James F. Brearton, LL., B. City of Troy |
JAMES F. BREARTON, LL. B.—In professional circles in the city of Troy, New York, Mr. Brearton is a noteworthy figure, having attained marked success in his legal practice. He is prominent in fraternal and club circles and in athletic sports as well.
James F. Brearton was born in Troy, New York, November 11, 1874,
and is a son of Thomas and Margaret (Walsh) Brearton, both now deceased. Receiving his early education at St. Joseph's Parochial School,
in Troy, he later attended La Salle Institute, from which he was graduated
in the class of 1892. He then entered Albany Law School, and was
graduated from that institution in the class of 1896, with the degree of
Bachelor of Laws. Admitted to the bar in the same year and when still
only about twenty-one years of age, he took up his practice immediately
and has since continued, with constantly increasing success, always
practicing alone. Mr. Brearton's ability and his deep interest in the public
well-being brought him much into the public eye and he was early ranked among the leaders of the Democratic party in Troy. In 1904 he was elected city clerk and served for two years, then in 1907-08, he served as transfer tax appraiser of Rensselaer County. Although in later years he has not accepted official responsibility, he has given largely of his time and energies to the various interests of the community, supporting any movement or endeavor which promised to advance the public good. Mr. Brearton is a member of the Rensselaer County Bar Association, of which he is also a trustee. A resident of Beman Park, he is a member of the Beman Park Neighborhood Association and serves as chairman of the executive committee of this organization. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, of Troy, and his recreations follow the line of outdoor sports. He is a member of the Laureate Boat Club, and at the country house of the club he plays tennis and handball, but takes particular delight in boating. He is a charter member of Troy Council, Knights of Columbus, and St. Paul the Apostle Parish of the Roman Catholic Church, at Beman Park.
Mr. Brearton married Sara E. Treanor, daughter of Hugh and Anna
B. (Goode) Treanor. Mr. and Mrs. Brearton are the parents of two
children: James and Eleanor.