David Andrews
David Andrews and wife Louisa
to Hiram Van Buren
Schodack, 1855

This deed abstract was submitted by the late Lin Van Buren.

Rensselaer Co., NY Deed Book 99, pages 413-414; dated 2 April 1855; recorded 2 January 1867 at 9:45 a. m.: David ANDREWS and Louisa his wife of Schodack, grantors; to Hiram VAN BUREN of Schodack, grantee; $3,000 (with a mortgage of $1,125); a further transaction in respect of the same property and the same people dated the same day for $100 was recorded on 2 January 1867 (Deed Book 134 p428). David and Louisa ANDREWS had acquired this property from James ANDREWS Jr. and wife Mary (Deed Book 99, pages 412-413).

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Debby Masterson

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