Clarence W. Ferguson City of Troy |
C[larence] W. FERGUSON—Few business men in the city of Troy are better known than is C[larence] W. Ferguson, president of the C. W. Ferguson Collar Company. Mr. Ferguson has been identified with the collar manufacturing industry since the beginning of his active career and is officially associated with several other concerns engaged in that line of manufacture, as well as with other important concerns engaged in other activities.
Mr. Ferguson was born in Troy, New York, June 29, 1873, and is a son of Nathan B. and Jeannette (Taylor) Ferguson, both deceased. He received a careful education in the public schools of Troy and began his connection with the collar manufacturing industry on February 28, 1888, as office boy, in the employ of Miller, Hall and Hartwell. He remained with that firm for a period of eight years, filling acceptably various positions until he severed his connection in 1896 to accept a position with the Troy & Cohoes Shirt Company, with whom he remained three years in charge of the collar and shirt department. Eleven years of continuous experience in Troy's most important manufacturing industry had well prepared him to venture into business for himself, and on May 1, 1899, he entered into partnership with E. H. Brown, under the firm name of E. H. Brown & Company, doing a small contracting business. In 1899 the name of the firm was changed to Brown, Ferguson & Company, when additional space was taken adjoining the original quarters, at No. 521 River street.
This business was continued until January 24, 1900, when Mr. Ferguson
purchased the entire interest of E. H. Brown. On October 24, 1900, the business having outgrown its quarters, it was moved to the corner of First Street and Second Avenue. Soon after that the firm was incorporated under the name of the C. W. Ferguson Company. From that time on the business continued to grow very rapidly and on October 1, 1906, the capital stock was increased and a new corporation formed under the name of the C. W. Ferguson Collar Company. Shortly after this time, the business was moved to a new building at Nos. 383-393 Third Avenue. North Troy. This change gave the firm about four times the space it had in its previous quarters, and the business has continued in a prosperous condition ever since. In addition to the successful conduct of his own flourishing enterprise, Mr. Ferguson is also connected with several other manufacturing and general business concerns. He is a member of the board of directors of the Manufacturers' National Bank, of the Lion Collars & Shirts, Inc., of the Wayside Telephone and Auto Service Company, and of the Flashwriter Company. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Association of Collar Manutacturers, and in that important official and executive position renders efficient service, keeping in close touch with the developments of the collar industry throughout the country. Locally he is vice-president of the board of directors of the Troy Chamber of Commerce, and he takes an active part in all movements planned for the advancement of the public welfare in Troy. During the World War he was one of the most
active in carrying his community "over the top" in all the Liberty Loan drives, and he has always been ready to give his earnest support to the various community activities.
Politically he is a Republican. He is a prominent member of the Masonic order, being affiliated with the Phoenix Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons; Phoenix Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; Bloss Council, Royal and Select Masters; Apollo Commandery, Knights Templar, being a life member of all the bodies. He is also a member of all the Scottish Rite bodies, including Delta Lodge of Perfection; Delta Council, Princes of Jerusalem; Delta Chapter, Rose Croix; and of the Albany Sovereign Consistory, in which he holds the thirty-second degree. In addition, he is a member of the Oriental Temple, Order of the Mystic Shrine; and Iran Grotto. He is well-known in club circles, being a member of the Troy Club; a member, a director, and a former president of the Riverside Club; a member of the Westminster Club; a director of the Troy Boys' Club; and president of the Troy Rotary Club, having been elected in 1923 to serve until 1924. He is a member of the board of directors of the Young Men's Christian Association, and his religious affiliation is with the Westminster Presbyterian Church, in which he serves as a member of the board of trustees and of the board of deacons.
Mr. Ferguson is well-known and most highly esteemed in the city of Troy, where his sterling qualities of character have won him a host of friends, not only among his business associates, but among those who are associated with him in other connections.
C. W. Ferguson married, on June 3, 1896, Harriet May Frost, daughter
of James H. and Hannah R. (Russell) Frost, and they are the parents
of two children: 1. Elisabeth Frost, who was born May 26, 1900, and received her education in the public schools, graduating from Lansingburg High School, and from the Bennett School, of Millbrook. 2. Clarence W., Jr., who was born October 30, 1902, receiving his early education in Lansingburg public schools, then graduating from the Lansingburg
High School, from which he went to the Tome Preparatory School, at Port Deposit, New York, preparatory to entering Dartmouth College, whence he transferred to the University of Wisconsin, and expects to graduate with the class of 1926.