Rensselaer County Obituaries
Surnames Beginning with "H"
This page was last updated 29 Oct 2011

It is my sad duty to post the following obituary:
HANCOX, Eve Rena Hancox (Mrs Alonzo M. Grogan IV). Eve Grogan, 43. Eve Rena Hancox Grogan, 43, of Kihei, [Maui, Hawaii] died March 10, 2005, at her residence. A memorial service will be held at 6 p. m. Saturday at the Kalama Park in Kihei. Ballard Family Mortuary is assisting with the arrangements. Mrs. Grogan was born March 8, 1962, in Troy, N. Y. She is survived by her husband, Alonzo M. Grogan IV; a son, Alonzo Merlin Grogan; a daughter, Alice Madeleine Grogan; her parents, Charles Hancox and Rena (Charles) Mayberry; a sister, Evan Hancox Rozicki; and a brother, Benjamin Hancox." (published Tuesday, 15 March 2005 in the Maui News newspaper of Maui, Hawaii; submitted to this website by Lin Van Buren, who adds that Eve was a fellow Van Buren researcher and a great friend of the Rensselaer County, NY GenWeb site; her many contributions can be seen throughout the site, and she enjoyed our Renssy Quiz, winning it five times; she left us far too soon, and we miss her.)

HANCOX, George R. - Suddenly [31 August 1921], at Long Pond, Willsboro, Essex County, N. Y., George R. Hancox, husband of Sarah Willetts and father of Fred Hancox, Mrs. Ralph Hughes, Dewey, John, Beatrice and Charles Hancox and brother of J. Handel and Frederick B. Hancox, all of this city [Troy, NY]. Aged 56 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral service at the residence, 841 River St., Sunday, September 4, at 3 p. m. Burial at Oakwood. (name and date of newspaper not noted; submitted to this website by the late Eve Grogan)

HANCOX, George R. - GEORGE R. HANCOX DIES WHILE FISHING. - George R. Hancox, son of the late Rev. Hubert Hancox of the Troy Conference, died suddenly yesterday [31 August 1921] at Long Pond, Willsboro, Essex County. Mr. Hancox, with his brother Frederick, were [sic] spending a vacation at Long Pond. They had just returned from a fishing trip and arriving at their camp, Mr. Hancox became suddenly ill. He died within a short time, death being caused by a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Hancox was well known in this city, where he had been a resident virtually all his life. The survivors are his wife, formerly Sarah Willetts; four sons, Fred, Dewey, John, and Charles Hancox; two daughters, Mrs. Ralph Hughes and Beatrice Hancox; and two brothers, J. Handel and Frederick B. Hancox, all of this city [Troy, NY]. (clipping from an undated and unidentified newspaper in Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by the late Eve Grogan)

HANCOX, Rev. Hubert. - Hubert Hancox was born in England May 19, 1839, and died at Bolton Landing, Lake George, NY March 12, 1901. His father and mother were Primitive Methodists, and his grandfather [was] a preacher in the Primitive Methodist Church. He married Anna (Hannah) Raybould Feb. 6, 1860, who survives him with three sons - J. Handel, local preacher and Sunday School superintendent in Grace Church, Troy, NY; George R., of Troy; and Frederic B., a student in the University of Vermont. He also leaves one brother - George, of Troy. He had a marked and positive conversion among the Primitive Methodists in England in 1863. Soon after he was made a class leader. Removing to this country, he spent thirty-four years in useful service, sixteen years in the ministry, serving the following charges: Indian Lake, Stony Creek, Wilton, Grafton, Rensselaerville, Reber, and Bolton Landing. He preached his last sermon Dec. 31, 1900, at Bolton Landing. After a severe illness of ten weeks, during which he murmered not, but often said, "Praise the Lord!", "Glory to God!" he peacefully passed to his reward. Brother Hancox was preeminently a good man, revered for his deep spirituality. He was instrumental in the conversion and upbuilding of many. The Rev. E. E. Marsh conducted the services at Bolton Landing, and services were also held in Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Troy, N. Y., the following ministers participating: the Revs. W. H. Hughes, J. H. Fallon, Samuel McKean, G. A. Barrett, J. B. Armstrong, and the writer, Eugene Wiseman. (published 13 June 1901 on page 958 (38) of The Christian Advocate newspaper; submitted to this website by the late Eve Grogan, who added that Hubert Hancox and his wife and children were all born in Dudley, West Midlands, England)

HANCOX, J. Handel. - J. HANDEL HANCOX. - The death of J. Handel Hancox, a well-known resident of the city [Troy, NY], occurred shortly after last midnight at his home, 3357 Sixth Avenue. Mr. Hancox was stricken with a heart attack Monday, but yesterday he had recovered sufficiently to be about. Last evening his condition again took a bad turn, and he failed to recover. Mr. Hancox was one of the most active workers in Grace Methodist Church. He was Superintendent of the Sunday School for more than 35 years, and was a Trustee for a long time. For many years Mr. Hancox had been connected with Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. and recently had charge of the buildings and equipment of the company at its Congress Street factory. He was a Past Master of King Solomon's Lodge and held membership in Apollo Chapter and Iran Grotto. The survivors are his wife, formerly Stella Mickle; a son, I. Bert Hancox; one brother, Fred Hancox; and a grandson Robert Hancox. Mr. Hancox was Associate Chaplain of King Solomon's Primitive Lodge, and while Master of the lodge, initiated the largest number of candidates in the history of the lodge. He was a member of the Rensselaer Society of Engineers, and was one of the first Presidents of the Epworth League of Grace Methodist Church. For Many years he was a local preacher for the Methodist Church. (published in 1926 in an unspecified newspaper in Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by the late Eve Grogan)

HANCOX, J. Handel. - The funeral of J. Handel Hancox will be held tomorrow afternoon at the Grace Methodist Church. The prayer at the home, 3357 Sixth Ave, at 2:30 p. m. will be private for the family and the church service will be at 3 p. m., in [the] charge of Rev. Frank W. Bevan, pastor, assisted by Rev. Dr. Eugene Wiseman, the former pastor of Grace Church. The Bible School, of which Mr. Hancox was Superintendent for more than 35 years, will be dismissed immediately after being called to order at 12 o'clock to reassemble in the church parlors for the purpose of attending the funeral in a body. The Trustees and members of the Official Board will also meet in the same place. A quartet composed of Mrs. William T. Lawrence, Miss C. Ruth Schaible, Richard Reece and John N. Edwards will sing "My Heavenly Home," "Them That Sleep," Shankey, and as requested before his death by Mr. Hancox, the Gloria from the 12th Mass, Mozart. The carriers will be from the Cluett-Peabody factory as follows: Henry T. Sherman, Howard A. Hayes, Louis Bouchard, Andrew Jupin, Harry Depeaw and Patrick Penders. The officers, Past Masters and members of King Solomon's Primitive Lodge, F. and A. M., will assemble in the vestibule of the church at 2:45 and at the conclusion of the church service. Worshipful William Peckham, assisted by Rev. Paul R. Hickok, Chaplain of the lodge, will conduct the Masonic burial service. The honorary bearers will be officers of the lodge, Mr. Hancox having been an active officer of the lodge at the time of his death as well as a Past Master, as follows: Worshipful William M. Peckham, Junior Warden Ralph Hewes, Senior Deacon Joseph V. H. Hayes, William Vandervoort, Thomas Murphy and James Chambers. The Masonic committal and the burial will be at Oakwood Cemetery. (published in 1926 in an unspecified newspaper in Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by the late Eve Grogan)

HANCOX, Leland. - Troy Musician Drowns Far Out In Saratoga Lake - Leland Hancox Dares Water, Unable to Swim - Two lively banjoes that have woven rhythmic melody for the pleasure of thousands lay mute, one of them forever. One of "the Banjoleers" was dead. Leland F. (Lee) Hancox, 26, eldest of the noted curly-haired brother team of the airways, drowned about 5 o'clock last evening in the middle of Saratoga Lake while rowing with a companion, Miss Helen Rynaszko, 22, of 61 Breslin Avenue, Cohoes. The Troy musician and Miss Rynaszko rented a boat at Ryall's Beach on the west shore of the lake and headed for the center of the lake with Miss Rynaszko at the oars. Mrs. Henry E. Ryall, one of the beach operators, said Lee, although unable to swim, slipped over the back of the boat and let himself be towed through the water. His companion dropped the oars about a half-mile from shore and also took to the water, Mrs. Ryall said. Miss Rynaszko is able to swim. The first intimation of the holiday tragedy came with piercing screams for help from Miss Rynaszko, which called into action two lifeguards from Kaydeross Beach, near Ryall's. They pulled for the center of the lake in another boat and were told by the Cohoes girl that Lee lost his grip and suddenly sank. She dived for him but was unable to find trace of her companion, Miss Rynaszko told the guards. The lifeguards spent a half-hour at the scene diving for the body without success. Taking the girl to shore they summoned state police from the outpost at Saratoga Springs. South Glens Falls state police sped to the lake with an inhalator. With the guards and Patrolman Gordon H. Spaulding of the Saratoga Springs police, the troopers began grappling. One of the searchers familiar with the lake said Lee's body sank in "the channel," a deeper cut in the lake bottom through which a steady current flows, and it was believed the body might be recovered three miles to the north at the lake's outlet. Leland Hancox was born in Troy just before the [First] World War, son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hancox. His brother, Donald W. (Hancox), is a year and a half younger. The pair grew up to become one of the best-known radio and stage teams in the state and were beginning to win national recognition. - First Appeared 15 Years Ago. - "Presenting Don and Lee Hancox, The Banjoleers," had a familiar ring to the Trojans. The youths first played almost 15 years ago at various Troy festivals and entertainments, clad in sailor suits. Through Troy High School, the brothers intensified their musical studies and practiced incessantly. Soon radio and stage offers began to come. Together during the last ten years they played literally hundreds of programs over area stations and occasionally stepped up to "big time" network spots. The future looked bright. Last night the father, janitor at School 1 where his sons learned their first lessons, left for Saratoga Lake as word of the tragedy sped through Troy. Don stayed home at the apartment at 819 River Street to comfort his mother. The drowning brought to four the area score of holiday pleasure-seekers to lose their lives on the water.... (published 5 July 1939 on page 1 of the Troy Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by the late by Eve Grogan)

HANCOX, Sarah A. - Mrs. Sarah A. Hancox. - Mrs. Sarah A. Hancox, 79, died this morning at the Samaritan Hospital after an illness of one month. She was born in England, coming to this country in 1888 and residing in the 13th Ward [of Troy] ever since. Her home was at 30 Dow [sic] St. and she attended Grace Methodist Church. She was the widow of George R. Hancox and mother of the late Charles and Dewey Hancox. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Morris, and one son, John J. Hancox, both of Troy; two sisters, Mrs. Rose Reece of Binghamton and Mrs. Alice Dickinson of Troy; two brothers, Wilfred and John Willetts of Watervliet; eight grandchildren and one great grandchild. The funeral will be conducted Saturday at 11 a. m. from Fonda's Funeral Home, 837 River St., with Rev. James H. Bagley officiating. Interment will be in the family plot in Oakwood Cemetery. (published in 1956 in an unspecified newspaper in Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by the late Eve Grogan)

HANER, Sarah A. - Death of Mrs. Sarah A. Haner. - The death of Mrs. Sarah A. Haner, relict of the late John R. Haner, occurred on Thursday afternoon last, after a brief illness from pneumonia. [She had been] An invalid for the past 30 years. Some two weeks since she contracted a severe cold, but no apprehension as to her condition was felt until the Friday before her decease, when symptoms of pneumonia were developed. Mrs. Haner was 72 years of age and was a native of Schaghticoke, being a daughter of the late George Wetsel, one of the early settlers and always a prominent resident of that town. She was the mother of Professor J. Edward Haner, of New York, and of Mrs. Amelia Lawton, wife of Colonel William H. Lawton, of Troy. She was a noble woman, a devoted Christian and a true friend. She goes to her rest after a long and useful life, enjoying the respect and esteem of the entire community who have known her so long and intimately, and with the fullest assurance that those who die in the Lord are blessed indeed. The funeral will take place from the late residence of the deceased at Grove and State streets, on Monday afternoon at 2:00 PM. (name and date of newspaper not noted; submitted to this website by Peter Stover)

HANLEY, Patrick. - Died - Hanley - In this city, November 1, 1917. Patrick HANLEY, son of Frances MAHAR and the late John HANLEY, and brother of Josephine HANLEY, Catherine HANLEY, Mrs. Jaine HATTON, Mrs. Frank SLATTERY, Mrs. William MCOMBER and John HANLEY. At the residence 600 Fourth Street. Funeral notice hereafter [notice published 3 November 1917, page 15]. (published 2 November 1917 on page 31 of The Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Veronica Meier)

HANNON, August J. - August J. Hannon, former resident of Troy, died Saturday at Richmond Hill, LI after a short illness. He had been away from Troy for about twenty years. While in the city, he made his home in the Eleventh Ward and attended St. Mary's Church, having been active in church affairs. At one time he was principal bookkeeper at the Continuous Rail Joining Company in this city [Troy, NY]. he is survived by his widow, Mary Kellerher Hannon, a former Trojan; two sons, James J. and William K. Hannon; and two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Jennings and Mrs. John Gregwaire of Troy. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning from the residence in Richmond Hill. The body will arrive in Albany at 2 o'clock tomorrow and burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery. (published 16 March 1936 in the Times Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Laura Hannon Smith)

HANNON, Rebecca B. (McCarthy). - In this city [Troy, NY], Aug 9, 1907 at the residence 1034 Fifth Ave, Rebecca V. [sic] McCarthy wife of Augustus J. Hannon. Funeral from the residence Tuesday Morning at 9:30 o'clock and thence to St. Mary's Church where a requiem high mass will be said. Friends are invited. (published 10 August 1907 and 12 August 1907 in the Troy Times newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Laura Hannon Smith)

HANRAHAN, Thomas J. - FORMER OFFICIAL OF STATE ELKS TAKEN BY DEATH. - Funeral Will Be Held Saturday from Parents' Home in Watervliet - Widely Known in Area. - Thomas J. Hanrahan, Jr., past district deputy grand exalted ruler of the northeastern New York Elks' district and brother of Rev. James P. Hanrahan, of Albany, died at midnight Christmas Eve at his residence, 1540 Tibbits Avenue. He was 40 years old. Mr. Hanrahan was the Elks' district deputy grand exalted ruler in 1928, and, previous to that, in 1926, he was exalted ruler of Watervliet Lodge, No. 1500, B. P. O. E. A salesman for the Pennsylvania Rubber Company in a wide territory that embraced all of the Troy area, Mr. Hanrahan was widely known among traveling men and Elks in his native Watervliet and this city. Mr. Hanrahan had made his home with his family in Troy for the past four years. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hanrahan, Sr., of Watervliet, was educated in St. Patrick's Academy, Watervliet, and before coming to Troy, always lived in Watervliet. Since coming to Troy he had been a member of St. Francis de Sales Church and the Holy Name Society of the church. Mr. Hanrahan also had prominent affiliations with the Knights of Columbus. He was a past grand Knight of Watervliet Council K, [-?-] C., a member of Father Van Rensselaer Assembly, Fourth De-[-?-] Knights, and of Vega Caravan, [-?-] the Alhambra. He was [-?-] member of the board of governors of the Sons of St. Patrick, [-?-]. Survivors are his widow, formerly Marie Callahan; a daughter, Diana; his parents; two sisters, Mary and Elizabeth Hanrahan of Watervliet; and two brothers, Father Hanrahan and Frank J. Hanrahan, of Watervliet. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of his parents, 1822 Sixth Avenue, Watervliet, and at 10:30 o'clock from St. Patrick's Church, Watervliet, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated. Interment will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, Troy. (published 26 December 1935 in the Times Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Vickie M. Nelson)

HANSEE, Lois (CASEY). - Died, at Napanoch, November 9th 1873, Mrs. Lois Hansee in the 80th year of her age. The deceased was the daughter of Jesse and Bethia Casey and was born at Nassau, Rensselaer County in this State June 20th 1785. Her mother's maiden name was Bethia Potter. She lived at Nassau until 1807 when on the 17th day of May that year she married John Hansee. Subsequently she lived at Steventown in Columbia county until 1810 when she moved to Neversink in Sullivan county where she lived until her husband's death August 12, 1857. Since that time she has made her constant home with her son Jesse C. Hansee Esq. at whose house she died, and where she had every comfort that the infirmities of age would permit her to enjoy. Could her biography be correctly written - written as she retained it in her clear memory - it would make a large and interesting volume; for her excellent common sense she saw things as they were and her memory was so retentive that nothing once seen or known by her was ever forgotten. And notwithstanding her great age, she retained her memory unimpaired to the last. Generally old people forgot passing events, while they may have a clear recollection of former times. In her case the recent and former seemed equally clear and fresh, for she not only recollected the events and circumstances but seemed to maintain a lively interest in them. She and her family were among the pioneers of Sullivan County and in common with others they endured the hardships and privations incident to a new settlement in a wild and rugged country. How clearly this experience was impressed on the tablet of her memory is known to many who have heard her recount it and tell of her neighbors - once familiar names, now mostly forgotten in the distant past. At length she has gone to meet them in the spirit world. To her, life has been a great reality. It has been a time of earnest preparation and of action as a means of preparation. At the age of 16 she professed religion, and joined the Methodist church. During the many subsequent years, she had not found religion to be a burden, but the chief source of happiness, and in death she could bear testimony that she had not been pursuing a phantom, but on the contrary, had chosen the better part, which remained and was about to become a sure and glorious inheritance, when all else was vanishing away. She seemed ready and willing to die, "for her to die was gain". Yea, she was anxious rather to depart and to be with Christ, which to her seemed far better than this weary life. A religion which can deprive death of its terrors is no delusion. Mrs. Hansee reared 10 children, and lived to see her descendants to the third generation. Her ancestors and relatives are noted for their longevity. Her parents lived near her own age. Her brother John Casey who died on the 31st Ult. [that is, of the previous month] was in his 98th year. Her sister Bethia lived to the age of 104 years. In personal appearance, Mrs. Hansee was tall and spare, and walked remarkably erect and sprightly for a person of her age. Though the present generation have [next line obscured] will be long remembered for her many good and remarkable traits of character. (name and date of newspaper not noted; submitted to this website by Mary)

HANSEN, Marion WEIR. - SCHAGHTICOKE - May (Marion) WEIR HANSEN, 96, of Knickerbocker Road in Schaghticoke [Rensselaer County, NY], died on September 7, 2009 at her farm home following a brief illness. May recently attended the Washington County and Schaghticoke Fairs. Born on August 22, 1913 in Schaghticoke, NY, she was a daughter of the late Harold B. WEIR and Mary Alice RYAN and was the wife of the late Robert L. HANSEN, her husband of 45 years. She graduated from Mechanicville High School. May most enjoyed her loving family. May and Bob operated a dairy farm in Old Schaghticoke, NY, for many years. May was well known and admired for her positive, uplifting spirit, even during her last few months. She loved being in the outdoors. At the age of 95, she still enjoyed walks to and from the Knickerbocker Mansion. She was a remarkable woman with many stories to tell. Many strangers became friends when stopping to chat with her while she was caring for her outdoor gardens. She was a wealth of historical information, resulting in a request to speak a couple of years ago at the new Halfmoon Town Hall [Saratoga County, NY]. Survivors include one daughter, Judith HANSEN (the late Raymond) of Melrose; three sons [sic], the late David HANSEN (Gloria WYNNE) of Lansingburgh, Chris HANSEN (Pam BOWEN) of Schaghticoke, and Neil HANSEN (Nancy HUGGINS) of Albany; one brother, William WEIR (the late Joyce) of Schaghticoke; 11 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; many nieces and nephews; and her loving dog, Sassy, who never left her side. In addition to her parents, husband and son David, May was predeceased by her sister, Helen FOXVOG (Robert), and her brothers, Robert WEIR (Eleanore), Alan WEIR (Clara), Donald WEIR (Rose), and George WEIR (Mary). Relatives and friends are invited to attend calling hours on Friday 4-7 p. m. A memorial service will be held at 7:00 p. m., with Rev. Jake Campbell, at the Chase Funeral Home, 173 Main St., Schaghticoke, NY. Memorial contributions may be made either to the Knickerbocker Historical Society, Inc., P. O. Box 29, Schaghticoke, NY 12154, or to the Community Hospice of Rensselaer County, 295 Valley View Blvd., Rensselaer, NY 12144, (published 9 September 2009 in the Times Union newspaper of Albany, Albany County, NY and in The Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Edith Emmi)

HANSEN, Raymond George. - RAYMERTOWN - Raymond "Ray" George HANSEN, 72, a lifelong resident of Ford Road, died peacefully Thursday, January 6, 2005 at Samaritan Hospital in Troy [Rensselaer County, NY] with his loving wife at his side following a long illness. Born in the town of Pittstown [Rensselaer County, NY], October 29, 1932, Ray was a son of the late George A. HANSEN and Clara L. SHEFFER and the husband and best friend of Judith J. (HANSEN) HANSEN, formerly of Schaghticoke. Ray and Judy were married January 7, 1956 and would have celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary this past Friday. Ray was educated in the Lincolnville District one-room school and was a Class of 1952 graduate of Lansingburgh High School. For several years as a young man, he assisted on his father's Pittstown dairy farm and from 1951 until 1952 worked as a clerk at the former Spruks Grocery Store in Raymertown. Ray was a veteran of the United States Army, serving with the occupying Allied forces in Germany in 1952-1954. At the time of his honorable discharge, he earned the rank of Cpl. (T) and was awarded the National Defense Ribbon. Beginning in 1956, Ray was employed as a news photographer and video cameraman by the WTEN-TV/ABC-10 Broadcasting Company in Albany. One of his proudest moments was to be chosen to participate as the Olympic Committee photographer at the Lake Placid Olympics and film many of the events of the 1980 Games for worldwide broadcast. Ray retired after 33 years of service in 1989. For the past 10 years, Ray assisted as a parking attendant and the indispensable extra man at the Howard B. Tate & Son Funeral Home Inc. in Raymertown. He was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Raymertown, the Grafton Trail Riders Horse Club and the Town of Pittstown Zoning Board of Appeals. He was an affiliate member of the Stateline Riders Motorcycle/Snowmobile Club and at one time coached for the Samaritan Hospital Women's Softball League, winning the hospital championship. In his quiet time, Ray enjoyed the hobbies of bowling and golf. He could often be found in the back yard, caring for his garden and horses or playing with his buddy Danny, the family's Jack Russell terrier. In addition to his wife, Ray is survived by four children and their spouses, Steven HANSEN and Shirley of Raymertown, Cristi HANSEN and Chuck LOGGIE of Albia, Doug HANSEN and Marybelle of Melrose, and Karen HICKEY and Kevin of East Schodack; his mother-in-law, Marion W. HANSEN of Schaghticoke; five brothers, Richard HANSEN, Roscoe HANSEN, Edward HANSEN, Walter HANSEN, and Peter HANSEN; three sisters, Shirley JONES, Evelyn RYAN, and Nancy PALMER; nine grandchildren, Joshua, Andrew, Ryan, Christopher, Shelby, Colin, Raymond, Taylor and Aiden; and several nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, two brothers, John HANSEN and Harold HANSEN, predeceased Ray. A funeral service will be held on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 10:00 a. m. at the Howard B. Tate & Son Funeral Home, Inc., 2237 NY Route 7, located in Raymertown, with Rev. Gaylord Campbell officiating. Following cremation, a spring burial will be held at Elmwood Cemetery in Schaghticoke. Relatives and friends are invited to call at the funeral home on Monday from 3:00 to 7:00 p. m. At the request of the family, memorial contributions in lieu of flowers may be made to the Scleroderma Foundation, Capital District Support Group, 14 Moulds Avenue, Rensselaer, NY 12144, in memory of Raymond G. Hansen. (published 9 January 2005 in the Times Union newspaper of Albany, Albany County, NY; submitted to this website by Edith Emmi)

HANSEN, Rose AULICINO. - Rose Hansen, 85 - JOHNSONVILLE - Rose AULICINO HANSEN, 85, of Gifford Road in Johnsonville [town of Pittstown, Rensselaer County, NY] died May 19, 2008, surrounded by her family following a lengthy illness. Born in Castleton, Vermont, she was a daughter of the late Francesco AULICINO and Christine PELLEGRINO. She grew up in the Saratoga, Cambridge and Shushan area. She graduated from Washington Academy in 1942. She and her husband of 46 years, the late Norman HANSEN, raised seven children and operated their own dairy farm. Prior to her marriage, she had been a peace worker during World War II. She was a communicant of Holy Trinity Church in Schaghticoke and previously of St. Monica's Church in Johnsonville. She is survived by her sons, Carl HANSEN of Salem and Paul HANSEN of Ballston Lake; her daughters, Theresa WEIDMAN of Waterford, Roseanne FERGUSON of Valley Falls, Marie HANSEN of Castleton, and Anita HANBY of Johnsonville; her daughter-in-law, Rose M. HANSEN of Johnsonville; 19 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and her sister, Mary RICE of Huntington, NY. In addition to her husband, she was predeceased by her son, Peter N. HANSEN. The funeral was held from the Chase Funeral Home, 173 Main Street, Schaghticoke, with the Rev. George Fleming, Pastor, officiating. Burial in St. Patrick's Cemetery in Cambridge, [Washington County] NY. Memorial contributions may be made to Catholic Charities, 100 Slingerlands Avenue, Albany, NY 12202. (published 27 May 2008 in The Express newspaper of Mechanicville, Saratoga County, NY; submitted to this website by Edith Emmi)

HARNETT, Emma F. (Mrs. Albert SIPPERLY) - Mrs. Sipperly, Mother of Nun, Expires - Mrs. Albert SIPPERLY of 715 Sixth Avenue, Watervliet, mother of Sister Mary Alberta of Ithaca and a well-known resident of Watervliet, died yesterday at St. Mary's Hospital after a brief illness. A native of Altona, she was the former Emma F. HARNETT. Her husband is a Watervliet contractor. She has been a resident of Watervliet the greater part of her life. She was a communicant of St. Bridget's Church and a member of its Rosary Society. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Sipperly is survived by her three daughters, Sister Mary Alberta, Mrs. John F. McLoughlin and Miss Flora M. Sipperly, both of Watervliet, and a brother, John J. Harnett of Altona. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 9 a. m. from the residence and thence to St. Bridget's Church, where at 9:30 a. m. a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated. Burial will be in St. Patrick's Cemetery. (published 7 February 1952 in the Times Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Dottie Kakule)

It is my sad duty to post the following obituary:
HARRIS, Lauretta Julia PETRO - Lauretta J. HARRIS - HARRIS, Lauretta J. - ALBANY - On March 17, 2009, Lauretta Julia Harris, daughter of the late Andrew and Sarah STACKMAN PETRO, passed away quietly at Albany Memorial Hospital after a long struggle with Alzheimer's disease. Born in 1920 in Stuyvesant, [Columbia County] N. Y., Lauretta graduated from Martin Van Buren High School in Kinderhook and from the Austin Beauty School. Lauretta was predeceased by her husband of 60 years, Donald B. HARRIS. Lauretta was a hairdresser in Hudson for a brief period of time and then worked at General Aniline, Fort Orange Paper Company and the state of New York Veterans Bonus Bureau, finally joining the family-owned business, Bramhall Acres Apple Farm in Schodack Landing [Rensselaer County, NY]. Lauretta was a member of the Reformed Church of Schodack at Muitzeskill and of the Castleton Chapter 668 (now Van Rensselaer Star) Order of the Eastern Star, serving as worthy matron twice. She was a past district deputy grand matron of the Albany-Rensselaer-Schenectady District, the 1958 Grand Officers Association and Eda Chapter OES, Kinderhook. Lauretta was active in the Columbia County Historical Society and Esquatak Historical Society of Schodack. Lauretta P. Harris compiled a book, Vital Records of the Town of Schodack, Rensselaer County, New York, Prior to 1880 (Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1970). Lauretta enjoyed researching genealogy on the early families of Schodack. One of her major accomplishments was to get New York state to retain the name of Schodack Island Park instead of Castleton Island Park. She loved to knit and crochet afghans for the Veterans Hospital in Albany as well as hats for underprivileged children at Christmas. She is survived by her son, David (Adele) Harris of Castleton; grandchildren Anthony (Nikki) Harris of Montpelier, Vt., David (Sarah) Harris Jr. of Castleton, and Angelina Harris (Justin Kennedy) of Centerville, Va.; and great-grandchildren Patryk and Caitlyn Harris of Montpelier. Interment will be in the Chatham Center Cemetery on March 21, 2009 at 12 noon, and a memorial service at the Muitzeskill Reformed Church is to follow at 1:30 p. m. Arrangements are with the Raymond E. Bond Funeral Home, 1015 Kinderhook, Valatie [Columbia County], NY 12184. Members of the Eastern Star will gather at 1:30 p. m. at the church for services. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that contributions be made to the OES Educational Assistance Fund, 71 W. 23rd St., New York, NY 10010; to Capital District Masonic Charities, 8 Holly Lane, Castleton, NY 12033; or to the Reformed Church of Schodack at Muitzeskill, Schodack Landing, NY 12156. (published 19 March 2009 in the Times Union newspaper of Albany, Albany County, NY; submitted by Lin Van Buren)

HAYNER, Alma Roberts. - Mrs. Hayner, 75, Dies At Home In Center Brunswick - Mrs. Irving E. Hayner, 75, member of one of the oldest families of Center Brunswick, died today at her home there after a brief illness. She and her husband would have observed their 52nd wedding anniversary on April 12. Mrs. Hayner was born in Center Brunswick on November 18, 1882, and was the former Miss Alma Roberts. She was a lifelong member of Gilead Lutheran Church. She and Mr. Hayner were married in the parsonage of Gilead Church and had lived their entire married life in what is known as the Robert Collins homestead in the Bald Mountain Road, Center Brunswick. She is survived by her husband; a son, Irving Merritt Hayner of Center Brunswick; a daughter, Mrs. John Bristol of Eagle Mills; and two grandchildren, Alice Alma Hayner and Ronald David Hayner. The funeral will be held at 2 p. m. Saturday from the Howard B. Tate & Son Funeral Home at Raymertown. Rev. William G. Boomhower, pastor of Gilead Lutheran Church, will officiate. Interment will take place in Oakwood Cemetery. (date and name of newspaper not noted; submitted to this website by Michelle Mavigliano)

HAYNER, Eugenie Roberts. - Mrs. Hayner of Brunswick Dies At 91. - Mrs. Eugenie Roberts Hayner, 91, oldest member of Gilead Lutheran Church in Center Brunswick, died this morning at her home on the Bald Mountain Road. Mrs. Hayner had been ill only a short time. Mrs. Hayner was the wife of the late Alonzo Hayner. She was a lifelong resident of the Town of Brunswick and was a member of the Missionary Society of Gilead Church. She was a Gold Star mother, having had a son, Dow H. Hayner, killed in World War I. In 1931, when she was 70, Mrs. Hayner went to France to visit her son's grave. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Henry R. Brust of Tampa, Fla., and Mrs. Willard H. Smith of Center Brunswick; a son, Allen Hayner of Center Brunswick; two brothers, Merritt A. Roberts of Troy and Hiram B. Roberts of Schenectady; six grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. The funeral will be held Monday at 2 p. m. from the residence, with Reverend William Boomhower, pastor of Gilead Lutheran Church, officiating. Interment will be in Oakwood Cemetery. Mrs. Hayner had conducted the women's Sunday School at Gilead Church for the last 17 years and is believed to have been one of the oldest Sunday School teachers in the state. She was still regular in her duties as a teacher even after reaching her 90th birthday. Mrs. Hayner was born 23 March 1861, on what is now North Lake Avenue Road. She resided there until her marriage when she moved to Bald Mountain Road. (date and name of newspaper not noted; submitted to this website by Michelle Mavigliano)

HAYNES, William M. - William Haynes - HOOSICK FALLS - William M. Haynes, 74, formerly of Polsin Drive, died Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2006, at the Hoosick Falls Health Center, after a short illness. Mr. Haynes was born in Hoosick Falls and was a graduate of Hoosick Falls High School. He moved to Colonie [Albany Co NY] prior to moving to Schenectady [Schenectady Co NY] in 1954. He was a member of the New York State National Guard and had worked at the Watervliet Arsenal, retiring in 1986, as supervisor of Receiving and Shipping. He had been very active with the Boy Scouts [and had been] a member of the Rotterdam Elks and High Bridge Civic Association and a communicant of St. Paul the Apostle Church. He was married to Marion Margaret Flanigan Haynes. She died in 2002. Mr. Haynes is survived by three children: Barbara Palmer of Schenectady, Kenneth W. Haynes of North Kingston, RI, and Patrick L. Haynes of Concord, NC; three brothers: John Haynes of Jacksonville, FL, Robert Haynes and Paul Haynes, both of Hoosick Falls; seven grandchildren; two great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral service Monday at 8:30 a. m. from the Daly Funeral Home Inc., 242 McClellan St., Schenectady, and 9 a. m. at St. Paul the Apostle Church, where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated. Calling hours Sunday evening 6 to 8 p. m. at the funeral home. Interment in Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery, Niskayuna. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Diabetes Association, 7 Washington Square, Albany, NY 12205. (publsihed 25 August 2006 in The Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted by Lin Van Buren)

HEMSTREET, Stanley W., Brigadier General (retired). - SCOTIA - Retired Brigadier General Stanley W. HEMSTREET, former commander for the Stratton Air National Guard Base in Scotia, N. Y., passed away after a short illness on Sunday, January 20, 2008, surrounded by his large and loving family. Born in Schaghticoke on May 22, 1925, the son of Edna WENDT HEMSTREET and Ellsworth HEMSTREET, Gen. Hemstreet lived on his family farm on Hemstreet Road in Schaghticoke all of his life. He graduated in 1943 from Hoosic Valley High School, then known as Schaghticoke High School, and immediately joined the U. S. Army Air Corps for flight training. He graduated from pilot training as a second lieutenant in April 1945. From 1946 to 1948, he attended Spartan School of Aeronautics in Okla., then returned to Schaghticoke. General Hemstreet retired as base commander of the 109 Airlife Wing of the Air National Guard in Scotia in 1985, having started 37 years earlier as the third person to be hired at the base. His first assignment was as an aircraft engine mechanic. His later roles included unit supply officer; base supply, property and fiscal officer; and chief of maintenance. He then became director of operations and, in 1971, became base commander. As commander, Gen. Hemstreet was instrumental in bringing the C-130 "ski birds" to the 109th, which took on the mission of providing fuel and supplies to U. S. outposts in Greenland, and later the mission of supplying South Pole Station in Antarctica. In a ceremony held on October 13 of last year, the 109th honored Gen. Hemstreet's distinguished service to the unit by naming a main road on the base Hemstreet Highway. Over the course of his career, he flew the F-47 Thunderbolt and F-51 Mustang fighters, the C-47 and C-97 transports, the T-33 jet trainer, the F-80 and F-86 fighter jets, and the C-130 transport (in both airdrop and ski-equipped modes). He also became an instructor and flight examiner for both the C-97 and the C-130. Among the many highlights of his career, he was the aircraft commander for the first plane to arrive in Berlin as part of the 1961 Berlin Call-up. He also flew many missions into Vietnam during the Vietnam War. When he retired, he had set the Air Force record as the pilot with the longest time on flying status, 42 years, and had logged more than 10,000 flying hours. In civilian life, he was a very active member of the Schaghticoke community, serving as president of the Hoosic Valley School Board and as a longstanding member of the Hoosic Valley Volunteer Fire Company. He also was one of the original organizers of the Willard Mountain Ski Area and was president for the past 20 years of the Knickerbocker Historical Society, working to preserve the Knickerbocker Mansion. He was also an active farmer throughout his life, running the family farm in Schaghticoke until his death. His proudest accomplishment, however, was his family. He was predeceased by his sister, Ruth Jean HEMSTREET BURTON, and his granddaughter, Emma Elizabeth DURRANT. He is survived by his wife of nearly 60 years, Aileen ALDRICH HEMSTREET; five children, Stana ISEMAN and husband Robert, Aileen DURRANT and husband John, Leslie ALLEN and husband Eric, Steven HEMSTREET and wife Joan, and Hollie MCNEIL and husband Michael; 17 grandchildren Robert, Nathan and wife Jeannie, Rebeckah, Christine, Susan, Scott, and John ISEMAN; Gregory and Alida DURRANT; Robin, Eben, Ethan, and Clayton ALLEN; Jacob HEMSTREET; and Alex Andrea, Sean, and Maxwell MCNEIL; and several nieces and nephews. Calling hours will be at the Stratton Air National Guard Base from 2 to 8 p. m. on Wednesday, January 23. A memorial service will be held at the base at 10 a. m. on Thursday, January 24. Mourners are asked to use the Maple Ave. entrance. Base security will provide directions for parking. After the memorial service on Thursday, Gen. Hemstreet will be buried with full military honors in Elmwood Cemetery in Schaghticoke. Memorial donations should be made to the Knickerbocker Historical Society, Inc., Box 29, Schaghticoke, NY 12154. (published 22 January 2008 in the Times Union newspaper of Albany, Albany County, NY; submitted to this website by Edie Emmi)

HENDERSON, Margaret QUITTERFIELD - HENDERSON – At Wynantskill, [North Greenbush, Rensselaer County, NY] Sunday morning, Jan. 30 [1876] at 8:30 o'clock, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Margaret [Quitterfield] Henderson, wife of James Henderson . Her funeral will take place at her late residence Wednesday at 1 P. M. Friends of deceased are invited to attend. (published 1 February 1876 in the Troy Daily Times newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; photograph from History of Rensselaer County, New York, by Nathaniel Bartlett Sylvester, 1880, page 352; submitted to this website by Christine Pearce.)

HERMAN, Charles. - Melrose. - Death and Funeral of Charles Herman of Schaghticoke. - The funeral of Mr. Charles Herman of Schaghticoke, who died last Friday morning after a painful illness of two weeks with pneumonia, took place Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at his late residence and 11 at the Lutheran church, of which he was a faithful member and held the responsible office of elder for about twenty years. The deceased was about 75 years old and leaves a son and daughter with a host of friends to mourn his loss. Rev. Anderson and Rev. M. Wirtz of Mechanicsville officiated. (name and date of newspaper not noted; submitted to this website by Peter Stover)

HERMAN, Charles. - Herman. Near Melrose in the town of Schaghticoke, NY. - Mr. Charles Herman aged 75 years, 5 months, and 15 days. Father Herman was born and raised in Rensselaer County, N. Y., and in early life became a member of the Lutheran church under the pastoral care of Rev. Dr. Senderling. He loved his church and was seldom absent from any of the appointed means of grace. He often talked with the writer of his faith in Christ and hope of heaven and everlasting happiness. He was a most worthy elder of the church at the time of his death. His wife preceded him to heaven some ten years ago, and for several months before his death, he spoke with the firm assurance of soon meeting with her, where parting shall be no more. A large gathering of friends and neighbors assembled in the church to attend his obsequies, after which his body was laid to rest by the side of his wife to await the call of the last trumpet for all the dead to arise, and come forth to judgment. The deceased leaves one son and one daughter to mourn the death of their father, both of whom are members of the church of their parents. May their children walk in their footsteps! (date and name of newspaper not noted; submitted to this website by Peter Stover)

HERMAN, Hannah. - Schaghticoke. - Died at Schaghticoke, Tuesday, Feb. 16th of consumption, Hannah, wife of Charles Herman and Aunt of Justice Herman of Lansingburg, aged 66 years. Mrs. Herman has been a consistent church member for fifty years. Her amiable qualities had endeared her to a large circle of warm friends and devoted relatives by whom her loss is deeply deplored. Her funeral took place yesterday, and was largely attended. The funeral arrangements were very complete, the details being admirablty carried out. The Rev. J. Sykes preached the funeral sermon, and extolled in feeling and appropriate terms the exemplary character and Christian virtue of the deceased lady.

"Tenderly lay her to rest 'neath the sod
Angels look lovingly down!
But the fair spirit hath flown to her God
Gone to receive a bright crown.

In the fair fields of the blessed to roam
Singing with angels so fair
Dwelling with Christ in His beautiful home
All its bright splendor to share."

(date and name of newspaper not noted; submitted to this website by Peter Stover)

HERMAN, John Jacob. - Melrose. - The funeral of Mr. John Jacob Herman of Schaghticoke, who died Sunday afternoon, took place at 10 o'clock today at his late residence and 10:30 at the Lutheran church. The deceased was in his 50th year and had long been a sufferer from a combination of diseases. Rev. M. Anderson officiated. (date and name of newspaper not noted; submitted to this website by Peter Stover)

HERRINGTON, Robert R. - SCHAGHTICOKE - Robert R. HERRINGTON, 82, of Robe-Jan Farm, Bell Road, Schaghticoke [Rensselaer County, NY], died peacefully Monday, August 3, 2009, at home after a long illness. Born at the old Leonard Hospital in Troy [Rensselaer County, NY], he was a son of the late Olive GAGE HERRINGTON and Howard Paul HERRINGTON. Bob was educated in Johnsonville and Hoosick Falls schools. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Jane BUCKLEY HERRINGTON; his children, Judy HOAG (Terry) of Hoosick Falls, Doug HERRINGTON (Deb) of Lansingburgh, Janet GAITOR (Don MARPE) of Schaghticoke, and Lee HERRINGTON (Marcie) of Schaghticoke; and his siblings, Ken HERRINGTON (Peg) of Easton, Don HERRINGTON (Lillian) of Cambridge, Dave HERRINGTON (Nan) of Connecticut, and Betty Jane BENNETT (Jim) of Oswego [Oswego County, NY]. There are eight grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by a sister, Janet. Bob was a founding member and first chief of both the Easton Volunteer Fire Company and the Hoosic Valley Volunteer Fire Company, of which he was a member for 50 years. He was an avid sportsman and loved the wildlife on his farm. He drove a schoolbus for Hoosic Valley Central School for 16 years and owned Robe-Jan Farm (registered Holsteins) for 52 years until his death. Friends may call from 2 to 5 p. m. Thursday, August 6, 2009 at Flynn Bros., Inc. Funeral Home, 80 Main Street, Greenwich, NY. A service will follow the calling hours at 5 p. m., with Rev. Clyde McCaskill, pastor of the Hoosic Valley Community Church, officiating. Graveside services will be at 10:00 a. m. Friday at the Easton Rural Cemetery, town of Easton [Washington County, NY]. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Powamppokonk Game Club, to Hoosic Valley Fire Company, to St. Peter's Hospice or to the charity of one's choice. Online remembrances can be sent to (published 5 August 2009 in the Times Union newspaper of Albany, Albany County, NY; submitted to this website by a contributor who prefers to remain anonymous)

HICKEY, James A. - HICKEY, James A. - Succumbs at Hospital Here - Shock suffered early last month when he fell in his home is believed to have contributed to the death last night in the Leonard Hospital of James A. Hickey, 76, a former lieutenant in the Troy Fire Dept. He was retired from service in 1929. Mr. Hickey suffered a broken hip in the fall and was admitted to the hospital December 10th. He was a communicant of St. Augustine's Church and was active in parish affairs. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. James A. CONBOY; two sons, James J. HICKEY of Troy and Thomas F. HICKEY of Oakland, Calif.; and two grandsons, James J. CONBOY and George H. CONBOY of Troy. (date and name of newspaper unknown; submitted to this website by Michelle Mavigliano)

HICKEY, James J. - HICKEY, James J. - Succumbs in Cohoes - James J. HICKEY of 1398 Louden Road, Cohoes, who had worked for the New York Telephone Company for 40 years previous to his retirement five years ago, died yesterday in Cohoes Memorial Hospital. Mr. Hickey was a telephone repairman for many years and at the close of his career had risen to test switchboard operator. He was a member of the company's 25-Year Club and of the Telephone Pioneers of America. He was also a member of the Troy Lodge of Elks. He was a native of Lansingburg [Rensselaer County, NY], attended Lansingburg High School, and was a communicant of St. Augustine's Church until 17 years ago when he moved to his Louden Road home and became affiliated with St. Ambrose's Church. Besides his wife, the former Marian MALZ (MILTZ), he is survived by a sister, Mrs. James CONBOY of Troy; a brother, Thomas HICKEY of San Jose, Calif.; and two nephews, George CONBOY of Albany and James CONBOY of Philadelphia. Mr. Hickey was a member of the Exempt Fireman's Association and had served with the F. B. Twining Steamer Co. He also was a member of the Boght Community Association. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 8:45 a. m. from the William A. Toohey Funeral Home, 114th Street and Second Ave, and at 9:45 from St. Ambrose's Church, Latham, where a Requiem Mass will be celebrated. Interment will be in St. Mary's Cemetery in Troy. (published in April 1955 in an unspecified newspaper; submitted to this website by Michelle Mavigliano)

HICKEY, James J. - HICKEY, James J. - Rites Held For Phone Company Veteran - The funeral of James J. Hickey, retired veteran employee of the New York Telephone Company, was held at 8:45 today from the William A. Toohey Funeral Home, 114th and 2nd Ave., and at 9:30 a. m. from St. Ambrose Church, Latham, where a Requiem Mass was celebrated by Rev. Daniel F. Cronin. Miss Gertrude Magill was organist, and William E. Duncan was soloist and sang the responses to the mass. The bearers, all employees of the telephone company, were Millard J. HERRICK, William A. SHEPARD, Louis A. SIEBERS, Harry W. PENDERGAST, Jonathan A. BOOCOCK, and Kenneth J. HART. Interment was in St. Mary's Cemetery, where Father Cronin officiated at the grave. Delegations attended the funeral and visited the funeral home from St. Ambrose's Church: Girl Scout Troop 153 of the Boght, the Boght Volunteer Fire Co., the Exempt Firemen's Assoc., the Boght Community Assoc., the New York Telephone Co., the All-Troy Club, the Troy Fire and Police Dept., the Troy Lodge of Elks, and city and county officials. Rev. Donald L. Starks visited the funeral home last night and recited the rosary. (published 6 April 1955 in an unspecified newspaper; submitted to this website by Michelle Mavigliano)

HICKEY, Thomas F. - HICKEY - Thomas F., Former Trojan, Dies Suddenly - Word has been received of the sudden death yesterday at San Jose, Calif., of Thomas F. HICKEY, former Troy resident, son of the late James A. HICKEY, captain of the Twining Steamer Company of Lansingburg, and brother of the late James J. Hickey of Troy. Mr. Hickey was at one time employed by the R. C. Reynolds Company in this city and moved to California where he continued in the furniture business. He was the husband of the late Josephine FAVREAU and a brother of Mrs. James A. CONBOY, 773 5th Ave., Troy, who survives. The funeral will be tomorrow at San Jose, with interment in that city. (published in July 1960 in an unspecified newspaper; submitted to this website by Michelle Mavigliano)

HILL, Mary Cottrell, Mrs. (1840-1938) - Oldest resident, Town of Hoosick, Dies in Cambridge. - Mrs. Mary Cottrell Hill, 97, probably the oldest resident of the Town of Hoosick, died Saturday at the home of Miss Mary Green in Cambridge with whom she had recently resided. Mrs. Hill, who was known to all her friends as "Aunt Mary," was in excellent health until May 26, 1935, when she suffered a broken hip in a fall. Since that time she had been confined to bed. Until receiving the injury she had the vigor of a much younger woman and astounded her neighbors by coasting down hill with a grandchild when she was more than ninety years old. She was born in the Cottrell Homestead Farm, Town of Hoosick, May 1, 1840, the daughter of the late Jonathan Cottrell and Thankful Baker Cottrell. She resided in that town nearly all her life with the exception of twenty years she resided with a daughter, the late Mrs. Emma L. Sweet, in White Creek. Survivors include one son, John B. Hill of West Hills; three grandchildren, Harold Hill of Eagle Bridge, and George Hill and Mrs. Frances Hill Stewart, both of Troy; also one great-grandchild. The funeral will be held privately tomorrow at 2 p.m. from the residence of her son in West Hills with Rev. Ernest Hablof of the West Hoosick Baptist Church officiating. Interment will be in the family private cemetery, West Hills. (published in 1938 in an unspecified newspaper; submitted to this website by Wendy Baker-Lake)

HILYER, Sarah (VAN DEUSEN). - DIED. - HILYER. - At Sheffield, January 24, 1899, Mrs. Sally HILYER aged 76 years. She was the widow of John Hilyer and was born in Johnstown, N. Y. She was the daughter of Robert Van Deusen and Barbara Sharp. Her daughters, the Misses Florence and Louise of Providence and Mary of Sheffield, are the only survivors. The funeral will be Friday afternoon from the house at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. J. S. Ellis officiating. (published 26 January 1899 in column 3 of page 4 in the Berkshire Courier of Berkshire, MA; unable to determine who the submitter was)

HITCHCOCK, Mrs. Gertrude. - HITCHCOCK - In West Troy [Albany County, NY], May 12, 1893, Mrs. Gertrude Hitchcock, wife of the late Elisha Hitchcock, aged 85 years and 10 months. Funeral Sunday afternoon, May 14, at 2 o'clock from the late residence, or at 1277 Second avenue. (published 13 May 1893 in the Troy Daily Times newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Bonnie Kohler)

HOAG, Julia A. "Judy" CLUM - VALLEY FALLS, N. Y. Julia A. "Judy" HOAG, 76, a longtime resident of Valley Falls, passed away Thursday, October 1, 2009, at Northwoods at Troy [Rensselaer County, NY]. Judy was born in Valley Falls [Rensselaer County, NY] on October 11, 1932; she was a daughter of the late Daniel F. CLUM and Alice (MAY). Judy graduated from Hoosic Valley Central School in 1950. She had worked as a home health aide for The Eddy and then became a homemaker and became active within her community, serving for many years as the village historian, which was her true passion. Judy enjoyed helping local and out-of-town people with genealogy and also researching historical information for the Powder Mills and local cemetery burial plots. Judy was an active member of the Valley Falls United Methodist Church, where she was a member of the choir and also cooked for the Meals on Wheels program. She was a member of the Parent Teacher Organization and also helped with the Board of Elections. In addition to her parents, Judy was also predeceased by her husband, Joseph P. HOAG, on October 29, 1988; and by two brothers, Bobby CLUM and Artie CLUM. Survivors include her children, Jeffrey HOAG of Gloversville, Jody LUSKIN of Pittstown, John HOAG of Johnsonville and Joy KECK of Clifton Park. Judy is also survived by her seven grandchildren, Nathan LUSKIN, Benjamin LUSKIN, Jason HOAG, Matthew HOAG, Meghan LUSKIN, Christopher HOAG and Nicole HOAG. Funeral services will be held at 12 noon Monday, October 5, 2009, at the Valley Falls United Methodist Church, 16 State St., Valley Falls, with Rev. Eileen Deming officiating. Visiting hours will be held Monday from 10 a. m. to 12 noon prior to the service at the church. Interment will follow the service at Elmwood Cemetery in Schaghticoke. Memorial contributions in memory of Judy may be made to the Rubin Dialysis Center, 21 Crossing Blvd., Clifton Park, NY 12065. To share a memory of Judy, please visit Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the McClellan Funeral Service, 19 East Broadway, Salem, NY, telephone (518) 854-3555. (published 3 October 2009 in The Record newspaper of Troy; conributed to this website by a person who prefers to remain anonymous)

HOGLE, Enoch Francis (1825-1914) - Enoch F. Hogle - A long-familiar figure and one of Mount Vernon's (Linn County, Iowa) patriarchal citizens, the oldest living citizen of the town, passed to his reward last Thursday with the death of Enoch F. Hogle. It was the close of a life which in spite of the weight of almost four score years and ten was bright and active to the end. It was also the conclusion of an allotted time on earth which was generally recognized as exceptionally well, usefully and worthily spent. With the general realization of a faithful and deserving servant gone to his reward is accordingly mingled the prized memory of an esteemed associate and fellow citizen. Enoch F. Hogle was born at Schaghticoke, [Rensselaer County] New York, May 8, 1825. He died at Mount Vernon, Iowa, May 1, 1914, at the age of eighty-nine years and thirteen days. He was married to Thankful S. Burch, of New York State, December 31, 1850, who died five years later. To them were born three children, only one of whom, the eldest, Mrs. C. G. Manchester, of Joplin, Missouri, is now living. He was again married March 25, 1856, to Isabella Winey. To this union were born ten children, five of whom still survive. Mrs. Jemima Botts, of Caldwell, Idaho; Dr. G. W. Hogle, of Mount Vernon; Mrs. Anna E. Streby, of Greely, and Stella M. Kepler of Mount Vernon. There are also now living forty grandchildren and fifteen great grandchildren. Eight years ago, on March 25, 1906, at their home in Mount Vernon, they celebrated their golden wedding. His companion passed away four years ago. He became a resident of Mount Vernon in 1891, having moved here from his farm near Vail, for the purpose of educating his children. He was the seventh child of a family of twelve children, all of whom have passed beyond, excepting his youngest brother, Charles Hogle of Ruport, Vermont. At eighteen years of age, he was converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he ever remained a faithful and devoted member. To few, religion was more to a verity than to him. He knew that his Redeemer lived and that he would see Him. His lover for his bible was fervent and true, and he was happiest when reading its pages, or talking with his Savior. At least fifty-seven times he read from Genesis to Revelation, beginning January the first of each year. At the time of his death he was the oldest member of this church and also the oldest resident of Mount Vernon. His last illness dates from January, 1914, when he suffered an attack of pneumonia. After a long period of confinement he was able, on Mar eight, his birthday, to enjoy the beautiful day in the open air and to go to his own room, which he so much enjoyed. About a week later in a moment of dizziness he fell. He never fully recovered from the shock, and passed away at midnight, May twenty-first, at the home of his son, G. W. Hogle, where he had made his home for the past four years. The funeral services were held at 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon at the Methodist Episcopal Church in charge of the pastor, Rev. R. D. Parsons, a former pastor and long time personal friend of the decedent who delivered the memorial address. Favorite hymns of the departed were rendered by a quartet from the church choir. Five grandsons and a nephew acted as pall bearers. The interment following was in the family lot at the Mount Vernon cemetery. Besides the son, Dr. G. W. Hogle and family and the daughter, Mrs. Stella Kepler and family, of Mount Vernon, there were in attendance from out of town points, H. S. Hogle, of Greeley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLeod of Gault, Wm. Andre and John Harrison, of Manilla, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Winey, of Milford; R. M. J. Winey and son of De Witt; Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. E. Homan of Cedar Rapids. (from an undated clipping from an unidentified newspaper, in the collection of Alta Ramsey Andre; submitted to this website by Merllene Bendixen)

HOOK, Mae (Mrs. Elmer FILM) - Mae Hook Film, 79; services Tuesday - TROY - Mae Hook FILM, 79, of Pinewoods Avenue died Saturday [6 June 1992] at her residence after a brief illness. Mrs. Film was born [17 February 1913] in Troy [Rensselaer County, NY] and was a graduate of the former St. Lawrence School and Troy High School. She was a homemaker. Mrs. Film was a communicant of Sacred Heart Church. She was the widow of Elmer FILM. Survivors include three sons, Elmer FILM, Jr., Anson FILM and Gary FILM, all of Troy; two daughters, Carol LAWLESS of Troy and Marlene MADDOCKS of Poestenkill; two sisters, Elizabeth BRAGIN and Felecia MARTIN, both of Troy; a brother, Raymond A. HOOK of Wynantskill; eight grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Services will be at 8:45 a. m. Tuesday at the Thomas S. Connolly Funeral Home, 294 Whiteview Road, Wynantskill, and at 9:30 a. m. at Sacred Heart Church. Burial will be in Eagle Mills Cemetery. Calling hours will be 3-5 and 7-9 p. m. Monday at the funeral home. (published on an unspecified date in the Times Union newspaper of Albany, Albany County, NY; sent to Edie Emmi by Paul McNulty; submitted to this website by Edie Emmi)

HOOTON, Florence V. (Mrs. William F. REILLY) - Reilly, Florence V. - TROY - Florence V. HOOTON REILLY, 88, of Brunswick Avenue, died Tuesday [9 July 2002] at Samaritan Hospital, Troy, after a long illness. Born [30 June 1914] in Boston, MA, she was daughter of the late Frank and Florence GLEASON HOOTON and wife of the late William F. REILLY. She was born, raised and educated in Boston and had resided in Troy since 1951. Mrs. Reilly was a homemaker. She was a member of the Women's Club of St. Francis de Sales Church, a Camp Fire Girls leader and a communicant of Sacred Heart Church in Troy. Survivors include three daughters: Carole LESSON and husband, Ernest LESSON, of Schaghticoke; Suzanne CRAVER and husband, William CRAVER, of Troy; and Lorraine RILEY of Troy. [The decedent was also a] grandmother of E. Scott LESSON, Kathleen MCNULTY, Linda RYAN, Dale LESSON, Eric RILEY and Suzanne RILEY; and a great-grandmother of Brian LESSON, Jeffrey LESSON, Kayla RYAN, Serenna RYAN, Christian MCNULTY and Lia MCNULTY. [Also surviving are] several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by a son, Francis W. REILLY; a sister, Marie NORWOOD; and a brother, Warren HOOTON. Funeral service will be held Friday at 9:00 a. m. from the Bryce Funeral Home, Inc., corner of Pawling at Maple Avenue in Troy, and at 9:30 a. m. from Sacred Heart Church, where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated. Relatives and friends may call at the funeral home Thursday 4-7 p. m. Interment, Memory's Garden in Colonie. (published 10 July 2002 in the Times Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Edith Emmi)

HOUSE, Sarah S. In this village [Lansingburgh], May 16th [1860], Mrs. Sarah S. House, aged 51 years. (published 22 May 1860 in the Lansingburgh Gazette newspaper of Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County, NY (later part of Troy); submitted to this website by Kathleen House Petersen; the submitter adds that the decedent had been widowed twice and left six children: Henrietta Sprung, Ebenezer Sprung, Richard Sprung, Caroline House, Catharine E. House and Charles Mortimer House; the submitter also adds that the decedent was born Sarah Finkle in Castleton-on-Hudson, Schodack, Rensselaer County, NY and that her second husband was Albert A. House.)

HOWARD, Dr. Rhoda. - Hoosick Falls. - Dr. Rhoda L. Howard, 95, of 166 Church St., a physician for many years, died Sunday at Mary McClellan Hospital in Cambridge [Washington Co, NY] after being admitted earlier in the day. Born in Grafton, she was a daughter of Wesley O. Howard, former State Supreme Court Justice, and Carrie Millis Howard. Dr. Howard, who was 95 Jan. 1, graduated from Emma Willard School in Troy June 11, 1913. She was licensed by the State as a physician and surgeon June 29, 1917. Dr. Howard graduated from Columbia U. in Dec. 1927 with a degree in psychology. She had worked for several New York and North Carolina State institutions as physician, surgeon and psychiatrist prior to retirement in 1975, when she moved to Hoosick Falls. Dr. Howard has resided and practiced in Rensselaer, Amityville, Binghamton and Poughkeepsie and Raleigh, N. C. She was associated with the Hoosick Falls Senior Citizens when she first moved to the community. Survivors include her cousin, Gordon T. Jones, of Hoosick Falls, with whom she had made her home the last two years. Services will be at 10:30 A. M. Wednesday from the Robson-Stegemann Funeral Home, 72 Main St., with Rev. N. Gordon Luther, pastor of First Baptist Church of Hoosick Falls, officiating. Interment will be in the Grafton Center Cemetery in the spring. Calling hours are from 6-8 P.M. Tues. at the funeral home. (published Monday, 13 February 1989 in the Troy Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Nancy Rose)

HOWARD, Wesley O. - WESLEY O. HOWARD, EX-JUSTICE, DEAD. - In 1920 Sought Republican Nomination for Governor - Injured in Auto Accident. - ENTERED POLITICS AT 21 - Served on Supreme Court Bench from 1902 to 1925, When He Resigned, Becoming Referee. - TROY, NY, May 11 (AP). - Wesley Otis Howard, former justice of the Supreme Court and in 1920, a candidate for the Governor of New York, died at his home here early today of a heart attack. He was 69 years old. He had been ill since an automobile accident on Dec. 1, when he received a broken leg and a fractured rib. He was apparently recovering and was in his usual good spirits yesterday. After graduating from Lansingburgh Academy, Justice Howard taught school for a while to earn the money he needed to continue his own studies. At 21, he was elected a Justice of the Peace of Grafton, his birthplace. In 1894, he was elected attorney for the Board of Supervisors of Troy, and from 1896 to 1902 he was District Attorney for Rensselaer County. Twice elected to the Supreme Court, he would have served continuously from 1902 to 1930, including the four years, 1913-17, of his designation to the Appellate Division, had he not resigned in 1925, because he found the salary of $10,000 insufficient. He was then appointed an official referee. At the Republican State Convention of 1920, Justice Howard received 126 votes on the first ballot, for Governor, being loyally supported by the Rensselaer delegates. He withdrew later, as the succeeding ballots indicated the triumph of Nathan L. Miller. In an article by the justice, published in The New York Times Sunday Magazine in 1923, entitled "Coming Overlordship of the Insects," he concluded with the paragraph: "Perhaps it is the scheme of nature that man shall ultimately surrender his place on this earth and give way to a superior intellect developing now, may be, in the insects that swarm about him." "The savage thinks of the Great Spirit, but cannot comprehend Him! - and the philosopher thinks about eternity, but cannot grasp it! - and who can? He wonders if there is a hereafter, but cannot determine that! - and theologians cannot. He asks how the universe came into existence, and nobody answers us. He is appalled at death! - and so are civilized men. He lives his life and runs his race and at last lies down to die! - and so do we all. Who can say that we are better off then, than he? Who knows? And if civilization makes us neither happier in life nor better off in death, is it worthwhile?" (published Friday, 12 May 1933 in column 5 of page 17 of The New York Times newspaper of New York City, NY; submitted to this website by Nancy Rose)

HUGHES, Doris M. (Mrs. Clarence A. JORDAN) - Doris M. Jordan - MORGAN, VT - Doris M. JORDAN, 89, of Morgan, VT, went to be with the Lord in Heaven on November 7, 2009. She was born December 30, 1919, in Watertown, NY, a daughter of Edwin M. and Esther CROSIER HUGHES. She was raised in Utica; graduated from Utica Free Academy and in 1983 attended the New York State College of Home Economics at Cornell University. She was employed as a dietician in Utica Hospital until June 8, 1941, when she married Dr. Clarence A. JORDAN. They established a veterinary practice in Newport, VT, in August 1941. She actively assisted him in his medical practice there for 21 years and for another 25 years after they moved to their farm in Morgan in 1962. He predeceased her on April 24, 1987. She served as a 4-H leader of two Newport clubs for a number of years teaching cooking, sewing, crafts and leadership skills to many Newport area girls. She was a member of the Morgan United Church and the Morgan Circle of Friends. She especially enjoyed her family, 11 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. An appreciation of music enhanced her life. She occasionally served as organist at the Morgan United Church. Some of her grandchildren have fond memories of her playing the piano and teaching them songs when they were children. One son, James JORDAN of Morgan and his wife Sharlyn survive her, and they presently operate the farm in Morgan. She is also survived by five daughters, Carol PARE of Clearwater Beach, FL; Janice JORDAN ROSENBERGER of Newport, Kathleen Audet PROVOST and her husband Donald of Barre, VT, Joan DUMOULIN and her husband Brian of Stanstead, Quebec, and Jean JORDAN of Morgan. She also has one brother, Orval HUGHES of Albuquerque, NM. Friends may call at 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. at the Curtis-Britch-Converse-Rushford Funeral Home, 4670 Darling Hill Road, Newport, on Tuesday, November 10, 2009. Funeral services will be held at 11 a. m. on Wednesday, November 11, 2009, at the Morgan United Church with Rev. Mike Desena and Rev. John Genco officiating. Interment will be in Blooming Grove Cemetery in North Greenbush [Rensselaer County], NY. Should friends desire, contributions in her memory may be made to the Frontier Animal Society, 502 Strawberry Acres Road, Newport, VT 05855, or to the Coutts-Moriarty 4-H Camp Inc, P. O. Box 565, Derby, VT 05829. Online condolences may be sent to the family through the funeral home website at Arrangements are entrusted to the care of Curtis-Britch-Converse-Rushford Funeral Home, locally family owned and operated. (published in the 9 November 2009 edition of The Troy Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Jan Jordan, who is a daughter of the decedent)

HUGHES, Harriet HURLEY, Mrs. - See HURLEY, Harriet, Mrs William HUGHES, below.

HUNT, Margaret. - PETERSBURGH - Margaret Hunt, 84, died Thursday at the Willowwood Health Care Center in North Adams, Mass. She formerly resided in Petersburgh, at the Wesley Adult Home. Born in Hoosick Falls, she was the daughter of the late Martin and Margaret Burke Hanselman. She was educated in schools in Hoosick Falls and had been a resident of Hoosick Falls most of her life. Mrs. Hunt was employed at the Undergarment Factory in Hoosick Falls for many years. She also worked as a domestic in the area for several families. Survivors include several cousins, including Clayton and Jean Paddock of Babcock Lake. The funeral will be private. Cremation [will be] at Mt. Anthony Cremation Service in Bennington, Vt. Burial will be in the spring at Maple Grove Cemetery, Hoosick Falls. Arrangements are under the direction of the Mahar Funeral Home, 43 Main St., Hoosick Falls. (published Friday, 11 February 2000 in the Troy Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer Countym, NY; unable to determine who the submitter was)

HUNTER, Muriel STEWART BROWN. - Muriel STEWART BROWN HUNTER, 99, died Wednesday evening, June 23, 2010 at her home in Covenant Towers. Mrs. Hunter was born September 23, 1910, in Hoosick Falls, [Rensselaer County] NY, eldest daughter of the late Florence CHASE STEWART and Adelbert T. STEWART. She was also preceded in death by a brother, Clayton STEWART; her stepson, Stanley BROWN; and a beloved aunt, Helen STEWART METCALF. Muriel graduated from Hoosick Falls High School in 1928 and from Albany State University (SUNY) with a BS in library science in 1932. Mrs. Hunter married Wales BROWN in 1955 and enjoyed family life with her mother and his two youngest children, Esther BROWN and Stanley BROWN, until his death in 1964. She married Robert S. HUNTER in 1974. During her second marriage, Muriel and Robert enjoyed traveling and visiting Scotland and England during the summers. Mrs. Hunter was a librarian at Cheney Public Library, Hoosick Falls, and Enoch Pratt Library, Baltimore, Maryland. She spent four years (1946-1950) as an Army librarian in Japan, setting up libraries for the American troops. She later was an Army librarian at Camp Chaffee in Arkansas and at Fort Hood in Texas. She spent seventeen years as Chief Librarian at the VA Hospital in Albany, NY. Survivors include her two sisters, Virginia BAUER and her children, Edward "Spook" BAUER of Myrtle Beach, SC, and Beverly MARCHESE of El Paso, TX, and Janet DAY of Meadville, PA, with her four sons, Stewart, Jonathan, Christopher and Stephen; stepdaughters, Esther SOWELL and Jean HUNTER WHITE; stepson, John Hunter; and stepgrandchildren, Susan, Herbie and Dixie. She is also survived by several grandnieces, grandnephews, and one great-grandnephew, Chase. Funeral services will be held 11 a. m. Monday, June 28, 2010, at McMillan-Small Funeral Home, with Chaplin Burt Bosworth officiating. Burial will follow at Southeastern Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 10 until 11 a. m. on Monday at the funeral home prior to the service. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Agape Hospice, 223 Laurel Street, Conway, SC 29526. An online guest register is available at McMillan-Small Funeral Home is serving the family. (published on an unspecified date in The Sun News newspaper of Myrtle Beach, Horry County, SC; submitted to this website by Gillian Wilson)

HURLEY, Clara Morse (Mrs. Willard H. DERRICK). - DERRICK: - Clara Morse HURLEY of 21 124th St., at the Leonard Hospital [in Troy], July 19, 1959, wife of the late Willard H. DERRICK; mother of Evelyn E. DERRICK; sister of Mrs. Albert SNYDER and Mrs. Harriet HURLEY HUGHES, both of Troy. Funeral at Trinity Church, Lansingburgh, Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Interment in Oakwood Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions to the Trinity Church Memorial Fund would be appreciated. Friends may call at the Mason Funeral Home, corner of 109th St. and Third Ave., Tuesday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. (published 21 July 1956 in the Troy Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Dottie Kakule)

HURLEY, Emily B. (Mrs. Albert L. SNYDER) - MRS. SNYDER, POLICE SERGEANT'S WIDOW, DIES - Mrs. Emily B. SNYDER, 86, of 250 3rd Ave., Troy, died yesterday at Memorial Hospital, Albany, after a brief illness. Mrs. Snyder was the wife of the late Albert L. SNYDER, a former Troy Police sergeant. She was born in Schaghticoke [Rensselaer County, NY] and lived in Troy for many years. She was a member of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. John O'CONNOR of Albany and Mrs. Walter CAROLUS of Menands; and a son, Albert P. SNYDER of Santa Monica, Calif. Funeral services will be held from the John H. Lodge Funeral Home, 2243 5th Ave., Wednesday. Interment will take place in Elmwood Cemetery, Schaghticoke, with Rev. George Borthwick, pastor of Fifth Ave Presbyterian Church, officiating. (published 22 October 1962 in the Times Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Dottie Kakule, who adds that the decedent's maiden surname was HURLEY)

HURLEY, Harriet Augusta MORSE. - MORSE - At Schaghticoke Hill, July 16, 1918, Harriet Augusta MORSE, wife of James K. P. HURLEY and mother of Mrs. Hattie HUGHES, Mrs. Albert L. SNYDER and Mrs. William DERRICK. Funeral Saturday at 1 p. m. Interment at Elmwood Cemetery. (published 17 July 1918 in the Troy Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Dottie Kakule)

HURLEY, Harriet (Mrs. William HUGHES). - HUGHES - At St. Mary's Hospital, May 22, 1960, Harriet HURLEY; widow of William HUGHES; sister of Mrs. Emily SNYDER. Private funeral services at the convenience of the family at the John H. Lodge Funeral Home, 2243 Fifth Ave. (published 24 May 1860 in the Times Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Dottie Kakule)

HURLEY, James K. - HURLEY - In Schaghticoke, N. Y., February 18, 1924, J. K. P. HURLEY. Funeral service from his late residence Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends are invited. Interment at Elmwood Cemetery, Schaghticoke. (published 20 February 1924 in the Troy Record newspaper of Troy, Rensselaer County, NY; submitted to this website by Dottie Kakule)

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