Rensselaer County Cemetery Database
This page was last updated 21 March 2021
Rensselaer County Cemetery Database
- with over 93,000 interments -
just click on the first letter of the surname.
(This database excludes Troy; for Troy burials, see below.)
Other Cemetery Records
Additions and Corrections to the RCCD by Clare Radz |
Additions and Corrections to the RCCD by YOU! |
Troy Cemeteries - a compilation of Troy cemetery information as submitted so far |
Troy Burial Records - a major transcription project now in progress |
Rensselaer County Cemetery Addresses |
Rensselaer County Cemetery Locations |
Interments on Rensselaer County Farms |
Styles Funeral Home, Troy, NY - Burial Records, 1909-1927. (For the most part these records are of South Troy residents who were born in Ireland and Poland.) |
Berlin: Interments in the Austin Cemetery |
Grafton: Interments in the Brock Cemetery |
Hoosick: Image of Island Hill Cemetery |
Hoosick: Images of Ostrander Cemetery |
Nassau: Interments in the Valentine Cemetery by Barbara Svetlick |
Poestenkill: Images of Brookside Cemetery |
Sand Lake: Image of Oak Hill
Schaghticoke: Interments in the Webster Cemetery |
Schodack: Interments in Horizon View and Mountain View Cemeteries |
Stephentown: Interments in Garfield Cemetery |
Stephentown: Interments in the Old Presbyterian Cemetery |
Stephentown: Interments in Saint Joseph's Cemetery |
Troy: Interments in the Nail Factory Cemetery (at the Troy Irish Genealogical Society website) |
Troy: Society of Friends interments at Oakwood Cemetery. Debby Masterson for a lookkup..  |
Troy: Interments at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Debby Masterson.for a lookup.  |
Troy: Interments at St. Mary's Cemetery (at the Troy Irish Genealogical Society website) |
Surname collections of gravestone photographs: Starting with WAGAR / WAGER gravestones from various cemeteries in Rensselaer County, NY
NY Gravestone Photo Project - includes photos from the cemeteries of Elmwood (Schaghticoke), Elmwood Hill, Hillside (West Stephentown), Nassau-Schodack (6 gravestones only), Oakwood (22 gravestones only), Old Presbyterian, Pittstown Corners, Saint Jean's, Saint John's New Catholic, Saint Mary's Catholic (Troy), and West Hoosick Rural |
To find out where a particular cemetery is located, click here.
Do your ancestors lie in a well-hidden, overgrown or otherwise unrecorded graveyard somewhere? Do you earnestly wish that someone would record the inscriptions in that cemetery? Well, that someone could be YOU! Betty Fink's Genealogy Page contains advice on how to record gravestone inscriptions, ranging from the simple notebook-and-pencil method to digital-camera-and-palmtop-computer technology.
Many times, researchers have expressed an interest in initiating or contributing towards the restoration of derelict cemeteries or the repair of damaged monuments. Now there is a company that offers just this kind of service. They are New York Cemetery Services of 242-22 54th Avenue in Douglaston, NY 11362. The contact is Bill Haines. Bill writes, "New York Cemetery Services contracts with individuals or organizations to maintain old cemeteries that would otherwise not be kept up. We mow, clean up leaves, and trim brush around an agreed area on schedule. If there are stones that need to be cleaned, reset or repaired, we also provide those services by contract. We use only AGS-approved methods and materials. If local history or genealogical organizations want to sponsor a workshop on the correct ways to clean up and repair gravestones, we can arrange this, too. We don't have a website, but we can be contacted by email at NYCemSvc@AOL.com." New York Cemetery Services is a fee-based, for-profit company which can also be reached by telephone after 7:00 pm at (718) 225-9024.
Additions and corrections to this huge database are welcome. To view them, click here. To submit new additions or corrections for inclusion on the Additions and Corrections page, please write them up in the body of an email message exactly as you wish them to appear and email them to me, Debby Masterson.
Technical stuff: In order to make the 93,000 names in our Rensselaer County Cemetery Database accessible to Googlers, we need to insert links on THIS page directly to those database pages. You are welcome, of course, to use these direct links, or, if you prefer, the above initial-letter-based links still work fine.
A - Acosta
Adam - Agostino
Ahearn - Allegri
Allen - Alysworth
Amadon - Antonio
Appel - Artrory
Asai - Ayrault
B - Baird
Bak - Bantel
Barbcour - Barnhurst
Barnick - Barzee
Bascome - Bazycki
Beach - Beers
Beetin - Bently
Benton - Binks
Biraghy - Blythe
Boardman - Borkman
Bornt - Bovie
Bowden - Bozek
Brachen - Brazie
Breakey - Brillon
Brimmer - Bront
Broods - Brown, Philip
Brown, R. - Bryan, Howard M.
Bryan, Ida - Bulson, Ruby
Bulson, Samuel - Burdick
Burdsell - Burns
Burnside - Byron
C - Campion
Canaan - Carmon
Carn - Carpenter
Carpentier - Case
Casey - Chambeau
Chamberlain - Chumm
Church - Clapp
Clapper - Clefford
Clegg - Colby
Colch - Comstock
Conaly - Converse
Conway - Coonradt, Lydia
Coonradt, Magalena - Corcilius
Corcoran - Cowdery
Cowee - Crandall
Crandell - Cronk
Cronkhite - Cumminskey
Cumo - Czmyr
D'Acchille - Davignon
Davis - DeFreest, Lucas
DeFreest, Madison - Dehler
Dehnert - Denue
Deo - Dickerman
Dickershaid - Dodds
Dodenhoff - Dormody
Dorn - Doyle
Drabit - Dunham
Dunhiser - Dupuree
Duquette - Dziamba
E - Egbert
Egger - Enoch
Enos - Ezis
F - Feeney
Feeny - Filkin
Filkins - Fisher
Fisk - Flowers
Flynn - Fort
Forte - Freehan
Freeman - Fyfe
G - Gardner
Gardnier - Gearin
Geary - Giegengack
Giering - Godecka
Goderre - Goodfellow
Goodhue - Granger
Grant - Green, Katie
Green, L. - Gregory
Gregson - Groesbeck
Groetsch - Gwinn
H - Hall, Grace
Hall, Hannah - Hamilton
Hamlin - Harlen
Harley - Hartman
Hartnagle - Hayes
Hayford - Haywood
Hazard - Henkel
Henley - Herrington
Herrle - Hidley
Hidorn - Hitchcock
Hitzel - Hoffmann
Hoffmeister - Hollis
Hollister - Horton
Horwedel - Hoyt, Gussie
Hoyt, Harriet - Hull
Hullihan - Hurley
Hurliehy - Hyserman
Iacketta - Iwaneczko
J - Johanson
Johnson - Jones, Benjamin
Jones, Bernice - Jones, Phebe
Jones, Polly - Justus
K - Keen
Keenan - Keneston
Kenna - Kiely
Kienhoff - Kinsella
Kinszler - Knapp
Knappen - Kohlhepp
Kohlmeyer - Kyer
L'Amoreaux - Landsberg
Lane - Laplante
Laporte - Lawson
Lawton - Leisk
Leith - Lewis, John
Lewis, Joseph - Link, Nicholas
Link, Orin - Lohnes, Lenar
Lohnes, Leona V. - Loweree, Polly
Loweree, Thomas - Lytle
M'Naughton - Mahchester
Maher - Mandeville
Mando - Martin, Charles H.
Martin, Chrissie - Matteson, Ella
Matteson, Esther M. - McAndrews
McArdle - McCullah
McCulloch - McIntyre
McKay - Meharg
Meher - Michaels
Michales - Miller, Catherine
Miller, Caty - Miller, Margaret
Miller, Maria - Minasian
Minch - Montross
Moody - Morey, Joel
Morey, John B. - Motsiff
Mott - Murphy
Murphy - Myron
Nack - Nial
Nible - Nous
Novakl - Nyhoff
O'Brian - O'Grady
O'Hagan - Olive
Oliver - Ostwald
Oswald - Ozga
P - Parks
Parle - Pearson
Peartree - Percy
Perham - Phillips, Evelyn
Phillips, F. - Pinho
Pink - Polock
Poloski - Powers
Poyneer - Provost
Prue - Pytko
Quackenboss - Quitterfield
R - Rauster
Raver - Reichard, Coonradt
Reichard, Delmar - Reynolds, Julia
Reynolds, Keziah - Riffenburgh
Rigatani - Robinson, Cora
Robinson, Delia - Roosevelt
Root - Rowland, Clarissa
Rowland, D. - Ryals
Ryan - Rytko
S - Sauter
Savage - Schmel
Schmeuser - Scriven
Scrivens - Shapiro
Shappo - Shaxby
Shay - Sherman, Evva
Sherman, Fanny - Shumway
Shurrager - Slack
Slade - Smith, Boyd
Smith, C. - Smith, Howard
Smith, Ida - Smith, infant
Smithers - Snyder, Nicholas
Snyder, Obadiah - Spoor
Spotten - Starkweather
Starr - Stewart-Green
Stewert - Strassburger
Strasser - Sullivan
Sully - Sweet
Swetland - Szetela
Tabb - Teal, Margaret
Teal, Martha - Thompson, Osburn
Thompson, Peter G. - Tobin, John M., Sr.
Tobin, Martin P. - Trow
Troxell - Tyson
Ubrich - Uyttebroeck
V - Van Buren, Mary
Van Buren, Melvin - Van Rensselaer
Van Rheeden - VanDerhorst
Vanderkar - Vickery
Vickrage - Vybiral
W - Wagner, Esther
Wagner, F. - Walsh
Waltenpock - Waterbury
Waterhouse - Weidenbacker
Weiderwax - West, David
West, Desi - Whelan
Wheland - Wiegand
Wiegers - Williams, Forest
Williams, Frances - Wilson, unnamed
Wilt - Wolcott
Wolf - Worth
Worthington - Wysocki
Xander - Xanders
Y - Yuth
Zachares - Zyromski

Send comments or suggestions to:
Debby Masterson
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