Addresses for
Rensselaer County Places of Worship
This page was last updated 28 Mar 2012
Below is a list of links to pages containing the addresses of Rensselaer County, New York churches and other places of worship listed in Internet yellow pages. If you have additions or corrections, please email
Debby Masterson.
It is worth remembering that genealogy is probably not the top priority of most religious institutions. Staff are employed to administer to the needs of the current congregation. If you telephone one of these churches, it is unlikely that the church secretary who takes your call can help you on the spot.
It is also a courtesy to do your own research in the church records of those churches that have long ago allowed their records to be microfilmed and disseminated for genealogical purposes through the LDS Church's network of Family History Centers or through local libraries, for example. Why should a busy church secretary search for our ancestors when we can do this ourselves? On the other hand, many churches have NOT yet allowed their records to be microfilmed. You might want to seize every opportunity to encourage them to do so, to make life easier not only for us genies but for themselves!
In 1942, the US government's Works Progress Administration (WPA) of the Franklin Roosevelt administration during the Great Depression compiled a list of churches and the records they then held. Pat Connors has posted the list for Rensselaer County, NY on her excellent Rensselaer County website, and I highly recommend a visit. You can go there and view the list by clicking
Tina Ordone's information-packed Stephentown Genealogy website has information about churches in Stephentown.