William Henry Warren City of Troy |
WILLIAM HENRY WARREN—Few citizens in Troy are better known than is William Henry Warren, president of the Fuller & Warren Company, Inc., a concern which is engaged in the manufacture of stoves. The Warrens have been residents of Troy for more than two hundred and twenty years, and have been associated with the Fuller & Warren Company since 1865.
Born in Troy, New York, June 3, 1867, William Henry Warren is a son of Walter Phelps and of Martha Mabbett (Warren) Warren (see preceding sketch). After receiving his early and preparatory education in St. John's School at Ossining, New York, he became a student in Trinity College at Hartford, Connecticut. In 1888 he began his long connection with the firm of Fuller & Warren Company, Inc., in the capacity of office boy. After the completion of his college course he at once resumed his connection with the firm of which his father was president, and during the more than thirty-five years which have passed since that time he has been continuously devoting his energies to the advancement of the interests of that organization. He was made purchasing agent, treasurer, vice-president, and finally, in 191 5, was elected chief executive of the company. For the past eight years he has fully demonstrated his ability, and under his able directions the business to which his father gave so large a share of his active career has continued to grow and prosper. Mr. Warren is also a director of the Fuller-Warren Company, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is prominent in the organizations of the stove manufacturing industry in State and Nation as president of the Association of Stove Manufacturers of New York and Pennsylvania, and as vice-president and chairman of the executive committee of the National Association of Stove Manufacturers of the United States. In addition to his responsibilities in connection with the stove manufacturing industry Mr. Warren is officially connected with several other business and financial organizations. He is a member of the board of directors and one of the original organizers of the Troy Trust Company; was formerly a director and is now a member of the re-organization committee of the Walter A. Word Mowing and Reaping Machine Company, of Hoosick Falls, New York; is a director of the Troy & Cohoes Railroad Company, and of the Lansingburg & Cohoes Railroad Company, and was the first treasurer and later vice-president and a member of the board of directors for ten years of the Troy Chamber of Commerce. He also renders service in official capacity in several semi-philanthropic institutions, as trustee of Troy Orphan Asylum, of Marshall Sanitarium, and of Samaritan Hospital.
Politically he gives his support to the Republican party, but has never
sought political office. During the World War he was active in the various Liberty Loan and other war drives. He is well known in club circles, being a member of the Troy Club, the Troy Riding Club, Van Schaick Island Country Club, and the Elks Club; and his religious affiliation is with St. Paul's Episcopal Church, which he has served as vestryman.
On January 5, 1893, William Henry Warren married Carolyn E. Gleason, daughter of Samuel O. Gleason, formerly a prominent banker in Troy and for many years cashier of the Troy Manufacturers' National Bank, and of Mary (Burdick) Gleason, of Troy, New York, both deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Warren are the parents of one daughter, Mary Rogers Warren, who was born July 7, 1896.