Rensselaer County, NY GenWeb site - Lineage Societies
National Lineage Societies
and Their Local Chapters

This page was last updated 17 Jul 2014

The following is a list of the various lineage societies in the USA that have websites and are potentially relevant to Rensselaer County, NY. These are organizations that restrict their membership to men, women or both who can document their genealogical descent from a specific qualifying person, such as an early settler, a passenger on a ship, or a soldier or other patriot who participated in a particular war. If you know of a lineage organization relevant to Rensselaer County that is not listed here, you are welcome to email me to request being added below.

A number of you, having discovered an ancestor's grave with a GAR marker on it, have asked me about the Grand Army of the Republic organization. This was formed in 1866 in Illinois but soon took on national proportions. Because membership was restricted to men who had themselves actually served on the Union side in the US Civil War, the GAR was always going to have a finite lifespan. It boasted 409,489 members in its prime, in 1890. The GAR ceased to exist in 1956, when the last surviving member died at age 109. The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) describes itself as the successor organization to the GAR; see the SUVCW entries below.

National Headquarters
Name and WebsiteAbbreviationGender
Colonial Dames of AmericaCDAfemale only
Colonial Dames XVII CenturyCD17female only
Daughters of the American ColonistsNSDACfemale only
Daughters of the American RevolutionDARfemale only
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil WarDUVCWfemale only
Dutch Settlers Society.both male and female
General Society of Colonial WarsGSCWmale only
General Society of Mayflower DescendantsGSMDboth male and female
General Society of the War of 1812GSW1812male only
Holland Society of New York.male only
Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic LGARfemale only
National Huguenot SocietyHSboth male and female
Society of the Cincinnati.male only
Society of Daughters of Holland Dames.female only
Sons and Daughters of the PilgrimsSDPboth male and female
Sons of the American ColonistsSACmale only
Sons of the American RevolutionSARmale only
Sons of Mexican Border Veterans of 1916SMBV1916male only
Sons of Spanish-American War VeteransSSAWVmale only
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil WarSUVCWmale only
US Daughters of 1812USD1812female only

State Chapters
Department of New York, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil WarSUVCWmale only
Empire State Society, Sons of the American RevolutionSARmale only
Huguenot Historical Society .both male and female
National Society of Colonial Dames in the State of New YorkCDAfemale only
NY Department, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil WarDUVCWfemale only
NY State Chapter, Sons of 1812 (has no website)Sons of 1812male only
NY State Organization, NSDARDARfemale only
New York State Society of the Cincinnati.male only
Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New York. This link is broken.
If you have a current URL for this organization, please contact Debby Masterson
GSCWmale only
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of New YorkGSMDboth male and female
State of New York Society, US Daughters of 1812USD1812female only
Society of the Second War with Great Britain in the State of New York
(The New York State Society of the General Society of the War of 1812)
GSW1812male only

Local Chapters
Chapter NameParentGender
Albany Colony, General Society of Mayflower DescendantsGSMDboth male and female
Col. George L. Willard Camp #154, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil WarSUVCWmale only
Fort Crailo Chapter, NSDAR, Rensselaer, NY DARfemale only
Joseph Melvin Leonard Camp No. 168, Sons of Spanish-American War VeteransSSAWVmale only
Lt. Colonel John E. Wool Chapter, Sons of the War of 1812, Troy, NYSons of 1812male only
Major George Armistead Chapter, Charter #419, US Daughters of 1812USD1812female only
Patroons Chapter, Holland Society of New York.male only
Saratoga Battle Chapter, Sons of the American RevolutionSARmale only
Van Rensselaer Chapter, NSDAR, Troy, NY DARfemale only
Watervliet Arsenal Fort No. 168, Watervliet, NY, Daughters of '98, "Fort At Large" SSAWVfemale only

Send comments or suggestions to:
Debby Masterson

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