1st Lieut. Elam S. Clapp 125th NY Infantry |
Elam S. Clapp. 20 years old. Enlisted on 8/11/1862 at Troy, NY as a corporal. On 8/27/1862 he mustered into "H" Co. NY 125th Infantry. He died of wounds on 6/5/1864. He was listed as POW at Harper's Ferry, VA. He was paroled 9/15/1862 at Harper's Ferry, VA. He was wounded 5/12/1864 at Spotsylvania Court House, VA (severe wound in right leg, amputated). Promotions: 2nd Lieut. 3/7/1863 (as of Co. A); 1st Lieut. 7/3/1863 (as of Co. A). Intra Regimental Company Transfers: 9/1/1863 from company H to company A. Source: New York: Report of the Adjutant-General.