Kathy writes, "The Enterprise, a late 19th century amateur newspaper, was published in Cambridge, Washington County, New York. Between June 1875 and February 1879, the paper was owned and edited by Alfred J. Tefft, at first with Louie A. Baker and later by Tefft alone. (Whether a newspaper or journal bearing the name Enterprise was published in Cambridge after February 1879 is not known.) Below are mentions of Rensselaer County people and events, taken from the pages of the publication of the known surviving original issues (no known complete run) of the Enterprise. Apparently, contributors to the Enterprise were unfettered by rules of spelling, punctuation or grammar. What follows is as it appears in the original."
June 1875:
- The Stars of Hoosick Falls and the Muffers of this village [Cambridge] played a match game of ball at Hoosick falls, Saturday, the 29th, Score: 16 to 24 favor of the Muffers.
May 1876:
- The Muffers, of this place, and the Stars of Hoosick Falls, play a match game of ball in this village Saturday May 20th.
- Mr. C. Barnett of North Hoosick has leased a room in E. M. Pratt's building, and has opened a meat and vegetable market.
June 1876:
- Wm. F. Babcock, Editor of the Hoosick, N. Y., Centennial, was in town the 2d and made us a short visit. Come again.
- Miss Hover, of Troy, has opened an ice cream saloon in Fuller's Hall.
October 1876:
- Charles Eddy, of Hoosick Falls, who has recently graduated from the U. S. School ship St. Mary's, has been visiting friends in this village for a few days past. Charlie has recently returned from quite an extended trip to the Azores, and looks as hearty as an old salt.
December 1877:
- Miss Josephine Cossons of Troy, is visiting Miss Carrie Scoville.
- A small party assembled at the Enterprise office on Thanksgiving evening, to "get away" with a repast given by ye editor. Among the out of town guests present was Wm. F. Babcock, editor the [Hoosick, N. Y.] Centennial; Wm W. Shepherd, of the Granville Military Academy; and Lieu't Everett Brownell of the School Ship St. Marys.
- On the evening of Dec 10th we took a flying visit to Hoosick, N. Y., Upon our arrival there, we immediately sought the office of the Centennial. As we opened the door, we were greeted with the editors pleasant face and a welcome grip. Gazing into the sanctorum, we were susprised [sic] to find reclining in the editorial chair, J. D. White, former editor of the Dog Star, in whose company we spent a very pleasant evening. Our short stay was a pleasant one, and we returned home well satisfied with our visit.
February 1878:
- Cord Stroud of Hoosick Falls, has leased the Irving House, for the coming year.
- While in Troy, a short time since, we were invited to visit the Rooms of the Troy Christian Temperance Union. in Masonic Temple, 15 & 17 Third St. By the kindness of Dr. Young, we were shown through the several rooms of the society, consisting of a very fine reception room containg [sic] a Piano, and Reabing [sic] Table, and is capable of accomadating [sic] 1000 people. Adjoining , are the Cook, Dining and Smoring [sic] Rooms. The following are the officers: George W. Swett, President; E. L. Cole [& ?] Henry C. Ellis, Vice President; George W. Payfer, Recording Sec; A. S. Packard, Corresponding Sec; Dr. C. G. Clark, Treas; Z. D. Main, Thos. Collins, Justis Miller, C. W. Hart, Wm. M. Taylor, Board of Managers.
July 1878:
- John Ranken, of Troy, spent a three days vacation in town last week.
December 1878:
- W. F. Babcock of Hoosick has just published a new book Entitled "Clare Dunville" a story of the Isle of Wight, by "Rotide." [An advertisement for the book appears in this issue.]