David Phillips, Jr.
David Phillips Jr and wife Bathsheba
to Cyrus C. Phillips

This deed abstract was submitted by the late Lin Van Buren.

Rensselaer Co., NY Deed Book 88 page 82; dated 9 March 1853; recorded 4 June 1853 at 9 o'clock a. m.: David PHILLIPS, Junr. of Greenbush and Bathsheba his wife, grantors; to Cyrus C. PHILLIPS, grantee; for $114.30; quit-claim; 25 acres "known as the Philip WENDEL farm" originally conveyed to David PHILLIPS [Sr] on 19 April 1816. [Grantor David PHILLIPS was a brother of the grantee, and both were sons of the David PHILLIPS who had acquired the land in 1816.]

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Debby Masterson

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