Moses Warren City of Troy |
MOSES WARREN was born on the 22d of September, in the year 1820. His grandfather, Daniel Warren, was born at Westborough, Mass., and was at the battle of Bunker Hill. His father, Moses Warren, Sr., was born in New Hampshire, removed to the town of Hoosick, in Rensselaer County, about the year 1806, and was in 1821 elected sheriff of the county. After attending the common schools at Hoosick, Moses Warren, the subject of this sketch, prepared for college at Ballard Seminary in Bennington, Vt., and with Joseph Fellows, of Troy. He entered Williams College in 1837, and was graduated in August, 1841. He entered as a student the law-office of Rufus & Martin I. Townsend in February, 1841, remained two years, and in the office of Kellogg & Strong one year. He was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court on the 17th of May, 1844, and began practice in Troy. In 1845 he was appointed justice of the Justices' Court of Troy. After the adoption of the new constitution the office was made elective, and he filled it by election till 1859. Mr. Warren was elected surrogate of Rensselaer in 1859, and again in 1863. Was appointed, on the resignation of Judge Strait, to fill vacancy, and in 1871 was again elected for six years, and again elected in 1877 for six years; still holds the office.
Mr. Warren has always been a Democrat. In 1860 he was a member of the Democratic National Convention at Charleston, and supported Stephen A. Douglas for the presidency. Again, in 1868, he was a member of the National Democratic Convention in New York, at which Governor Seymour was nominated for President.
Mr. Warren has been distinguished throughout his long official career for the impartial and conscientious discharge of his duties.