Extracts from the
Old Record Book of Meetings
of the Particular Baptist Church of Schodack

The "Particular Baptist Church of Schodack" was also known as the "Log Meeting House". This church stood at the crossroads at North Schodack, which was a village and is now a hamlet in the northeastern corner of the Town of Schodack. No trace of this church survives today except for the cemetery. The information on this page was submitted by David See. (Thanks, Dave!) It is contained in an anonymous typescript made in 1966, which is held both by the NY State Library in Albany and by the NY Genealogical and Biographical Society in New York City. The typescript also includes a brief history of the church and a transcription of the church's gravestones. PLEASE NOTE: Dave has no additional information about this church or its members, and the surviving records contain no birth, baptismal, marriage, death or funeral information.

March 3, 1810:
Church met after prayer, chose Bro. Henry TUCKER, Moderator, and voted that the church members should be assessed according to their property and circumstances for the support of the Gospel and to defray the necessary charges of the Church. Secondly, appointed assessors, namely, Henry TUCKER, John DREW, and Ephraim JONES.

March 31:
Church met after prayer, renewed covenant and concluded by prayer.

April 20:
Church met after prayer, renewed covenant; the Church voted to give Sister Margaret CALKIN a letter of dismission. Church voted also to appoint Brethren to visit Bro. Gabriel DUCHER to know the reason of his absenting himself from the church meetings. Voted that Brothers Joshua HAFF and Levi HUGHSON should go and visit him. Concluded by prayer.

May 26:
Church met after prayer, agreed to send delegates to the association at Cambridge, namely: Elder OLMSTED, Bro. Henry TUCKER and Bro. Levi HUGHSON. Concluded by prayer.

June 30:
Church met after prayer, renewed covenant. The Church voted that Bros. Ephraim JONES and William LEWIS should visit Bro. Hector ROBISON to know the reason of his absenting himself from the Church. Voted that Bro. Hoshua HAFF and Levi HUGHSON should visit Bro. Gabriel DUCHER to know the reason of his absenting himself from the Church. Concluded by prayer.

July 28:
Church met after prayer, renewed covenant. Concluded by prayer.

Sept. 29:
Church met after prayer and praise. Elder OLDSTED proposed to the Church that instead of proceeding in the formal way of opening their minds, to proceed to remove the existing difficulties which so hinder the travail and progress of the Church, which the Church unanimously agreed to. First: Bro. Ephraim JONES brought forward a complaint against Abner PHILLIPS for allowing and upholding himself in un-Christian-like conduct in his family and elsewhere, which he disapproved in others. The Church accepted the complaint and beg the labor [sic]. Bro. John DREW also brought a complaint against the same Bro. for noising a slanderous report to injure his character which the Church accepted. The day being spent, on the request of Bro. PHILLIPS the meeting was adjourned to the 13th of October.

October 13:
Church met according to adjournment. After prayer and praise, Bro. Abner PHILLIPS leaving word that he should not attend the next Church meeting, and the crime being substantiated by his own confession, the Church proceeded to withdraw the hand of fellowship from him. Concluded by prayer.

Dec. 29:
Church met after prayer. The members opened their mind and agreed to meet on Saturday the 5th of Jan. next.

March 30, 1811:
Church met after prayer and praise. Renewed covenant. Concluded by prayer.

April 27:
Church met after prayer. Renewed covenant. Abner PHILLIPS came forward and confessed his wrong in not attending the church meeting that was appointed on his account, to the satisfaction of the Church, but did not remove the thing that was laid to his charge. Concluded by prayer.

May 25:
Church met after prayer, renewed covenant. Church agreed to send delegates to the Association, namely: Elder OLDSTED, Bro. Henry TUCKER and Bro. Wm. LEWIS.

June 29, 1811:
Church met after praise and prayer, renewed covenant. Bro. Joshua HAFF and Bro. Nathaniel MEDE were appointed to visit sister Anne DREW to know the reason for her not attending the church meetings. The Church agreed to give Bro. Jeremiah FOX and Sister Eunice FOX letters of dismission and also to Sister Mary TUCKER a letter of dismission. The Church proceeded to withdraw the hand of fellowship from Bro. Gabriel DUTCHER for a disorderly walk and absconding from his family. Concluded by prayer.

July 27:
Church met after praise and prayer; renewed covenant; concluded by prayer.

Sept. 28:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. (1) Church agreed to send a letter to Sister Jerusha GREEN to know if she would wish to be dismissed from this Church and join another of the same faith and order, seeing that she had moved a distance from this Church. (2) Bro. JONES and Bro. HAFF were appointed to cite Bro. Moses WOOD to attend the next Church meeting. (3) Bro. Elder OLMSTED and Bro. VANVORHEES appointed to cite Sister Eve COONS to attend the next church meeting.

Oct. 26, 1811:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. Brethern OLMSTED and VANVORHEES visited Sister COONS and she attended the Church meeting; confessed her wrongs and desired to take her place in the Church. Mary ADAMS came forward to the Church and told her experience. The Church accepted her. Concluded by praise and prayer.

Dec. 18:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. The clerk received a letter from the Baptist Church of Christ in Albany, which certified that they had received Bro. Jeremiah FOX and sister Eunice FOX member of that Church by letters of dismission and recommendation. (2) Joseph GREGORY came forward and told his experience to the Church and gained fellowship. Concluded by prayer.

Jan. 25, 1812:
The Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. Bro. Jonson DAKINS was received a member of this Church by letter of dismission and recommendation from the First Baptist Church at Fish Kill. Elizabeth DAKINS was received as member of this Church by her profession. Concluded by prayer.

Feb. 29:
Church met after prayer and praise. Renewed covenant. Rachael ALBERSON came to the Church and told her experience and was accepted by the Church. Concluded by prayer.

Apr. 26:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. Polly MORRIS came forward to the Church and told her experience and was received by the Church, and likewise, Rebecca MORRIS told her religious experience and was accepted by the Church. Second: Elder OLDSTED, Bro. DAKINS was appointed to visit Sister DREW on account of her not attending meeting. Concluded by prayer.

May 30:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. The Brethren visited Sister DREW according to appointment and she returned to the Church and confessed her wrongs. Rebecah BULLOCK (BULLIN), being dealt with several years ago for misconduct and cut off from the Church privileges, this day returned and confessed her wrongs and is restored to her for her privileges. Sister Nancy VICKERY having withdrawn from this Church and joined herself to the Methodist Society, the Church proceeded to withdraw the hand of fellowship from her.

June 27:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. (2) Sarah WOOD came to the Church and told her Christian experience and was accepted by the Church. And Sister Jerusha GREEN came to the Church and requested a letter of dismission, to which the Church agreed. (4) The Church agreed to give Bro. William BARNAM a letter of dismission by a former request. (5) The Church appointed Brethren, namely: Ephraim JONES. Joshua HAFF and Joel NORTH to visit Sister Sarah DUTCHER to know the reason of her not attending meetings. Concluded by prayer.

July 25:
Church met after prayer and praise, renewed covenant. (2) Rebeccah POPPY came to the Church and told her religious experience and was received by the Church (3) Nancy MOORE came forward to the Church and confessed her wrongs and was restored again to Church privileges. Concluded by prayer.

Aug. 27:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. (2) Lawry UNDERWOOD came to the Church and told her religious experience and the church was satisfied. (3) Elizabeth ALBERSON came to the church and told her religious exercises and the Church was satisfied (4) Almenia BULLOCK, Lydia KNOWLTON and Mary ROBERTSON came to the Church and told their religious exercises and the Church was satisfied. Concluded by prayer.

Sept. 26:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. (2) Benona BULLOCK came to the Church and told her religious experience. The Church satisfied. Rachael BULLOCK came to the Church and told the exercise of her mind. The Church was satisfied. Concluded by prayer. Thanksgiving.

Oct. 31:
Church met after prayer. Renewed covenant. (2) Hall BEBE came to the Church and told her experiences. Church satisfied. (3) A number of church members living in the vicinity of Kinderhook, some belonging to this Church and some to Elder HARRISes Church and some to Elder CHAMPION's Church, sent a request to the Church, praying that they might be set off as a branch of the several churches to which they belong, and the Church agreed to take into consideration. Concluded by prayer.

Nov. 7:
Church met and consulted on the matter of the petition of the Church members at Kinderhook and appointed another Church meeting on the 14th of the present month at Kinderhook at Bro. Peter REYNOLDS for further consideration.

Nov. 14:
Church met at Bro. Peter REYNOLDS according to appointment and consulted further on the matter of the petition and the [ ] concluded with the request of the Church that was best for them to remain as they were.

Nov. 29:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. (2) Sarah BULLOCK told her experiences. The Church satisfied. (3) Oren D. OLMSTED told his experience. The Church satisfied. (4) Agreed to have extra Church meeting on Sat. the 5th day of Dec.

Nov. [sic] 5:
Church met according to appointment. After prayer appointed Bro. HAFF Moderator. Elder OLMSTED brought a complaint against Bro. Levi HUGHSON for hard and ungospel talk to him and his wife and persisting in it when reproved.

Dec. 26:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. (2) Bro. HAFF brought a complaint against Sister Sarah DUTCHER for refusing to sign a certain lease and reporting abroad that he had tried to wrong her in the deal and that he had falsified his word. (3) Church appointed a Committee to look into the difficulty between Elder OLMSTED and Bro. HUGHSON; namely, Bro. Henry TUCKER, Jushua HAFF, Ephraim JONES, Joseph GREGORY, Nordiah SMITH, Joel NORTH. (4) Church agreed to have a Church meeting at Kinderhook Plains on Saturday the 9th of Jan. Next. Appointed Brethren Joel NORTH and Oren D. OLMSTED to cite Sister Dutcher to Church meeting on Saturday the 2nd day of Jan. next, which day was agreed on by the Church to try to settle the difficulty.

Jan. 2, 1813:
There being but two of the Committee present on account of [...a line skipped in the transcription...] the 14th day of the present month.

Jan. 14:

The Committee and parties met according to appointment. Elder OLMSTED brought forward and substantiated his complaint against Bro. HUGHSON and the Committee took up and labored on it, and after hearing the defense of Bro. HUGHSON, they agreed that he had no provocation to talk in the manner that he did and that the matter as well as the manner was wrong. (2) Bro. HAFF brought forward and substantiated his trial with Sister DUTCHER and the Committee, after hearing her defenses judged there being no evidence, that Bro. HAFF was guilty of the charges that she had brought against him and that Sister DUTCHER had done wrong in making such reports about him.

Jan. 30:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. Second, the Committee reported to the Church their acts in the trials of Elder OLMSTED with Bro. HUGHSON, and Bro. HAFF with Sister DUTCHER, with which the church was satisfied. Bro. HUGHSON was present and still held the matter good against Elder OLMSTED. Sister DUTCHER not being present, the Church concluded it not best to proceed to withdraw the hand of fellowship from them, but to waive the matter till the next Church meeting.

Feb. 27:
Church met after prayer and praise. Renewed covenant. (2) Took up the trials of Bro. OLMSTED and Bro. HUGHSON and Bro. HAFF with Sister DUTCHER for consideration. Bro. HAFF with some other members proposed to defer the matter of dealing with them at the present meeting, they both being absent and themselves desirous of taking further labor with them. (3) Brethren Elder OLDSTED, Stephen VAN VORHEES were appointed to cite Sister DUTCHER to the next Church meeting. (4) Sister Elizabeth BEDE requested the Church to give her a letter of dismission and recommendation on account of her being about to remove, to which the Church agreed. (Note 3). The trial with Bro. VANVORHEES, brought to the Church on the 30th of Jan., being minuted on a piece of paper, was forgotten to be transcribed till after the meetings of the last Church meeting, which was as followeth:

Jan. 30:
Bro. NORTH brought a complaint against Bro. VANVORHEES for having a raffling and card play at his house in order to dispose of some geese, which the Church accepted. The Church voted that those Brethren, namely, Joshua HAFF, Oren D. OLMSTED, Nordiah SMITH, Hall BEBE, Benona BULLOCK be a Committee to look into the matter. Bro. OLMSTED was appointed to cite Bro. VANVORHEES to meet the Committee on Thursday evening the 4th of Feb.

Feb. 4:
Committee met after prayer, commencing labor with Bro. VANVORHEES who acknowledged and agreed to confess to the Church at the next Church meeting, which he did to the satisfaction of all present.

March 27:
Church met after praise and prayer, renewed covenant. (2) Samuel LEDINGTON and Sarah LEDINGTON came to the Church and told their Christian experience; the Church satisfied. (3) The Brethren that were appointed to visit Sister DUTCHER and Pro. HUGHSON had not an opportunity; therefore, agreed to wait until the next Church meeting.

April 24:
Church met after prayer and praise and renewed the covenant.

May 29, 1813:
The Church met after praise and prayer, renewed covenant. (2) The trial with Bro. HUGHSON and Sister DUTCHER was taken up and Brother HAFF, who requested another opportunity of labor, not being present, the Church agreed to postpone the matter until next Sabbath, after meeting. (3) Bro. Ephraim JONES brought a trial to the Church against Sister Ann WOODARD who was found guilty of living in fornication or adultery, which the Church received, and proceeded to withdraw the hand of fellowship. (4) Elder OLMSTED, Joseph GREGORY, Oren D. OLMSTED, Daniel ADAMS, Henry TUCKER were appointed delegates to the Associations. Bro. HAFF was at the meeting and said that he had not had an opportunity of laboring with Bro. HUGHSON. Therefore, was referred to the next Church meeting. (6) Anna FORD sent a request to the Church by Elder OLMSTED and requesting that there might be a Church held at Stephen GREGORY's at Sand Lake, she being desirous of telling her mind to the Church and to go forward in Baptism, to which the Church agreed, and to meet at Mr. GREGORY's on Saturday the 5th of June. (7) The Church received a letter from the Baptist Church of Christ at Aurelius, requesting the Church to send Elder OLMSTED and some other Brethren to sit in counsel in order to settle some matters of difficulty between that Church and the Church at Scipio. The Church agreed to send Elder OLMSTED.

June 5:
Church met according to appointment and Anna FORD came forward and told her experience. The Church satisfied.

June 26:
Church met after prayer and praise, renewed covenant. (2) The trial with Bro. HUGHSON and Sister DUTCHER postponed till the next Church meeting.

June 31:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. (2) Sister DUTCHER being present, the Church commenced further labor with her on account of Bro. HAFF's trial with her, but not getting satisfaction, agreed to postpone it until next Church meeting, and also the trial with Elder OLMSTED and Bro. HUGHSON was postponed until the next meeting. The Church agreed to give Sister Rebecah BULLIN a letter of dismission by her request.

July 26:
Church met after praise and prayer, renewed covenant. Church voted to have another meeting on Saturday the 11th of Sept. in order to attend to the matters of difficulty with Elder OLMSTED with Bro. HUGHSON and Bro. HAFF with Sister DUTCHER. Bro. Hector ROBINSON and Sister Mary ROBINSON asked for letters of dismission, to which the Church agreed.

Sept. 11:
Church met after praise and prayer, and entered upon the trial of Bro. HAFF with Sister DUTCHER and proceeded to withdraw the hand of fellowship from Sister DUTCHER. (2) The trial with Elder OLMSTED and Brother HUGHSON postponed till next Church meeting. (3) The Brethren from Kinderhook requested some Brethren to come and help them settle some matters of trial with Bro. DAKIN.

Sept. 25:
Church met after praise and prayer, renewed covenant. (2) Appointed Bro. HAFF Moderator in Elder OLMSTED's trial with Bro. HUGHSON and after some labor the parties and Church agreed to call for some of the Brethren of the Church at Nassau to sit with them in Council on the matter; concluded by prayer, on Tues. the 5th day of October next.

Oct. 5:

Church met according to appointment and the Brethren from Nassau, namely, Elder FARIS, Deacon BROWN, Abel HEDGE, Moses REYNOLDS, Dea. Sr. John and Elder W. WYNES. (1) Chose Elder FARIS, Moderator. After laboring a long time, agreed to adjourn for half hour and the meet at Elder OLMSTED. Met at Elder OLMSTED's according to appointment and re-commenced the labor and all agreed that Bro. HUGHSON had been altogether to blame in talking to Elder OLMSTED and his wife in the manner he did, and held him up to confess that and his wrong in not keeping his travail with the Church, to which Bro. HUGHSON complied and confessed to the satisfaction of all present. Concluded with prayer.

Oct. 30:
Church met after praise and prayer. Renewed covenant. (2) agreed to send some Brethren to visit Bro. HUGHSON to know the reason of his not taking his place and travailing with the Church according to his confession at the last meeting, naming Joel NORTH and Joseph GREGORY. Concluded by prayer.

Nov. 27:
Church met after praise and prayer; renewed covenant. The Brethren appointed to visit Bro. HUGHSON reported that he could not take up with his travel with the Church at present. (3) Appointed the same Brethren, with Elder OLMSTED to conclude the labor with Bro. HUGHSON. (4) Appointed Joseph GREGORY and Benona BULLOCK to visit Sister DAKINS, to know the reason of her not attending meeting and not keeping her travel with the Church. Concluded with prayer.

Dec. 25:
Church met after prayer. Renewed covenant. The appointments at the last church meeting were not attended to. (2) Bro. JONES and HAFF are appointed to visit Bro. LEWIS and Sister LEWIS to know the reason of their not attending meeting and keeping their travel with the Church. (3) Appointed Elder OLMSTED and Bro. JONES to visit Bro. and Sister VANVORHEES to know the reason of their not keeping their travel with the Church (4) Appointed Bro. Joseph GREGORY and Benona BULLOCK to visit Sister Mary MARTIN to know whether she considered herself a member of the Church.

Jan. 29, 1814:
Church met after praise and prayer, renewed covenant. The Brethren appointed to visit Bro. LEWIS, attended to the appointment, and found Bro. LEWIS is in a low situation in his mind, passing through many trials and somewhat difficulted with some of the Church members and hardly strength to take hold of the travels. Sister MARTIN attended the Church meeting and manifested a desire to keep her travel with the Church. The other appointment was not attended to.

Feb. 26:
Church met after praise and prayer, renewed covenant. (2) Sister Sarah LUDINGTON having a trial with Bro. Johnson DAKINS and being in a low state of health, she sent her complaint in writing, which the CHurch accepted and appointed a Church meeting to be held at Bro. LUDINGTON's on Wed. the 9th day of March next, at 12 o'clock to try to settle the difficulties. Concluded by prayer.

March 26:
Chruch met after prayer, renewed covenant (2) The Brethren that were appointed to visit Bro. and Sister VANVORHEES reported that they visited them and found them in a very low situation, but said that they had nothing against anyone but themselves. Sister VANVORHEES manifested some desire to travel with the Church. Concluded by prayer.

April 30:
Church met after prayer, renewed covenant. Appointed Brethren HAFF and OLMSTED to visit the Nassau Church to see if they fest disposed to assist us about the Association. (3) Agreed to call on the Brethren to stay back, to come and take their places. Concluded by prayer.

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Debby Masterson

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