. Enlisted on 7/17/1862 at Albany, NY as a Chaplain. On 7/17/1862 he was commissioned into Field & Staff NY 104th Infantry. He was discharged for disability on 9/16/1863. On 12/24/1862 he was commissioned into Field & Staff NY 104th Infantry. He was discharged for disability on 11/25/1863 at Alexandria, VA (not Commissioned Chaplain). Source: New York: Report of the Adjutant-General.
Note from CC: The writing on the back of the photo is very difficult to read, but it seems to contain a different first and middle name than those in the Adjutant General's report. If you know who this gentleman is, please advise me Debby Masterson of his name. Thank you!