Charles J. Ryemiller
City of Troy

This biography is from Troy and Rensselaer County, New York, Volume III, by Rutherford Hayner, Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., New York and Chicago, 1925. It was submitted by Debby Masterson.

CHARLES J. RYEMILLER—United States postmaster at West Sand Lake, New York, Mr. Ryemiller is also the proprietor of one of the leading dry goods and general stores in that town. He was born at West Sand Lake, December 2, 1886, son of John and Catherine (Herman) Ryemiller. His parents were residents of West Sand Lake and had long been identified with the business and social life of the community.

Mr. Ryemiller received his education in the public schools of his native town, and after having completed his studies, decided to go to New York City in search of business opportunities. He had no difficulty in securing an agreeable and profitable connection with the Knickerbocker Ice Company, at New York, and remained in the company's service for the long period of twelve years. He found life in the nation's metropolis pleasant and interesting, and the years he spent with the Knickerbocker Ice Company were destined to give him a broad and thorough understanding of the complexities of modern life, the conditions prevalent in business and industrial centers, and the factors determining success in any field of business activity. Mr. Ryemiller might have continued his connection with the Knickerbocker Ice Company had it not been for an increasing desire to return to his old home, a desire shared by his wife, who is a native of West Sand Lake. In 1918, a year after his marriage, Mr. Ryemiller saw an excellent opportunity for the establishment of a general store at West Sand Lake, and decided to invest his capital in the venture. Returning thither with his wife, he founded the Ryemiller general store, and met with immediate success from the very beginning. He has always maintained the highest standards of commercial service, dealing only in goods of recognized worth and keeping a full stock of staple articles always on hand, so as to be able to supply his customers without delay. His efforts in these directions are appreciated by his fellow-townsmen, who have not hesitated to give him their regular patronage, having the utmost confidence in the quality of everything sold at his establishment.

In May, 1920, Mr. Ryemiller was appointed United States postmaster at West Sand Lake, an office he now holds. Although he is not formally affiliated with any political party, he nevertheless takes an active interest in local issues and is a firm supporter of progressive policies, whether in government or business. He is a leader in every movement that has for its object the furtherance of public welfare and the promotion of business prosperity, and he is generally regarded as a public-spirited citizen. Mr. Ryemiller is a Mason, holding membership in East Greenbush Lodge, No. 89, Free and Accepted Masons.

On May 5, 1917, Mr. Ryemiller married at West Sand Lake, Myrline Teal, daughter of Henry and Anna (Rollman) Teal. Mr. and Mrs. Ryemiller have one son, Charles, Jr., who was born at West Sand Lake, New York.

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Debby Masterson

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