Rensselaer County, NY GenWeb site - Maps
Rensselaer County

This page was last updated 1 Aug 2013

Most of the links on this page are to maps offsite, that is, elsewhere on the Internet. If you notice a link that doesn't work, please report it to me, Debby Masterson, so that I can try to establish where that offsite website may have moved. All maps are graphics. In order to show enough detail to be of use to you, they have to be of a high resolution, and this makes the graphic file VERY LARGE. That means it takes a long time to download. These maps may take five minutes or more to load, depending on your computer. The maps, then, are probably best enjoyed when you are not pressed for time! The maps below marked "15-Minute Quadrangle" are at the website of the University of New Hampshire Library. The dates vary and are specified in the table below. The maps give topographical detail, such as contour lines and bodies of water, and they show villages, roads, rail lines, houses/buildings (not labelled) and sometimes the names of peaks. They are detailed enough that you may well see here information not found anywhere else. The state of New York has been divided into 15-minute grid lines; in this usage, "15 minutes" means one-quarter of a degree of the earth's surface. You can see the whole grid for New York state by clicking here; that will help you visualize what the quadrangles are. Rensselaer County fits, almost entirely, into four of these 15-minute quadrangle maps. The four maps are called (clockwise starting from the northeastern corner) the Hoosick Quadrangle, the Berlin Quadrangle, the Troy Quadrangle and the Cohoes Quadrangle (don't be misled by the fact that Cohoes is in Albany County - this map still shows the northwestern quarter of Rensselaer County). In addition, three of the adjoining 15-minute quadrangle maps show parts of Rensselaer County, so I've included links to those, too. When you click on the links below, you are taken to a menu page where you can decide which part of the chosen quadrangle map you want to view. Each map you view, then, is about 1/16 of the county. At this menu page, you can also see a list of all the towns covered by that quadrangle map. In some instances, you are offered on this menu page some even more detailed "7.5-minute" maps of locations in our county, such as Eagle Bridge. Have fun!

Modern Maps
MapQuest Key in any address, click and view a map of the neighborhood.
Jimapco Hard-copy, detailed modern maps of the area, sold
online or at service stations in Rensselaer County.

Historical Maps
Hudson River Valley maps (both historical and modern)
Manor of Rensselaerwyck 1767
Battlefield of Battle of Bennington, 1777 (drawn in 1780)
Brunswick 1790
Petersburgh 1876
Rensselaer County 1880
Troy 1881

15-Minute Quadrangle
Historical Maps
Name of mapYearsTowns shown
Hoosick Quadrangle 1897 Grafton [NY, not NH], Hoosick,
Petersburgh [NY, not NH], Pittstown,
also 7.5-minute maps of
villages/hamlets of
Eagle Bridge (in Hoosick),
Grafton (in Grafton), and
Hoosick Falls (in Hoosick)
Berlin Quadrangle 1898 Berlin, Grafton, Nassau,
Petersburgh, Poestenkill,
Sand Lake and Stephentown;
also 7.5-minute maps of
villages/hamlets of
Taborton (in Sand Lake),
Stephentown Center (in Stephentown),
and Berlin (in Berlin).
Troy Quadrangle 1893,
Brunswick, East Greenbush,
Grafton, Nassau, North Greenbush,
Poestenkill, Sand Lake, Schodack,
Stephentown, the City of Rensselaer,
and the City of Troy
Cohoes Quadrangle 1898,
Brunswick, Grafton,
Pittstown, and Schaghticoke
Albany Quadrangle 1893,
Greenbush (became
City of Rensselaer in 1897)
Coxsackie Quadrangle 1894,
part of Schodack
Kinderhook Quadrangle 1903,
part of Nassau
part of Schodack

Other Present-Day Maps
Rensselaer County
quick-loading, simple, a good overview
City of Troy - 10 maps of various neighbourhoods of Troy

Send comments or suggestions to:
Debby Masterson

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