Orville E. Bosca
City of Troy

This biography is from Troy and Rensselaer County, New York, Volume III, by Rutherford Hayner, Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., New York and Chicago, 1925. It was submitted by Debby Masterson.

ORVILLE E. BOSCA—In private enterprises and public endeavor, Mr. Bosca has for many years been a leading figure in the city of Troy, particularly since the annexation of the suburb of Lansingburg, in which he was formerly one of the foremost men in the public service.

Orville E. Bosca was born at Chazy, Clinton County, New York, May 17, 1867. His education was acquired in the public schools of that community and at the age of twelve years he came to Lansingburg, now a part of Troy, where he continued his school attendance for a time. He was still only a young lad however, when he entered the business world, securing a position in a grocery store in Lansingburg, and he followed this line of work both as an employe and as an owner for many years. Early in his career Mr. Bosca became interested in public affairs, supporting the Republican party, and while still active in the town administration of Lansingburg, he served in many appointive and elective officers. He was town clerk of Lansingburg, was secretary of the town board and of the Board of Health, also was registrar of Vital Statistics for both the village and town of Lansingburg, filling all of these offices at the time of the annexation of the town of Lansingburg to the city of Troy, and being the last to hold these offices in old Lansingburg. He was elected alderman from the Seventeenth Ward immediately following the annexation and served in this capacity for six years, during which period he was the Republican floor leader of the Board of Aldermen. In 1915 Mr. Bosca became identified with the Troy Auto Car Company, Incorporated, which he served as a director for three years. This company was formed to operate a line of busses on Fifth Avenue, Troy, and was officered as follows: William Schupp, president; Jean Schupp, vice-president; and G. A. Van Derbilt, treasurer. In 1918 a group of local people bought out the Schupps and re-organized the enterprise under the name of the Troy Auto Car Company, Incorporated, the personnel of the new organization being as follows: Arthur B. Cobden, president; Orville E. Bosca, vice-president, assistant treasurer and assistant manager; and George A. Van Derbilt, treasurer and manager. A further change in the organization was made in 1923, when the title became the Troy Fifth Avenue Bus Company, Incorporated, Mr. Cobden continuing as president, Mr. Van Derbilt as vice-president, Mr. Bosca as treasurer and general manager, H. C. Morrissey as assistant treasurer and assistant manager, and M. V. Harvey as secretary. They operate a line of busses on Fifth Avenue now numbering twelve, while the law permits them fifteen. With thirty-four employes, they are giving the public prompt and efficient service and as a corporation are held in high esteem in the city. They own their present quarters, which consist of a fireproof building erected in 1921, 50x100 in ground dimensions, and have a very considerable acreage of land adjoining for future development. They also sell gasolene and automobile parts, and are equipped with extensive storage facilities which they use commercially. As the active manager of this business, Mr. Bosca is carrying it forward to great success, his large experience and natural ability counting largely in its progress. He is a member of the Troy Chamber of Commerce, and is a director of the Rensselaer County Republican Club, also a member of the Troy Automobile Club. He was a charter member of the Twinning Steamer Company and is still a member of this organization and an exempt fireman. He was one of the founders and was the first grand knight of Lansingburg, of the Knights of Columbus, holding the fourth degree, and he also was one of the founders and was first commodore of the Troy Motor Boat and Canoe Club. His religious affiliation is with St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church.

Mr. Bosca married, on November 26, 1884, when only a little more than seventeen years of age, Lillian F. Brayton, of Lansingburg, who died leaving three children: Wilbur C, educated in Lansingburg public school, engaged in the grocery business formerly owned and conducted by his father; married Esther M. Doyle, and they have one daughter, Lillian Frances; Albert E. and Frances M., both died in the influenza epidemic of 1919.

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Debby Masterson

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